Forgive Her Lord, For She Knows Not What She's Done.


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Yesterday, the Republican beauty Queen Sara Palin stepped to the podium bringing her stunning good looks and screeching chilling voice in support of The Donald, calling him the only true conservative in the race for the Presidency.

As much as I admire sweet Sara’s natural beauty, I have to laugh at her political schizophrenia. Somebody needs to inform sweet Sara that her favorite of several months ago, Rand Paul is the only true conservative in the race because his agenda is to “conserve” the Bill Of Rights. The rest of the Republican candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders haven’t a clue about actual correct constitutionalism, nor do any of them give a damn about it. They’re all BIG government progressives that love BIG government and simply think BIG government is really wonderful if they’re personally running it.

If Donald Trump is anything consistently political, it’s surely that he’s the most progressive lover of BIG government which he proudly admits he bribed his fortune from.

“Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.”
enjoy losing the republican base

Its so fun to watch from the sidelines

The Republican base is the same as the Democrat's base, idiots, uninformed fools and BIG government loving progressives

What are you gonna do if Hillary is indicted?

she wont be mr whitewater

but if she was you would feel he bern

If the Obama Justice Department won't indict her, it will just prove that she has enough criminal activity she could report about this neo-commie President if he agrees to an indictment.
not surprised that desh throws her support towards a Democrat woman who clearly broke the law. she's a partisan hack like that.

desh would support the beast of Benghazi even if she had personally murdered those 4 Americans. The Democrats and Republicans are like the masses that supported Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy.
The rest of the Republican candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders haven’t a clue about actual correct constitutionalism, nor do any of them give a damn about it. They’re all BIG government progressives that love BIG government and simply think BIG government is really wonderful if they’re personally running it.
"correct Constitutionalism" I suppose is Balance and Separation of powers? following the 10th's intent? -
maybe some of each?
It's true Paul brings up Constitutional Law ( as opposed to the post-Constitutional governing we've devolved into).

We definately cede too much power to the POTUS; but i'd argue that is more a function of Congressional abandonment-
then executive over-reach.. The exception to that is Obama's over use of Executive Orders ( scope -not number of use)
"correct Constitutionalism" I suppose is Balance and Separation of powers? following the 10th's intent? -
maybe some of each?
It's true Paul brings up Constitutional Law ( as opposed to the post-Constitutional governing we've devolved into).

We definately cede too much power to the POTUS; but i'd argue that is more a function of Congressional abandonment-
then executive over-reach.. The exception to that is Obama's over use of Executive Orders ( scope -not number of use)

Correct constitutionalism is loyalty to the actual text of the Constitution with honest interpretation. The absurd criminal violations of amendment 10 are a perfect example of the crimes promoted, proposed and perpetrated by the duopoly candidates.

The constitutionalist Rand Paul is a lamb in the den of BIG government progressive jackals and vipers. He's a waste of money in a rigged corrupt system.
not surprised that desh throws her support towards a Democrat woman who clearly broke the law. she's a partisan hack like that.

you people re elected a guy who was caught wearing a diaper to his favorite now dead prostitute.

Hilary is not being charged with anything you liar
you people re elected a guy who was caught wearing a diaper to his favorite now dead prostitute.
1 - who is 'you people'?
2 - ted kennedy.....
3 - al franken mean anything to you?
4 - alcee hastings
5 - kwame

Hilary is not being charged with anything you liar
not yet and i'm certainly not holding my breath that she will be, given the corruption and cronyism in DC, but you're a partisan hack who doesn't give a fuck that she broke the law
david Vitter

your team has always claimed how MORAL you are to gain votes

yet your moral voters will elect guys who wear diapers to prostitutes who then turn up dead