Forgive Them Lord For They Know Not What They Do


Verified User
Gee! Just how lucky is America?

Two front-runners of the crooked duopoly dictatorship are leading the pack as the nation's candidates with the only realistic chance to become President because the duopoly owns the ballot access system in the country, the major media access, the national debate and all of the Wall Street and other special interest money to propagandize the fucking dorks and idiots in the country.

Let's see Hillary Clinton is a proven incompetent, .i.e Benghazi and the fact that she as SS authorized the arming of Libyan rebels that turned out to be ISIS and murdered 4 Americans that Hillary say's "nobody got hurt." She's a power mad bitch that compromised America's secret intelligence conversations with her private insecure e-mail server and secret conversations therewith. She's a BIG government crony capitalist fascist reaping millions of $ from BIG banking and accepting campaign bribery money from the likes of Donald Trump. The bitch is a felon being protected by a corrupt Obama Justice Department'

Then we have Donald Trump. Hated by at least 2/3 of the Republican partisans. The only sector he lost in New York was where he's the best known and where his business is headquartered. They know a crook there, because they're all crooks there and they don't want the Donald in a higher state of power than the rest of the bastards there. Trump is also an admitted felon who stands on debate stages and brags how he bribed his way to a massive fortune by bribing politicians, i.e. public officials. He, like Hillary has no respect for the Constitutional rule of law, they're both clueless therewith and willfully ignorant.

Good Luck America! Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do!
The little kid who started this thread.

Who was that, imbecile? You don't know your ass from first base!

I "ROBO" started this thread, proving I have a brain and a rational individual thought process and make post you have "NO" rational responses to because you're nothing but the Troll's ass kissing pimp.

Bobo is a figment of your clueless imagination and desist pea brain.