Foreclosures spiked in August


Villified User
Foreclosures spiked in August
Rising payments on adjustable-rate mortgages contribute to 53% jump in foreclosures.
By Les Christie, staff writer
September 13 2006: 2:45 PM EDT

NEW YORK ( -- With real estate markets slowing and mortgage rates well above levels of recent years, times are getting tougher for homeowners - the number of homes entering into some stage of foreclosure is surging, according to a survey released Wednesday.

In August, 115,292 properties entered into foreclosure, according to RealtyTrac, an online marketplace for foreclosure sales. That was 24 percent above the level in July and 53 percent higher than a year earlier.
Where foreclosures are jumping
Year over year gain in homes in foreclosure.

* Nevada: Up 255%

* California: Up 160%

* Florida: Up 62%

It was the second highest monthly foreclosure total of the year; in February, 117,151 properties entered foreclosure.

Some of the bellwether real estate market states are among the leading foreclosure markets. Florida, had more than 16,533 properties in foreclosure in August. That led all states and was 50 percent higher than in July and 62 percent higher than in August 2005.

California foreclosures are increasing at an even faster annual rate, up 160 percent since last year to 12,506. And the formerly red-hot Nevada market recorded a spike of 24 percent compared with July and a whopping 255 percent increase from August 2005.

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Good news for me. Bad news for them.

The only way I can afford a house is if this housing market is pricked.
Count me in that boat too. My goal is too own a home by next year. Should be able to swing it. Hope prices plummet.
Prices around here are definitely coming down. There was a mother daughter listed for 299K in a decent neighborhood I wanted to bid on. A year ago, you couldn't find any decent single family under 300K. Quite a few now.
Housing market is not anywhere near tanking.
Foreclosures are up from next to nothing. LOL
Housing prices are still predicted to rise on average.
Of course there are stupid borrowers that take on too much debt.
Is this a newsflash.
That said being a renter a housing tanking would be welcome by me.
Ahh say 45% drop in prices.
Housing market is not anywhere near tanking.
Foreclosures are up from next to nothing. LOL
Housing prices are still predicted to rise on average.
Of course there are stupid borrowers that take on too much debt.
Is this a newsflash.
That said being a renter a housing tanking would be welcome by me.
Ahh say 45% drop in prices.

You renting and pick on me about finiancial stuff.. sheesh....
How does renting have anything to do with my net worth.
I moved to New Orleans post Kartina, do you have a clue what prices and availablilty were?
Actually, I'm thinking you can probably get some really good deals in NO now. What with all that wreckage and practically no school system.
Housing prices are up about 50% if you can find something in a decent area.
Even flooded totally destroyed houses are selling for 60% of prestorm prices.
That's too hot for me. And my company is moving 25 miles North, I should be able to pick up a nice little country house for about $200,000 in a yr.
I'm hoping our new location Covington will be far enough North that in a yr the market is settled.
We totally lost 200,000 homes. Kinda puts a crimp on supply. And we're one of the poorer areas of the country so no builders are rushing in to throw up new ones.
Looked it up and agree that gentiriciation is happening and will continue to happen in NO.
I forcast this right after the hurricane. Just did not know what to call it. I knew the po folks would not be able to afford to live in a rebuilt NO.