Forget About Ginsburg Croaking


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pray for this guy’s resignation:



With Roberts' Vote, SCOTUS Shoots Down Challenge on Church Service Limits During Coronavirus Lockdown
Matt Vespa
Posted: May 30, 2020 5:37 AM

I had him pegged before he was sworn in:

Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a snap for most Americans BEFORE Chief Justice John Roberts said it was a constitutional tax.

Roberts must have been talking about midgets when he said this at his confirmation hearing:

“If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, then the little guy's going to win in the court before me, but if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well then the big guy's going to win because my obligation is to the Constitution.”​

Roberts clearly voted for the big guy —— the federal government —— when he abandoned the Constitution in order to save Hillarycare II because every decision involving income tax revenues must go against the little guy.

Incidentally, Bush the Younger gave us John Roberts and:

Report: Karl Rove Spotted at Trump White House, Again
by John Binder
29 May 2020

Trump has brains up his ass if he is seeking advice from Rove who famously said the GOP would lose if Donald Trump gets the nomination.

Finally, a few special words about Karl Rove.

Everybody in the Bush White House knew that Scooter Libby DID NOT out Valerie Plame. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald knew that Libby DID NOT out Plame, but he prosecuted Libby as though as though he was guilty.

Everybody on the planet knows that no Democrat president would ever let his Justice Department prosecute a guilty Democrat let alone prosecute one who was being framed the way Libby got railroaded.

Bush and Karl Rove stood by and did nothing even though it was clearly a witch hunt looking to burn Dick Cheney.

The New York Sun reported this in January of 2007:

WASHINGTON — The long-awaited obstruction-of-justice trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr., who served as Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, opened with the defense suggesting that the prosecution is an outgrowth of an effort in the White House to protect President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove.

"Karl Rove was the president's right-hand man. … He had to be protected," Mr. Libby's lead defense counsel, Theodore Wells Jr., told the jurors.”

Wells added that Libby was being sacrificed to save Rove.

Libby Defense Points Finger At Karl Rove
By JOSH GERSTEIN, Staff Reporter of the Sun | January 24, 2007

Bottom line: Rove deliberately let Libby take a fall for a bum rap. Then Rove watched Libby drown rather than throw him a life jacket.

No liberal could damage conservatism from the outside more than Rove did from the inside. If Rove hated liberals as much as he hates Tea Party conservatives he might not be missed. Sad to say FOX will keep Rove on the air forever, but I doubt if there is a rank & file conservative in this country who will be sorry to see him gone from the airwaves.

Here is a thought. FOX will never tune out Rove, but conservatives can tune out FOX.

p.s. In 2012 Karl Rove and Dick Morris were dumped by FOX:

Famous Fox News faces 'get dumped off air'
'Reality-denying predictions became a punch line'
Published: 12/06/2012 at 11:40 AM

For some unexplained reason Rove was called back after 27 days, while Morris remains in the graveyard of forgotten pundits.

Morris was always a take-him-or-leave him kind of pundit. Once in a while he whispered sweet nothings in conservative ears. Admittedly, a little romance is better than a sharp stick in the eye; nevertheless, Morris’ problem was always one of credibility. It is difficult for an archconservative to give a full pardon to a man who committed the political crime of the century —— he, more than anyone else, is guilty of getting Clinton a second term. His move to the right since the Clinton glory years, coupled with his dislike for Hillary Clinton, is not enough to wash away a crime of such magnitude. In any event Morris never had the influence among establishment Republicans Rove hangs onto like a miser hoarding gold.

Here are a few excerpts from a most informative 2010 article by C. Edmund Wright:

. . . "the architect" Karl Rove was stripped bare for all to see on Fox News' Hannity show Tuesday night, thanks to his odd response to Christine O'Donnell's win in Delaware.

Rove demonstrated to all what I have believed since 2000: that he is a political operative with little or no evidence of a philosophical soul. Voters -- equally soulless in his mind -- are mere commodities to deal with, and precincts are the way these commodities are organized. They are to be bought and sold with the micromanaging of a trade deal here or a pro-life direct mail piece there -- orchestrated by the ruling elitists in Washington.


When Bush was in office, Rove predictably started out on a plan to form what he called "a permanent Republican majority" that would be constructed with a mushy new tone, a "can't we all just get along" mentality. The strategy would dictate that no one would ever return fire on political opponents -- while having a "flexible philosophy" to which Rove would adapt policy as issues came and went in certain parts of the country.


