Francesca Albanese is a total disgrace


Verified User
She is totally one sided and ought to be sacked with immediate effect. Cunts like Dumber69 and McMoonShi'ite lap that shit up!

Except, it doesn’t look like your report contains the aforementioned investigation.

It’s a libel paper, nothing more.

A few thoughts on some of the points in your report:

1. The figures of 30,000 Palestinians killed and 71,000 injured that you quote in the report are coming straight from Hamas - an organisation that killed and taped innocent Israelis and has a proscribed status in many countries. These numbers have been conclusively proven as false. As a UN Special Rapporteur, you must independently verify such critical information and provide clear evidence of Israel's intent to maximize civilian harm.

2. Allegations of torture must be backed by concrete evidence included in the report itself. Alas, none are provided. Making serious accusations without proper documentation is problematic.

3. Israel has presented evidence that Hamas operates from civilian infrastructure, which would constitute a violation of IHL by Hamas and could justify IDF attacks. Your report does not adequately consider this context or provide clear evidence of Israel's deliberate intent to destroy infrastructure to inflict conditions calculated to bring about the physical destruction of Palestinians in Gaza.

4. Quotes from Israeli officials making allegedly genocidal statements are, of course, highly cincernjng, but your report does not establish that these views represent official Israeli policy and directly influence actions taken.

5. As a Special Rapporteur, your role is to conduct impartial fact-finding and present objective, verifiable information. Relying primarily on unsubstantiated claims without rigorous supporting evidence fails to fulfill this responsibility.

6. The issues raised call into question the impartiality and credibility of your investigation and analysis. To accuse a state of genocide, the evidence must be unimpeachable and the methodology beyond reproach.

Sadly, this isn’t a UN Special Rapporteur’s report. It’s not a fact-finding mission.

It’s yet another blood libel that seeks to accomplish nothing but vindication of your own biases against Israel.

I’m seriously puzzled how the UN even allowed you to run with this report.

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I was wondering who the fuck she is, but I see she's some UN hack or another. That means her report is Grade B single-ply toilet paper.
Yes, she's McMoonShi'ite's latest plaything.

Loony Moony is a disgrace to humanity.

He supports a terrorist group, Hamas, that slaughtered Israeli civilians including beheading and burning alive infants and taking hostages, including Americans.,