Fox News in "open campaign" mode


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Not only did they ignore the latest development in Troopergate; they chose instead to make the "political" headline on their web-page the "glitzy" fundraiser Obama had in Hollywood with (gasp!) Barbara Streisand! It's actually been the lead political story on their website for nearly 24 hours now; this morning, they added a big picture with a marquee headline "Barackbuster," and the sub-head "Barack parties with Hollywood celebs", and several mentions of Babs.

It's kind of funny how McCain had a Beverly Hills fundraiser, complete with celebs, several weeks ago, but it didn't get so much as a blurb on their front page (a mention of it made the "Fox blog", though).

I'm sure they have the memo from the RNC: paint Obama as elitist, as much as you possibly can.

They were also the only cable news network to run the debunked "Obama tried to delay troop withdrawal until after the election" story.
Personally--I see using a celeb as a endorsement as a insult to Americans intelligence. How about debating the issues instead of trying to win a popularity contest based on acting (professional liers). We all know Hollywood is fucked up and a bunch of stupid commie, hippy libs. If they think the people will vote for them because some hollywood fag tells us to--that is quite a insult. I will not rent another movie, or go to a theator anymore. Entertainment is not reality. Hollywood actors do not live in reality.

I know fascists think fox is not fascist enough. If it isn't 100% lib socialists, gay media mafia--it is not fair to them.
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Not only did they ignore the latest development in Troopergate; they chose instead to make the "political" headline on their web-page the "glitzy" fundraiser Obama had in Hollywood with (gasp!) Barbara Streisand! It's actually been the lead political story on their website for nearly 24 hours now; this morning, they added a big picture with a marquee headline "Barackbuster," and the sub-head "Barack parties with Hollywood celebs", and several mentions of Babs.

It's kind of funny how McCain had a Beverly Hills fundraiser, complete with celebs, several weeks ago, but it didn't get so much as a blurb on their front page (a mention of it made the "Fox blog", though).

I'm sure they have the memo from the RNC: paint Obama as elitist, as much as you possibly can.

They were also the only cable news network to run the debunked "Obama tried to delay troop withdrawal until after the election" story.

I think it's so funny how their jealousy just boils over when a Democrat is popular, or has celebrity backers. And then when they finally get a celebrity willing to be seen with a Republican, say like an unwashed Jon Voight, they're all like "look at me, look at me". It's like that Seinfeld episode "love me love me I'm a celebrity". This phenomenon is best embodied on this board, by Dixie.
msnbc is far more open in their dem support with Oberfag and Racheal manhater.

True that. I can see Fox openly supporting the republicans through Hannity and the like. I do think if you look at O'Reilly's show objectively though, you will see that he hasn't been so bad this year. Maybe because supporting Bush has bitten him in the rear. Cavuto really lit into him last night though most of you probably agree with O'Reilly quite a bit on the oil thing. But nowhere can you see more blatant support for a candidate in the people they had covering the conventions.....Don't know the blonde chick with the big nose but you could tell she hated what was happening at the Republican convention when she was on the floor interviewing. Then of course there is Olberman and his rants followed by Matthews spitting on the inside of my TV screen. That's obvious stuff in what is supposed to be non-partisan coverage of a big event.
McCain has lost it. I just heard him ridiculing Obama..."going to Hollywood for a fundraiser with Barbara Streisand and his celebrity friends. My friends, there is nowhere I'd rather be than with the good working people of Ohio!"

Idiot; he had a $5 million fundraiser in August with Jon Voigt, Angie Harmon, Chuck Norris, et al.

I have to admit, I never thought McCain was capable of being so cynically disingenuous.
McCain has lost it. I just heard him ridiculing Obama..."going to Hollywood for a fundraiser with Barbara Streisand and his celebrity friends. My friends, there is nowhere I'd rather be than with the good working people of Ohio!"

Idiot; he had a $5 million fundraiser in August with Jon Voigt, Angie Harmon, Chuck Norris, et al.

I have to admit, I never thought McCain was capable of being so cynically disingenuous.

Angie Harmon, really? You know, I swear to God, I have always hated that bitch, from her Law & Order days. I knew that wasn't an act!
Why has the "liberal" media failed to pick up on the McCain invented the blackberry story like they did the Gore invented the internet story?

28,000 dollar a plate fundraiser, nope no elitism here. Obama, just an average joe.

I don't think Obama has ever tried to portray himself as an "average joe," nor should any intelligent voter care. Just a reminder on this one: we're electing someone to arguably the most important job in the country.
I don't think Obama has ever tried to portray himself as an "average joe," nor should any intelligent voter care. Just a reminder on this one: we're electing someone to arguably the most important job in the country.

Then why did you pick Obama? I keep looking for past accomplishments and cannot find any.
"Because it was obviously a joke."

It actually wasn't; it was more serious than Gore's comments were. They're probably not picking up on it because McCain himself didn't say it - just one of his flunkies...
Rachel is not a manhater she just doesn't fuck them. Christ using your logic probably 3/4 of the women you have known in you life are tophaters.

If we’re counting women who refuse to fuck, specifically, him, I’d put that number at 99.9999999 percent of women are man-haters!
I live in bi and lesbo land--they are men haters. But, in their defense--the men are fuckers here too. They cheat on one another, and don't think anything of it. I guess the women had enough--but now--whooo such confusion of a gay--enough to vote for a commie.

There is no one more confused than a lib homo--male or female.