FOX's Intended Consequences


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Television mouths on FOX sound like a broken phonograph record. FOX’s disc has been played so many times in the past month it got stuck in a groove that keeps repeating one theme from the same song. Playing a broken record over and over is intended so FOX can smother every important story with non-stop talk about the coronavirus.

The lie says that FOX is reporting the news Americans want to hear. That is the biggest line of media crap I heard in my long life. Nobody can tell me that Americans want to hear more about the coronavirus scam than hear whatever happened to these stories:

Democrat Party’s all-out push to abolish the Electoral Collage before November.


Joe Biden’s daily message from the mother ship:


Biden’s sec of state, sec. of defense, and sec. of the treasury.
Biden’s vice president.

The Steele Dossier.

Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton selling this country’s uranium to her pal Vladimir Putin.

What happened to Hillary’s emails?

If it ain’t in the Constitution.

Democrat replacement for Ginsberg.


Two more years of Pelosi.

Open borders.

Television mouths on FOX sound like a broken phonograph record. FOX’s disc has been played so many times in the past month it got stuck in a groove that keeps repeating one theme from the same song. Playing a broken record over and over is intended so FOX can smother every important story with non-stop talk about the coronavirus.

The lie says that FOX is reporting the news Americans want to hear. That is the biggest line of media crap I heard in my long life. Nobody can tell me that Americans want to hear more about the coronavirus scam than hear whatever happened to these stories:

Democrat Party’s all-out push to abolish the Electoral Collage before November.

Joe Biden’s daily message from the mother ship:


Biden’s sec of state, sec. of defense, and sec. of the treasury.
Biden’s vice president.

The Steele Dossier.

Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton selling this country’s uranium to her pal Vladimir Putin.

What happened to Hillary’s emails?

If it ain’t in the Constitution.

Democrat replacement for Ginsberg.


Two more years of Pelosi.

Open borders.

Fox News=Fake News
Fox News=Fake News

To Trumpet: Half right.

Television is fake news, while FOX liars are the most skilled at stooging for the United Nations, the New World Order crowd, and charity hustlers.

Parenthetically, I always prayed that Muslim countries would unite and walkout of the U.N. en masse. Should Muslims wise up and do it some day you would see China and the U.S. come together and threaten Islam militarily. I would love to see how FOX liars handle that one.

p.s. Listen to Laura Ingraham talk about getting the country back to normal:


I am sure Laura believes everything she says about Democrats and politicians in general, yet she never says a bad word about the root causes that forced people like that on the country “. . . the United Nations, the New World Order crowd, and charity hustlers.” Apparently, Laura does not know that the American people will never be normal (free) until those people are denied every vestige of political influence. Most especially, television liars must be denied the incomes they rake in from tax deductible advertising dollars.
The lie says that FOX is reporting the news Americans want to hear. That is the biggest line of media crap I heard in my long life. Nobody can tell me that Americans want to hear more about the coronavirus scam than hear whatever happened to these stories:

My gal Judi knocked media bullcrap out of the park:

Will New York City be Ground Zero for catching up with all the lies the media keep telling in order to keep the COVID-19 pandemic panic alive and kicking?

Where are all the coronavirus patients in the Big Apple has become a significant unanswered question.

People trying to get to the truth in regards to where the virus patients are, are being cut off from Facebook and Twitter.

‘Facebook removes Project Veritas video for violating policy against coronavirus information’, (Washington Times, April 1, 2020).

“Recorded inside an automobile with Mr. O’Keefe behind the wheel, the 9½-minute video chronicles him visiting a drive-thru facility in New York state where people can be tested from their cars for COVID-19, the potentially deadly respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.

“Mr. O’Keefe is seen throughout the clip goading military and medical personnel with questions about the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and how it has been covered by the media.”

Bad Boy, Jimmy, for going on the hunt for the truth. (Project Veritas)

On Laura Ingraham last week, guest Dr. William Grace had this to say: “There is no hospital in NYC that is at capacity with patients. There are no patients in the Central Park hospital. And, on that huge hospital ship that can house 1,000 patients, there are presently 3 patients total.”

“Twitter, stepping up its enforcement of misleading and harmful coronavirus-related claims, required Fox News host Laura Ingraham to delete a tweet from 10 days ago that misrepresented details of an unproven treatment for coronavirus.” (Variety, March 30, 2020)

“In the now-deleted tweet from March 20, Ingraham, host of the cable network’s “The Ingraham Angle,” wrote, “Lenox Hill [Hospital] in New York among many hospitals already using Hydroxychloroquine with very promising results.

“The tweet was based on Ingraham’s interview on the Fox News show with Dr. William Grace, whom Ingraham incorrectly identified as being an oncologist at New York’s Lenox Hill Hospital. A correction Fox News later appended to an article about the segment said Ingraham had wrongly described Dr. Grace as affiliated with the hospital and that “his opinions given below are his own.”

Bad girl, Ingraham, for trying to get the truth out there about the hype the media spreads on the virus.

Numbers about COVID-19 victims are starting to add up to suspicion.

But don’t try to get that tell-tale factoid to the masses via Facebook or Twitter.

And now comes the salacious New York Times ridiculing the Navy hospital ship U.S.N.S. Comfort.

“It’s a joke,” said a top hospital executive, whose facilities are packed with coronavirus patients. (New York Times, April 2, 2020)

“Such were the expectations for the Navy hospital ship U.S.N.S. Comfort that when it chugged into New York Harbor this week, throngs of people, momentarily forgetting the strictures of social distancing, crammed together along Manhattan’s west side to catch a glimpse.”

