France’s History Is Burning


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Notra-Dame burning is a major tragedy for France.


Spire of Paris's 850-year-old Notre Dame cathedral COLLAPSES as fire ravages historic building with flames erupting through the roof - with Macron lamenting seeing 'part of us burn'
By George Martin For Mailonline
Published: 13:10 EDT, 15 April 2019 | Updated: 14:49 EDT, 15 April 2019


As soon as I read that Notra-Dame was completed in 1260 I tried to image one of our national treasure being destroyed that compares to Notra-Dame. The only thing I can think of is the original Declaration of Independence:


and/or the U.S. Constitution:


Incidentally, to me Notra Dame was always a university in Indiana. If it was not for this 1939 movie I probably never would have heard of Notra-Dame in Paris any more than an average Frenchman heard about Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC:


I am not making light of France’s loss, but I always thought this is where is where Democrats got the idea for sanctuary cites:

Incidentally, is there a Hunchback of Minaret in the Muslim world? Probably not. It is pretty hard imagining Quasimodo swinging around a prayer tower.

Rival French Billionaires Pledge Over $600 Million to Rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral
By Phil Serafino and Bloomberg Updated: April 16, 2019 2:49 PM ET

My greatest fear is that the money pledged by billionaires is being donated to save Notra-Dame’s famous gargoyles.



Who, better than billionaires, can convince fools that gargoyles are evil monsters attacking God? In truth, gargoyles face outwards to protect the church’s wealthiest supporters, power, and income from the people who do believe in God.

NOTE: There is no way to determine the number of people worldwide who believe in God but not religion.

Every religion has one rule in common that never changes: Prey on the superstitious mind. Note that gargoyles also defend Socialism’s cathedral by frightening unbelievers with scare tactics like nuclear war, starvation, and overpopulation rather than stone images of terrifying creatures protecting all that is holy and good.

Incidentally, when Socialists built their cathedral with tax dollars the secretary-general became their spiritual leader —— infallible in matters of politics, faith, and morals —— defending Socialism/Communism just as the Roman Catholic Pope defends Roman Catholicism.

Finally if this is Socialism’s cathedral, Notra-Dame has to be a Chautauqua tent:



It is odd that people are saying it was electrical when nobody has been able to investigate yet

Another whitewash because they know it was muslime terrorism
Another whitewash because they know it was muslime terrorism

To Teflon Don: If you are right they were warming up for Saint Peter's in Rome.

Parenthetically, Catholics can even the score with attacks on Islam’s mosques. There are many to choose from. I think this one is a fair exchange for Notra-Dame:


To Teflon Don: If you are right they were warming up for Saint Peter's in Rome.

Parenthetically, Catholics can even the score with attacks on Islam’s mosques. There are many to choose from. I think this one is a fair exchange for Notra-Dame:


Well I know this history will be lost on JPP leftists and trans rightys because they were indoctrinated in public schools but this is how the Crusades began

The west was weak and islum was on the march. It is time for another Crusades

Seems a little coincidental that the holiest site in France burns on its holiest week. And I don’t believe in coincidences.
It is time for another Crusades

To Teflon Don: Pope Frank is no Pope Urban II:

Frank is either running scared, or he is an asshole:

Vatican makes history: Pope allows Islamic prayers, Koran readings
By Cheryl K. Chumley
Monday, June 9, 2014

Incidentally, Pope Frank teaming up with Muslims to Kill Communists might work out okay for the rest of us:

The best outcome for mankind is for Christians marching off to war alongside Muslims killing Communists. The remnants of whichever side remains standing can easily be mopped up by a majority of people who have no use for organized religions.

Just to be clear. There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.
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Incidentally, is there a Hunchback of Minaret in the Muslim world? Probably not. It is pretty hard imagining Quasimodo swinging around a prayer tower.

Cooler heads prevailed:

. . . “attempts to transform the structure into a ‘contemporary’ beacon for ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ won’t be tolerated.”


One radical suggested the spire be replaced “with what would essentially be an Islamic minaret,” . . .

Scorched Notre Dame to become 'multicultural' utopia?
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 06/02/2019 @ 7:14 pm
It is odd that people are saying it was electrical when nobody has been able to investigate yet

Another whitewash because they know it was muslime terrorism

And here those way too dang lily brilliant white megalomaniacal Catholic Church crusades over looked burning the USA in the assassination of JFK, stealing & burning US Constitutions & that second coming thru 9/11 for liberty & justice for all the Christians also in losing a cathedral whitewash.