Free Country, Really?


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Are American citizens really ”FREE?”

Should American citizens be free to do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate anybody else’s rights to life, liberty, or property?

Do American citizens own their own bodies? Should they be free to own their own bodies?

Does government own your body? Should government own your body?
Are American citizens really ”FREE?”

Should American citizens be free to do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate anybody else’s rights to life, liberty, or property?

Do American citizens own their own bodies? Should they be free to own their own bodies?

Does government own your body? Should government own your body?

Is this a post to support the topfree movement?
Are American citizens really ”FREE?”

Should American citizens be free to do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate anybody else’s rights to life, liberty, or property?

Do American citizens own their own bodies? Should they be free to own their own bodies?

Does government own your body? Should government own your body?

depends on what political spectrum one resides in. of course, what that really means is that liberals believe you own your own body, but the government can tell everyone what they can't do so that the liberal feels safe and free. the conservative believes you own your own body, except for that which the government can tell you that you can't do so you can be a morally upright god loving human being......and then both of them agree that the government can tell you what you can and can't do so that their little snowflakes are safe and protected.
Are American citizens really ”FREE?”

Should American citizens be free to do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate anybody else’s rights to life, liberty, or property?

Do American citizens own their own bodies? Should they be free to own their own bodies?

Does government own your body? Should government own your body?

The simple answer is no we are not. The left obviously carved out an exception for murdering a baby, but other than that they are fine with the gobblement telling you what you can do
The entire rub comes down to the point of where our freedoms prevent others the right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The Supreme Court has been laying out these issues since the inception.

We have rights that are absolute until balanced with the rights of others, and where that line exists is generally what the S. Ct. is deciding in Constitutional cases, and ultimately they are all Constitutional cases.

Roe v. Wade - A woman's right to freedom over her body v. the right of a fetus that is growing inside it.
Loving v. Virginia - A couples right to marry v. the governments right to regulate the structure of family.
Brown v. Board of Education - Individuals right to equal protection v. States right to segregate in a way they argued was best for its people.

Many landmark Supreme Court cases are decided based on where this line is drawn.
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Are American citizens really ”FREE?”

Should American citizens be free to do whatever they want as long as they don’t violate anybody else’s rights to life, liberty, or property?

Do American citizens own their own bodies? