Forcing Americans To Wear Masks


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“A fiscal stimulus plan that would have incredibly high bang for the buck would be for the government to print up masks,” Furman said. “And mail them out to every American and tell every American to wear them.” [“tell” is doublespeak for force.]

Former Obama adviser wants universal mask giveaway as 'stimulus'
By WND News Services
Published July 4, 2020 at 12:45pm

The day is coming when the scum in government will force every American to submit to vaccinations. So why not masks? Everything television mouths say about coronavirus infections and deaths is a lie.

Note that television mouths are reporting ‘nine million infected by COVID-19'. That is the only lie that will grow in numbers until the liars jack it up to a billion. The truth is: Fewer than a hundred people actually died from coronavirus. QUESTION: Where is your proof? ANSWER: In death certificates, and in the fact lying scum control the ‘news.’

Coronavirus hustlers caught the the money months ago. Tax dollars will pay for manufacturing and distributing approximately 300 million masks. Do the math. Fifteen dollars per mask multiplied by 300 million, and that is not counting replacement costs year after year until the end of time. (Fifteen dollars is the rock bottom price when government parasites are spending tax dollars.)

Now ask yourself how much mask-money will end up in the pockets of television mouths? and in the offshore bank accounts of every liar with a public voice like this hustler?

Tie coerced tax dollars to every parasite freak’s obsession with convincing the world they are decent human beings. Payoff: There is no better way to assuage self-loathing than forcing everybody to obey the government priesthood.

Finally, there is no payoff for parasites in protecting patients from staph infections. That tells me that government priests will play hell convincing anybody they are decent human:

Before hundreds of billions more tax dollars are sent into the healthcare system —— hospital deaths caused by hospitals should be reduced to zero.

Aside from the other horrors the number of patients that die each year in hospitals from infections they picked up in the hospital is tragic beyond words.

One of my heartfelt reforms focused on hospital deaths caused by staph infections that patients pick up in unsanitary hospitals. Conditions will worsen after millions of parasites get jobs with lifetime tenure attached. Unions will see to it that no dues-paying, filthy, lazy bum will ever be fired.

J. R. Dunn puts deaths from iatrogenic "superbug" infection at 30,000 a year in Great Britain. This excerpt is from the same article about Sarah Plain:
Coronavirus hustlers caught the money months ago. Tax dollars will pay for manufacturing and distributing approximately 300 million masks. Do the math. Fifteen dollars per mask multiplied by 300 million, and that is not counting replacement costs year after year until the end of time. (Fifteen dollars is the rock bottom price when government parasites are spending tax dollars.)

Now ask yourself how much mask-money will end up in the pockets of television mouths? and in the offshore bank accounts of every liar with a public voice like this hustler?

Mask-money is a drop in the ocean compared to forced-vaccination-money.

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn said it was “concerning” that a new survey found more than a quarter of adults would “definitely” or “probably” not accept a free coronavirus vaccine.

During a discussion about the possible timetable for developing a vaccine, Hahn was asked what happens if all of those people refuse.

The answer is easy. Vaccinate everybody by force.

“It is a sizable number. And it is concerning. And, of course, the issue of vaccines in this country has been around for a number of years,” he said on ABC News’ “This Week.”

“What I can say is, one of the major reasons we issued this guidance was we wanted to give clarity about what we were going to look at, what we need to look at, and that FDA — the nation’s FDA — has incredible scientific expertise and we will do our job to assess the safety and the efficacy of a vaccine candidate,” he continued.

“I want to assure the American people of that and provide confidence that we’re on the job.”

The ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 27 percent were wary of getting a vaccine. Of those, half said they don’t trust vaccines and 23 percent said they didn’t think it was necessary.

But 71 percent of respondents said they “definitely” or “probably” would get a COVID-19 vaccine.

Any time you see a poll conducted by Democrats always reverse the percentages for the truth. The Parasite Class makes up approximately 27 percent of the population. That 27 percent would force the other 73 percent to get vaccinated.

Hahn said a vaccine was being developed with “unprecedented” speed
— but stopped short of President Trump’s prediction on Saturday that one could be ready before the end of the year.

“I can’t predict when a vaccine will be available. And I just want to tell you about FDA’s role in this. Yes, we are seeing unprecedented speed for the development of a vaccine,” Hahn said.

Legislation —— and machinery —— that implements forced vaccination is being developed faster than the vaccine.

“But as you know … we issued guidance this past week about vaccine development because we want to be very clear, our solemn promise to the American people is that we will make a decision based upon the data and science on a vaccine with respect to the safety and effectiveness of that vaccine.”

FDA commissioner ‘concerned’ quarter of Americans could reject coronavirus vaccine
By Mark Moore
July 5, 2020 | 1:44pm

Data and science my ass. The government will vaccinate everybody with water before they lose the initiative to vaccinate by force. In short: Greedy parasites in government want credit for saving the world before the public realizes coronavirus is no worse than a common cold.