Fox News, FDA, and Monsato...


Sexy Beast!
This video might make you hate Fox News, Corporate America, and the government.. all in one shot!

[ame=""]YouTube - THE CORPORATION [17/23] Unsettling Accounts[/ame]
In this case, yes. I'm sure other News outlets have some of the same kind of stuff going on. But with this story in particular, the three listed deserve a nice big FU!

Have you heard? The government is now recognizing that the shots they force the kids to get may cause autism. So far it has barely been reported.

Have you heard? The government is now recognizing that the shots they force the kids to get may cause autism. So far it has barely been reported.

this has been known a while. Why do you think our wonderful govt passed the law making vaccine makers immune for product liability ?

Have you heard? The government is now recognizing that the shots they force the kids to get may cause autism. So far it has barely been reported.

Yeah, it's sick. Of course, you always have those who act like there will be an epidemic if the kids don't get the shots. Government knows what's best!
Ever since the government granted Corporate person hood, we've been run by corporate America. Don't get me wrong, corporations aren't necessarily bad, but there goal is profit, and when they control the government the only people they have to answer to are investors. If we were to analyze corporations as real people, they'd be sociopaths.
but this is the government the people said they wanted in 1994. They were tired of "over regulation" and all this rules that are place which slow down the use of drugs and suppliments that make it TOO hard to do business. So now we have a 90 day approval rate for a hormone that the companies own tests said were of questionable safety. This is the otherside of the over regulation coin. And after 1994 almost ANY regulation became over regulation. Thanks Newt.
When will Americans learn that corporations left unfettered by laws and regulations will do ANYTHING for the bottom line.

Criminals come in all kinds and sometimes come in three piece suits.
"When government is corrupt, regulation will never work. When corporations are corrupt, deregulation will never work. When both are corrupt, neither will work. When both are honest, anything will work"