What the will a Senate majority full of Olympia Snowes and John McCains and Lindsey Grahams get you? Easy. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid in power. This is exactly the legacy of the Bush presidency --and Rove was right there at the levers of power the entire way.

Truth be told, Rove's biggest architectural accomplishment is the Obama administration. By doing his part as senior advisor to the president to define conservatism down, he sullied the reputation and disoriented the understanding of what it means to be conservative to millions of half-informed voters nationwide.


Frankly, a case can be made that only the Democrats' Wellstone Memorial in 2002 and an awful Kerry-Edwards campaign in 2004 allowed the perception that the Bush White House had an effective political wing. I submit that they never did. With Bush leaving office at around 26% approval, no one debates that now. This was Rove's wing.

Which raises the question I've had for ten years: can we finally -- once and for all -- bury the myth of the "architect"? With all due respect, putting together a strategy that forged a statistical tie with Gore-Lieberman and edged Kerry-Edwards by 3 points with the power of incumbency is not the stuff of genius.

September 16, 2010
The Architect Has No Clothes
By C. Edmund Wright
pray for this guy’s resignation:
With Roberts' Vote, SCOTUS Shoots Down Challenge on Church Service Limits During Coronavirus Lockdown
Matt Vespa
Posted: May 30, 2020 5:37 AM

I had him pegged before he was sworn in:

Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a snap for most Americans BEFORE Chief Justice John Roberts said it was a constitutional tax.

Roberts must have been talking about midgets when he said this at his confirmation hearing:

“If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, then the little guy's going to win in the court before me, but if the Constitution says that the big guy should win, well then the big guy's going to win because my obligation is to the Constitution.”​

Roberts clearly voted for the big guy —— the federal government —— when he abandoned the Constitution in order to save Hillarycare II because every decision involving income tax revenues must go against the little guy.

Incidentally, Bush the Younger gave us John Roberts and:

Report: Karl Rove Spotted at Trump White House, Again
by John Binder
29 May 2020

Trump has brains up his ass if he is seeking advice from Rove who famously said the GOP would lose if Donald Trump gets the nomination.

Finally, a few special words about Karl Rove.

Everybody in the Bush White House knew that Scooter Libby DID NOT out Valerie Plame. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald knew that Libby DID NOT out Plame, but he prosecuted Libby as though as though he was guilty.

Everybody on the planet knows that no Democrat president would ever let his Justice Department prosecute a guilty Democrat let alone prosecute one who was being framed the way Libby got railroaded.

Bush and Karl Rove stood by and did nothing even though it was clearly a witch hunt looking to burn Dick Cheney.

The New York Sun reported this in January of 2007:

WASHINGTON — The long-awaited obstruction-of-justice trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr., who served as Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, opened with the defense suggesting that the prosecution is an outgrowth of an effort in the White House to protect President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove.

"Karl Rove was the president's right-hand man. … He had to be protected," Mr. Libby's lead defense counsel, Theodore Wells Jr., told the jurors.”

Wells added that Libby was being sacrificed to save Rove.

Libby Defense Points Finger At Karl Rove
By JOSH GERSTEIN, Staff Reporter of the Sun | January 24, 2007

Bottom line: Rove deliberately let Libby take a fall for a bum rap. Then Rove watched Libby drown rather than throw him a life jacket.

No liberal could damage conservatism from the outside more than Rove did from the inside. If Rove hated liberals as much as he hates Tea Party conservatives he might not be missed. Sad to say FOX will keep Rove on the air forever, but I doubt if there is a rank & file conservative in this country who will be sorry to see him gone from the airwaves.

Here is a thought. FOX will never tune out Rove, but conservatives can tune out FOX.

p.s. In 2012 Karl Rove and Dick Morris were dumped by FOX:

Famous Fox News faces 'get dumped off air'
'Reality-denying predictions became a punch line'
Published: 12/06/2012 at 11:40 AM

For some unexplained reason Rove was called back after 27 days, while Morris remains in the graveyard of forgotten pundits.

Morris was always a take-him-or-leave him kind of pundit. Once in a while he whispered sweet nothings in conservative ears. Admittedly, a little romance is better than a sharp stick in the eye; nevertheless, Morris’ problem was always one of credibility. It is difficult for an archconservative to give a full pardon to a man who committed the political crime of the century —— he, more than anyone else, is guilty of getting Clinton a second term. His move to the right since the Clinton glory years, coupled with his dislike for Hillary Clinton, is not enough to wash away a crime of such magnitude. In any event Morris never had the influence among establishment Republicans Rove hangs onto like a miser hoarding gold.

