Fox caught lying again

Think Blabo can figure out the procedure for clicking the hyperlink so he can read the story?

Poor Blabo.
Think Blabo can figure out the procedure for clicking the hyperlink so he can read the story?

Poor Blabo.

I did explain the process but I am not sure he understood.

I love the Faux spoke-stooges' weasly statement..."Nobody tries to be more perfect than we do at Fox..."

Those libtards in their Mom's basement must be having one hell of a circle jerk after finding that little gem of a story.
This is a national travesty. Are they going to prohibit Fox from showing NFL games this season?
This is a national travesty. Are they going to prohibit Fox from showing NFL games this season?

probably, because fox is the only media organization that makes mistakes. retard of dune never points out any mistakes by nbc, cbs, cnn et al.....because he truly believes only fox makes mistakes. and he calls mistakes "LIES"....thus, dune has proven he is a liar because he has made mistakes, like claiming abraham's "third" child was responsible for christianity.

Dan Bell , Fox's vice president of communications, admitted to the Tribune that the headlines were "misleading."

In a radio interview Thursday in Chicago, Bell said the network regretted its actions.

"Nobody tries to be more perfect than we do at Fox Sports," said Bell.

"And we are [embarrassed]. We understand the mistake. We understand that we were wrong."

Read more:

dumb thread, and the two sock puppets derailed their own thread.
I really like this thread and how it is progressing so far.

Thanks to all who have posting in it.
Didn't Fox have the highest TV ratings of all time earlier this year?