Four Years Late


And still kicking and screaming, dragged out of them with a court order.

People might want to take a look at it.

White House Issues Tardy Climate Report
Posted: 2008-05-30 07:11:57
Filed Under: Politics News, Science News

WASHINGTON (May 29) - Under a court order and four years late, the White House Thursday produced what it called a science-based "one-stop shop" of specific threats to the United States from man-made global warming.
While the report has no new science in it, it pulls together different U.S. studies and localizes international reports into one comprehensive document required by law. The 271-page report is notable because it is something the Bush administration has fought in the past.

Andrew Weaver, a Canadian climate scientist who was not involved in the effort, called it "a litany of bad news in store for the U.S."

And biologist Thomas Lovejoy, one of the scientists who reviewed the report for the federal government, said: "It basically says the America we've known we can no longer count on. It's a pretty dramatic picture of all kinds of change rippling through natural systems across the country. And all of that has implications for people."

White House associate science director Sharon Hays, in a teleconference with reporters, declined to characterize the findings as bad, but said it is an issue the administration takes seriously. She said the report was comprehensive and "communicates what the scientists are telling us."

That includes:

Increased heat deaths and deaths from climate-worsened smog. In Los Angeles alone yearly heat fatalities could increase by more than 1,000 by 2080, and the Midwest and Northeast are most vulnerable to increased heat deaths.

Worsening water shortages for agriculture and urban users. From California to New York, lack of water will be an issue.

A need for billions of dollars in more power plants (one major cause of global warming gases) to cool a hotter country. The report says summer cooling will mean Seattle's energy consumption would increase by 146 percent with the warming that could come by the end of the century.

More death and damage from wildfires, hurricanes and other natural disasters and extreme weather. In the last three decades, wildfire season in the West has increased by 78 days.

Increased insect infestations and food- and waterborne microbes and diseases. Insect and pathogen outbreaks to the forests are causing $1.5 billion in annual losses.

"Finally, climate change is very likely to accentuate the disparities already evident in the American health care system," the report said. "Many of the expected health effects are likely to fall disproportionately on the poor, the elderly, the disabled and the uninsured."

The report was required by a 1990 law which says that every four years the government must produce a comprehensive science assessment of global warming. It had not been done since 2000.

Environmental groups got a court order last year to force the Bush administration to produce the document by the end of this month. Hays said the White House has preferred issuing studies on individual global warming issues, such as an agricultural effects report that was released on Tuesday.

"It's totally begrudging," said Rick Piltz, director of Climate Science Watch at the nonprofit Government Accountability Project, a whistleblowers' organization. "It's important the government go on record honestly acknowledging this stuff."
The report was required by a 1990 law which says that every four years the government must produce a comprehensive science assessment of global warming. It had not been done since 2000.

Environmental groups got a court order last year to force the Bush administration to produce the document by the end of this month. Hays said the White House has preferred issuing studies on individual global warming issues, such as an agricultural effects report that was released on Tuesday.

"It's totally begrudging," said Rick Piltz, director of Climate Science Watch at the nonprofit Government Accountability Project, a whistleblowers' organization. "It's important the government go on record honestly acknowledging this stuff."

Foot dragging, trying to suppress science, trying to minimize or hide scientific conclusions about global warming. No surprise here.

When history looks back on all this, there's going to be some judgements passed And in the realm of politics, two incredibly immoral acts are going to go down in the pantheon of shame. One, is supporting the Iraq war and George Bush, even in the face of all the lies that have been exposed.

The other, is for those who spent 20 years of their lives denying global warming, minimizing it, and making excuses for not doing anything about it.
Foot dragging, trying to suppress science, trying to minimize or hide scientific conclusions about global warming. No surprise here.

When history looks back on all this, there's going to be some judgements passed And in the realm of politics, two incredibly immoral acts are going to go down in the pantheon of shame. One, is supporting the Iraq war and George Bush, even in the face of all the lies that have been exposed.

The other, is for those who spent 20 years of their lives denying global warming, minimizing it, and making excuses for not doing anything about it.

I agree on both counts. In the end, the warming deniers are going to cost us far, far more lives than the war. I mean we as we the human race, not we, as Americans.
Darla dont you know we are not supposed to care about the other people in the world, You traitor.