Here are a few excerpts from a most informative 2010 article by C. Edmund Wright:

. . . "the architect" Karl Rove was stripped bare for all to see on Fox News' Hannity show Tuesday night, thanks to his odd response to Christine O'Donnell's win in Delaware.

Rove demonstrated to all what I have believed since 2000: that he is a political operative with little or no evidence of a philosophical soul. Voters -- equally soulless in his mind -- are mere commodities to deal with, and precincts are the way these commodities are organized. They are to be bought and sold with the micromanaging of a trade deal here or a pro-life direct mail piece there -- orchestrated by the ruling elitists in Washington.


When Bush was in office, Rove predictably started out on a plan to form what he called "a permanent Republican majority" that would be constructed with a mushy new tone, a "can't we all just get along" mentality. The strategy would dictate that no one would ever return fire on political opponents -- while having a "flexible philosophy" to which Rove would adapt policy as issues came and went in certain parts of the country.


What the will a Senate majority full of Olympia Snowes and John McCains and Lindsey Grahams get you? Easy. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid in power. This is exactly the legacy of the Bush presidency --and Rove was right there at the levers of power the entire way.

Truth be told, Rove's biggest architectural accomplishment is the Obama administration. By doing his part as senior advisor to the president to define conservatism down, he sullied the reputation and disoriented the understanding of what it means to be conservative to millions of half-informed voters nationwide.


Frankly, a case can be made that only the Democrats' Wellstone Memorial in 2002 and an awful Kerry-Edwards campaign in 2004 allowed the perception that the Bush White House had an effective political wing. I submit that they never did. With Bush leaving office at around 26% approval, no one debates that now. This was Rove's wing.

Which raises the question I've had for ten years: can we finally -- once and for all -- bury the myth of the "architect"? With all due respect, putting together a strategy that forged a statistical tie with Gore-Lieberman and edged Kerry-Edwards by 3 points with the power of incumbency is not the stuff of genius.

September 16, 2010
The Architect Has No Clothes
By C. Edmund Wright

Karl Rove, also known as Turd Blossom.
Relax, Roberts is a conservative Judge, even when he voted for the ACA he did it in legislative terms which allowed for Congress to strip it piece by piece. What he isn’t is a Trump stooge, meaning he actually believes in conservative principles, a rarity on the right these days
Can we say IMPLOSION?

The Republicans are literally imploding in on themselves.

Ever since Donald Trump hijacked the Republican Party- The Party is dividing, dying, and infighting!

Everything Donald Trump touches- DIES!

This OPie and his thread is just another example of how these Trumptards are cutting the nuts off of even the most loyal of Conservative Republicans- Loyal to their party- NOT DONALD TRUMP!

It will take a decade to reverse the damage Donald Trump and his Trumptards have caused for the Republican Party!
The Republicans are literally imploding in on themselves.

To Geeko Sportivo: FOX and the Democrat Party are the only ones imploding:

Contributors like Karl Rove is the reason FOX is losing conservative viewers faster than the speed of sound.

Biden’s Town Hall audiences in the waning days of his campaign is the definition of a party imploding:


No! The Democrats are exploding!

It looks like Biden is going to end up with over 10,000,000 more popular votes than did Donald Trump.

That is a record number of voters to ever vote for a president in the history of the United States.

The Democrats are a Big-Tent party, as we have both progressives and moderates!

Sometimes they debate- DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE IMPLODING!

It just means we are able to work out our own issues among ourselves.
No! The Democrats are exploding!

It looks like Biden is going to end up with over 10,000,000 more popular votes than did Donald Trump.

That is a record number of voters to ever vote for a president in the history of the United States.

The Democrats are a Big-Tent party, as we have both progressives and moderates!

Sometimes they debate- DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE IMPLODING!

It just means we are able to work out our own issues among ourselves.

The total vote count for President-elect Biden will easily exceed any previous record.
Contributors like Karl Rove is the reason FOX is losing conservative viewers faster than the speed of sound.

There goes Geogia:

Senate Republicans have recruited a longtime political operative to oversee fundraising efforts ahead of two crucial Georgia runoff elections.

According to Politico, former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove will serve as the national finance chair for the Georgia Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising account formed by the National Senatorial Committee aimed at helping Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue retain their seats.

Senate Republicans tap Karl Rove to oversee GOP fundraising for Georgia runoffs
by Mica Soellner
November 16, 2020 02:29 PM

On the bright side, Rove is not counting the votes.