Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing


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Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing

Dr. Brian Day, the former President of the Canadian Medical Association, shed some light on what we can expect from Obamacare. It doesn't look good. This former Canadian top doctor told Bill O'Reilly to expect rationed care, long waiting lists and skyrocketing costs.

[ame=""]YouTube - Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing Costs[/ame]
Dr. Brian Day, the former President of the Canadian Medical Association, shed some light on what we can expect from Obamacare. It doesn't look good. This former Canadian top doctor told Bill O'Reilly to expect rationed care, long waiting lists and skyrocketing costs.

YouTube - Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing Costs

Three questions:

1) Why do yo think that of all the doctors in Canada O'Reilly decided to have this fellow appear on his television program?

2) Why should I give a shit what this fellow has to say?

3) In what way is either HB 3200 or what is being kicked around in the Senate similar to the Canadian system?
Yeah! What would the former President of the Canadian Medical Association know about nationalized health care?! Fool!
Dr. Brian Day, the former President of the Canadian Medical Association, shed some light on what we can expect from Obamacare. It doesn't look good. This former Canadian top doctor told Bill O'Reilly to expect rationed care, long waiting lists and skyrocketing costs.

YouTube - Former Top Canadian Dr. Brian Day: Obamacare Will Bring Rationed Care & Skyrocketing Costs

yes, yes, yes. Nationalized health care is soooo terrible. The strange thing is not one country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a nationalized one ever reverted back. NOT ONE COUNTRY! NOT ONE!

There is no political movement in any of those countries to revert back. NOT IN ONE COUNTRY

Hmmm. All those countries. All those citizens. NOT ONE COUNTRY has or wants to revert back. Gee, I wonder why.
yes, yes, yes. Nationalized health care is soooo terrible. The strange thing is not one country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a nationalized one ever reverted back. NOT ONE COUNTRY! NOT ONE!

There is no political movement in any of those countries to revert back. NOT IN ONE COUNTRY

Hmmm. All those countries. All those citizens. NOT ONE COUNTRY has or wants to revert back. Gee, I wonder why.
We may get to see one pretty soon, the private system is about to be reintroduced legally in Canada.

The incoming head doctor Anne Doig says their system is "sick"... and they need to welcome private health care as the cure.

"(Canadians) have to understand that the system that we have right now — if it keeps on going without change — is not sustainable," Doig said.

"They have to look at the evidence that's being presented and will be presented at (the meeting) and realize what Canada's doctors are trying to tell you, that you can get better care than what you're getting and we all have to participate in the discussion around how do we do that and of course how do we pay for it."
We may get to see one pretty soon, the private system is about to be reintroduced legally in Canada.

The incoming head doctor Anne Doig says their system is "sick"... and they need to welcome private health care as the cure.

...and the CURRENT president of the CMA says he would maintain universal coverage and improve upon it with a private component as in Europe. Isn't that the plan we've been talking about that your people so strongly oppose? Do you think O'Reilly will have him on soon? What would he know anyway.
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We may get to see one pretty soon, the private system is about to be reintroduced legally in Canada.

The incoming head doctor Anne Doig says their system is "sick"... and they need to welcome private health care as the cure.

Exactly what Belme 1201 wrote in msg 7. The goal is not to ban private medical care. The goal is to provide medical care for all.

In a sense it's like when a disaster strikes and people lose their homes. Some have a clause in their insurance policy allowing for the cost of alternative living arrangements. Others do not. For those who do not the government supplies temporary housing.

As far as the government not having the money that's just nonsense. A person working in a National Park picking up litter is one less caretaker/maintenance person in a hospital.

It's a matter of putting health care at the top of the "must do" list instead of erecting monuments or cutting trails through a bush or resurfacing highways or anything else the Federal Government funds. It's like a person walking around with a broken arm complaining about the cost of medical treatment while purchasing a big screen TV. :D

For example, getting electronic medical records into physicians' offices. If it's going to save money take some funds from other projects and get it done.

It's not the money that's lacking. It's the will to do it.
...and the CURRENT president of the CMA says he would maintain universal coverage and improve upon it with a private component as in Europe. Isn't that the plan we've been talking about that your people so strongly oppose? Do you think O'Reilly will have him on soon? What would he know anyway.

Of course O'Reilly will have him on, belme. Just because you've decided what you think his agenda is, O'Reilly is not afraid, adverse, or unaccustomed to having people on that not only agree with him, but disagree with him as well. If you actually watched the show rather than the shows that "report on his show" like Jon Stewart's, you would realize you're full of prunes.

