forcing a superpower to collapse do to excessive spending


That is what some say we did to the Soviet Union.

Who is it that has turned the tables on us and is causing us to fall into the same trap?
Actually, the Soviet Union did it all by themselves, by implementing an economic system (mostly socialism) that is unviable and tends to let people slide into sloth and non-productivity. Reagan gave them a little push with his arms buildup, which they couldn't afford to match, but they would have collapsed in a few years anyway due to their own overwhelming internal economic problems.
Oh my God.

You just admitted what most cons fight to the death about.

The USSR was already in big time trouble before Reagan cmae along. It was Grobachev who changed the USSR and not Reagan.

Thanks for that one BUT, now are we going to let our super power do the same fucking thing to its self?

We need to leave Iraq and do what is BEST for OUR nation.
You just admitted what most cons fight to the death about.
They do? You really need to stop getting your information solely from DNC talking points.

It was Grobachev who changed the USSR and not Reagan.
No, it was V.I. Lenin and Josef Stalin, and a few others in that time frame. They brought socialism to Russia and clamped a severe police state over all its people. It was doomed from that point on, whether Reagan and Gorby showed up later or not. Reagan gave them an extra push as I said, and Gorby made the mistake of letting people see what a little freedom could do, right when things were getting really miserable in the USSR. They wanted more, and so wound up kicking out the entire government.

Gorbachev didn't kill the Soviet Union, any more than the last few tons of water into the Titanic's hull killed the ship. Steering the ship at high speed into an ice field at night when you couldn't see the bergs ahead, was what sank the Titanic. And steering into socialism while preventing people from benefitting from their own hard work, killed the Soviet Union. Gorby just happened to be there when the final collapse came.
Oh my God.

You just admitted what most cons fight to the death about.

The USSR was already in big time trouble before Reagan cmae along. It was Grobachev who changed the USSR and not Reagan.

Thanks for that one BUT, now are we going to let our super power do the same fucking thing to its self?

We need to leave Iraq and do what is BEST for OUR nation.

Actually Gorbachev's market reforms hurt the Soviet Union if anything. He just took a terrible top-down approach.

Which actually may be a good thing. Take a look at the successful market reforms over in China.
Gorbachev changed the face of the USSR.

It collapsed on its own and would have no matter what anyone would have done.

To claim that conservatives dont credit Ronny with the fall of communism in the USSR is just laughable you fool.

NOW who is it that is trying to spend our country into oblivian?