“Fox News cleans up another Trump mess”


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“The reviews were almost universally savage after Donald Trump’s debate debacle. Even the Wall Street Journal’s right-wing editorialists thought that Vice President Kamala Harris “won the debate because she came in with a strategy to taunt and goad Mr. Trump into diving down rabbit holes of personal grievance and vanity,” while Karl Rove added in a column that the night “was a train wreck for him, far worse than anything Team Trump could have imagined.”

And then, in a universe all its own, there was Fox News.”

“All the memorable lines were from Donald Trump,” host Jesse Watters proclaimed after the debate ended. “He just had some great knockouts,” Watters added. “And so this race just got tighter.”
“That’s probably true,” anchor Bret Baier agreed.
 Fox News’s Laura Ingraham argued, “They don’t think she won. They don’t think she’s in a position to win this race.” And that was just within the first 75 minutes after the debate.”

The next morning, Trump was back, on “Fox & Friends.” “I won the debate by a lot,” he said, and “every single poll last night had me winning like 90-10.” The hosts did not contradict him”

On Wednesday afternoon, Watters returned to the airwaves. “I found [Harris] evasive, found her unlikable, preachy and, instinctually, I don’t know that’s going to play with men,” he said. “The signature moments that you see on the internet after this, she didn’t have any. … Trump had them all.”
On Thursday afternoon, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt announced on Fox that Trump “is in the process of winning the debate” because “a debate isn’t over in a day”

Hannity said Harris had presented nothing but “pre-rehearsed, memorized platitudes” and “lots of kind of weird faces and expressions.” Hannity was upset that the moderators had not brought up the vice president’s position on “banning plastic straws,” among other things.


And this is the reality that the cult passionately swallows as fact