O'Reilly pisses everyone off. Left and Right and that you don't know this isn't a bad thing. You're just not very informed in this area is all.

...and the CURRENT president of the CMA says he would maintain universal coverage and improve upon it with a private component as in Europe. Isn't that the plan we've been talking about that your people so strongly oppose? Do you think O'Reilly will have him on soon? What would he know anyway.
I'd bet he would if the guy would agree to go on the show. The current one is out learning how other people do things to work to fix their failing program and saying, "Competition should be welcomed not feared." The upcoming one is warning that change is coming and directly stating that the prescription is welcoming private health care back into Canada. While this wouldn't change their public option, it is definitely a step in the right direction for Canadians.

I'd prefer private insurance to the mess they are in any day. But then I'd prefer private insurance over government insurance any day so we could just avoid that mess to begin with...

I like the idea of everybody having coverage, don't so much like the idea of the government being the carrier.
yes, yes, yes. Nationalized health care is soooo terrible. The strange thing is not one country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a nationalized one ever reverted back. NOT ONE COUNTRY! NOT ONE!

There is no political movement in any of those countries to revert back. NOT IN ONE COUNTRY

Hmmm. All those countries. All those citizens. NOT ONE COUNTRY has or wants to revert back. Gee, I wonder why.

That's why this type of program is so insidious. Just like Social Security, once you get into it there's no way to stop it. It's analogous to a Ponzi scheme.
More evidence that Obamacare will advocate euthanasia. He's done it already at the VA:
Last year, bureaucrats at the VA's National Center for Ethics in Health Care advocated a 52-page end-of-life planning document, "Your Life, Your Choices." It was first published in 1997 and later promoted as the VA's preferred living will throughout its vast network of hospitals and nursing homes. After the Bush White House took a look at how this document was treating complex health and moral issues, the VA suspended its use. Unfortunately, under President Obama, the VA has now resuscitated "Your Life, Your Choices."
Founding Father of Canada's Socialized Medicine Rejects the Monster He Helped Create

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it," says Castonguay. But now he prescribes a radical overhaul: "We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise freedom of choice."
Personally. I'm a fan of youth in Asia.



yes, yes, yes. Nationalized health care is soooo terrible. The strange thing is not one country that changed from a "pay or suffer" system to a nationalized one ever reverted back. NOT ONE COUNTRY! NOT ONE!

There is no political movement in any of those countries to revert back. NOT IN ONE COUNTRY

Hmmm. All those countries. All those citizens. NOT ONE COUNTRY has or wants to revert back. Gee, I wonder why.

I would love to see what would happen in Canada if the government tried to take away their awful healthcare!

Hello amigo, long time!
Founding Father of Canada's Socialized Medicine Rejects the Monster He Helped Create

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it," says Castonguay. But now he prescribes a radical overhaul: "We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise freedom of choice."

And there it is folks!

According to exprets in Canada, their health care system is imploding. They have basically ran out of the means to fund it.
Exactly what Belme 1201 wrote in msg 7. The goal is not to ban private medical care. The goal is to provide medical care for all.

In a sense it's like when a disaster strikes and people lose their homes. Some have a clause in their insurance policy allowing for the cost of alternative living arrangements. Others do not. For those who do not the government supplies temporary housing.

As far as the government not having the money that's just nonsense. A person working in a National Park picking up litter is one less caretaker/maintenance person in a hospital.

It's a matter of putting health care at the top of the "must do" list instead of erecting monuments or cutting trails through a bush or resurfacing highways or anything else the Federal Government funds. It's like a person walking around with a broken arm complaining about the cost of medical treatment while purchasing a big screen TV. :D

For example, getting electronic medical records into physicians' offices. If it's going to save money take some funds from other projects and get it done.

It's not the money that's lacking. It's the will to do it.

Sure, this government will just print more money, like Warren Buffet warned Obama not to do with his wild spending or we will become a Banana Republic.

Even Obama said he couldn't insure everyone.
That's why this type of program is so insidious. Just like Social Security, once you get into it there's no way to stop it. It's analogous to a Ponzi scheme.

Not quite. People expect to receive something back from a Ponsi scheme. Just as they expect to receive Social Security. In other words, an investment.

Paying into universal medical is like an insurance policy. One is not wishing to get ill so they can get free medical care and collect or benefit from the money they paid out. I doubt people are disappointed when they live past the expiry date of their term life insurance policy. Or when their home insurance is up for renewal I've never heard anyone say, "Darn, my house didn't burn down last year. I just blew a thousand dollars on home insurance."