U.S.N.S. Comfort didn’t “chug” into New York Harbor, it sailed in with grace and majesty as do all U.S. vessels bearing the American flag.

“On Thursday, though, the huge white vessel, which officials had promised would bring succor to a city on the brink, sat mostly empty, infuriating executives at local hospitals. The ship’s 1,000 beds are largely unused, its 1,200-member crew mostly idle.”

But the The Comfort was sent to New York to relieve pressure on city hospitals by treating people with ailments other than COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

“Mr. Dowling said he has had to tear his hospitals apart, retrofitting any unused space, including lobbies and conference rooms, into hospital wards. His facilities now house 2,800 so-called Covid patients, up from 100 on March 20, he said. About 25 percent of those are in serious conditions in intensive care units.

“At the same time, there is not a high volume of noncoronavirus patients. “Because most New Yorkers have isolated themselves in their homes, there are fewer injuries from car accidents, gun shots and construction accidents that would require an emergency room visit.

“Ultimately, Mr. Dowling and others said, if the Comfort refuses to take Covid patients, there are few patients to send.

What about the multiple thousands of Influenza victims?

“Late Thursday, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo of New York reached an agreement with Mr. Trump to bring Covid patients to the Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, another alternative site operated by the military, with 2,500 hospital beds.

“I asked President Trump this morning to consider the request and the urgency of the matter, and the President has just informed me that he granted New York’s request,” Mr. Cuomo said in a statement.

“There was no word about doing the same with the U.S.N.S. Comfort.

“Capt. Patrick Amersbach, the commanding officer of the medical personnel aboard the Comfort, said at a news conference that, for now, his orders were to accept only patients who had tested negative for the virus. If ordered to accept coronavirus patients, he said, the ship could be reconfigured to make that happen.

“If our mission shifts, we do what we can to meet that mission,” he said.

Meanwhile, the only visible sign showing NYC coronavirus stress is the red ‘siren’ its governor placed on top of the Empire State Building. Too many do not take at face value the chipped tooth his brother Chris over at CNN supposedly got from shivering, having come down with the virus one day after the debut of the red ‘siren’.

Meanwhile, the ever elusive truth is out there somewhere, but don’t look for it in the mainstream or social media.

Coronavirus: What IS True? Who To Believe?
By Judi McLeod
April 3, 2020

NOTE: For a long time Democrat freakazoids were demanding that Meals on Wheels should become part of the U.S. Military’s duties. The USNS Comfort follows the pattern:
Just to be clear. Private sector organizations helping out in crises is the way it should be. Under no circumstance should the U.S. Military get sucked into legitimizing the U.N.’s global agenda in NYC or anywhere else.

Happily, the Comfort’s coronavirus mission turned into a joke.
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The lie says that FOX is reporting the news Americans want to hear. That is the biggest line of media crap I heard in my long life. Nobody can tell me that Americans want to hear more about the coronavirus scam than hear whatever happened to these stories:

I am betting that FOX will never report this story in prime time if at all:

Durham is also scrutinizing Brennan in relation to British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s dossier. [Hillary Clinton’s Dossier.] In particular, the prosecutor is looking for answers on whether it was used in the 2017 assessment, why former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe insisted upon it being part of the assessment, how allegations from the dossier ended up in the assessment's appendix, and whether Brennan misled about the dossier’s use.

John Durham investigation intensifies focus on John Brennan
by Jerry Dunleavy
April 03, 2020 01:56 PM
Hillary doubles down: Trump’s election victory was ‘illegitimate’, you know
Karen Townsend
Posted at 8:01 pm on July 14, 2020

Does anyone except me realize that Hillary Clinton has so much to be ashamed of her biggest crimes are all but forgotten.

The Steele Dossier.

Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton selling this country’s uranium to her pal Vladimir Putin.

What happened to Hillary’s emails?

Hillary is a lot like a punch-drunk prizefighter inviting his opponent to punch him silly until he runs out steam.

Poor Hillary. Trump broke her and no amount of walks in the woods are going to fix her.

You gotta figure that Trump hit Hillary so hard so often she has to cover those cauliflower ears she acquired in her old age.

Flanders trying to outdo the Old Testament for length. Bullshit begat Fox begat bullshit begat Trumpf begat mugs begat bullshit....
Democrat replacement for Ginsberg.

Ut-Oh. Ginsberg had fever and chills, and Democrats had a collective nervous breakdown thinking Trump will replace her before or after November:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized Tuesday morning and underwent surgery for treatment of a possible infection.

The 87-year-old jurist was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after bouts of fever and chills.

Justice Ginsburg Hospitalized For ‘Possible Infection’
Kevin Daley
July 14, 2020 6:40 PM
Hillary doubles down: Trump’s election victory was ‘illegitimate’, you know
Karen Townsend
Posted at 8:01 pm on July 14, 2020

Does anyone except me realize that Hillary Clinton has so much to be ashamed of her biggest crimes are all but forgotten.

Hillary is a lot like a punch-drunk prizefighter inviting his opponent to punch him silly until he runs out steam.

Poor Hillary. Trump broke her and no amount of walks in the woods are going to fix her.

You gotta figure that Trump hit Hillary so hard so often she has to cover those cauliflower ears she acquired in her old age.

Thanks for yet ANOTHER fine post, Flanders.