Fred Thompson talking for the rich folk at RNC


Junior Member
Fred Thompson Law and Order star

Listening to them you'd think that we were in the middle of a Great Depression; that we are down, disrespected and incapable of prevailing against challenges facing us.

umm people losing their houses, electric bills, debt going up.

well rich $$$ people rarely suffer anyways. If i had his salary id probably be saying the same thing too.
Hmmm, I found that I agreed with a lot of what Mr. Thompson said last night. Interesting the diversity of thought.
Sure are a lot of rich white people at that convention. There's as much enthusiasm there as the last funeral I attended. There's as much cultural diversity there as a KKK meeting and I suggest you wear boots when you watch it because the bullshit is deep. I put a big piece of plastic and a bucket in front of my tv so the crap oozing out won't stain my carpet.

Since Bush and the corporate news media has destroyed all credibility for the Republicon party and we've learned they mean the opposite of what they say (Clean Air means more pollution, Healthy Forests means more logging, Mission Accomplished and on and on) the Country First signs at the convention should read 'Corporations First', or 'Rich White Folks First', or 'Us First'.

*yawn* zzzzzzzzzzz
democrats butt fuck themselves without a reacharound when it comes to the economy.
Dawy is the most ignorant MBA EVER.
Fred Thompson Law and Order star

Listening to them you'd think that we were in the middle of a Great Depression; that we are down, disrespected and incapable of prevailing against challenges facing us.

umm people losing their houses, electric bills, debt going up.

well rich $$$ people rarely suffer anyways. If i had his salary id probably be saying the same thing too.

You can have his salery. What is stopping you? Taxes stop you---but that is not what the rep party wants to raise--this time--I hope. :)

Someday--I hope to be rich--and employ Americans with a worlds best wage. I am working on my dream--what are you doing?
Thompson, what a snuzzer! I can't imagine his speech was that captivating! I will pass!