Foreign Aid Package Passed by the Dem-led Senate


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-U.S. Border Crisis-$0

-U.S. VETS-$0

-Drug Problem-$0

The GOP had a chance to work with Democrats and do something meaningful about the border crisis.

They refused.

Give it up fella. That package would have done nothing to secure the border, and in fact it would have allowed 5,000 or so illegals to come in per week.
Biden could have reversed every single one of Trump's strong and effective border measures with the tip of his pen by ushering in executive orders the
way Trump did, like his Remain in Mexico policy. Most of that package you speak of had absolutely nothing to do with securing the border. We need to
get that border czar camela harris back to finding out the root causes of these millions of biden's illegals crossing daily into a welcoming democrat world
of insane asylum. Two hundred miles or so border wall were left for biden to sell for a nickel on the dollar instead of helping to secure the border.
Give it up fella. That package would have done nothing to secure the border, and in fact it would have allowed 5,000 or so illegals to come in per week.
Biden could have reversed every single one of Trump's strong and effective border measures with the tip of his pen by ushering in executive orders the
way Trump did, like his Remain in Mexico policy. Most of that package you speak of had absolutely nothing to do with securing the border. We need to
get that border czar camela harris back to finding out the root causes of these millions of biden's illegals crossing daily into a welcoming democrat world
of insane asylum. Two hundred miles or so border wall were left for biden to sell for a nickel on the dollar instead of helping to secure the border.

Wrong, all wrong

The number 5,000 was thrown around because it was the limit set for any particular day, and at that point, the border would close until those people were processed. The idea being dealing with the immigrants as they crossed the border rather than shipping them across the nation to wait three years for a hearing

And Trump didn’t close the border, all bullshit, his EO was tossed in the Courts, and he shipped back less illegals in four years than Biden has in three. He also built minimal new border wall, most of what was accomplished was repairing existing barriers, and Mexico didn’t pay one dime

Immigration reform can not be done via EO, it has to come legislatively, which the GOP had the chance to do and blew it, just proved they really don’t give a rat’s ass about immigration other than pimping it as a political issue. Absolutely how little MAGA actually understands about immigration law
Give it up fella. That package would have done nothing to secure the border, and in fact it would have allowed 5,000 or so illegals to come in per week.
Biden could have reversed every single one of Trump's strong and effective border measures with the tip of his pen by ushering in executive orders the
way Trump did, like his Remain in Mexico policy. Most of that package you speak of had absolutely nothing to do with securing the border. We need to
get that border czar camela harris back to finding out the root causes of these millions of biden's illegals crossing daily into a welcoming democrat world
of insane asylum. Two hundred miles or so border wall were left for biden to sell for a nickel on the dollar instead of helping to secure the border.

The Bill would have provided $2.104 billion for an additional border wall, as well as $496.2 million to fund 22,000 Border Patrol Agents.

Also in the bill - $305.4 million for additional non-intrusive inspection technology, $276 million for new border security technology and $149 million to sustain current border security technology programs.

Yet the GOP said NO to building the wall and funding MORE Border Patrol agents to help keep illegal immigrants out.
Exactly, first real reform of immigration law in half a century, and the GOP turned it down solely cause of the Messiah

GOP Congressmen were told any border bill passed now would be a win for Democrats right before the election, and the GOP can't let that happen, so the GOP killed the bill.
-U.S. VETS-$0

Biden requested $301.4 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2023. He will request more than a trillion for veterans over his first four year term. Republicans have argued this is way too much.

You can argue it is too much, too little, just right, but there is no argument that it is zero.
Give it up fella. That package would have done nothing to secure the border, and in fact it would have allowed 5,000 or so illegals to come in per week.
Biden could have reversed every single one of Trump's strong and effective border measures with the tip of his pen by ushering in executive orders the
way Trump did, like his Remain in Mexico policy. Most of that package you speak of had absolutely nothing to do with securing the border. We need to
get that border czar camela harris back to finding out the root causes of these millions of biden's illegals crossing daily into a welcoming democrat world
of insane asylum. Two hundred miles or so border wall were left for biden to sell for a nickel on the dollar instead of helping to secure the border.
Typical MAGAt response. A border bill both sides agreed upon until Trump ordered it killed because he didn't want Biden to get out from under the Border Security label.

You are either stupid or a liar, Hater. Which is it?
The Republicans killed the border bill. It was in the news.

The border bill was useless, and there wouldn't have ever been a reason for a border bill if the secured border under Trump had stayed secured
before biden went and killed all of Trump's very successful actions, like the remain in Mexico, and the catch and release nonsense.
The border bill was useless, and there wouldn't have ever been a reason for a border bill if the secured border under Trump had stayed secured
before biden went and killed all of Trump's very successful actions, like the remain in Mexico, and the catch and release nonsense.

The Revolution demands the borders be open without the consent of the people, America no longer belongs to Americans, it was stolen from us.

As you should know.
The border bill was useless, and there wouldn't have ever been a reason for a border bill if the secured border under Trump had stayed secured
before biden went and killed all of Trump's very successful actions, like the remain in Mexico, and the catch and release nonsense.
Be honest, you never made it higher than a supervisor, righ, Hater? Your thinking is limited. The Republican majority agreed on the bill but Trump ordered it killed for election year reasons.

I agree Biden is fucking up by not taking action. It's Congress's job to pass legislation, not the President's to go around Congress with EO's, but Biden still had that option. He could have bitched more about Congress not taking action, but he didn't. Ergo, Biden owns half of this mess. The other half is the Republican House.
Be honest, you never made it higher than a supervisor, righ, Hater? Your thinking is limited. The Republican majority agreed on the bill but Trump ordered it killed for election year reasons.

I agree Biden is fucking up by not taking action. It's Congress's job to pass legislation, not the President's to go around Congress with EO's, but Biden still had that option. He could have bitched more about Congress not taking action, but he didn't. Ergo, Biden owns half of this mess. The other half is the Republican House.

No, biden owns the whole thing. Trump used EOs to secure the border, and biden killed those Trump EOs which resulted in seeing the crisis of illegals coming
through reach unimaginable heights with biden's approval. The American people and the voters know exactly who is to blame for this border crisis, and you
and I know exactly who that is...joe bribem.
No, biden owns the whole thing. Trump used EOs to secure the border, and biden killed those Trump EOs which resulted in seeing the crisis of illegals coming
through reach unimaginable heights with biden's approval. The American people and the voters know exactly who is to blame for this border crisis, and you
and I know exactly who that is...joe bribem.
You lied about the mental study, Hater. Why should I believe you on anything else? Isn't the rule "Once a liar, always a liar"?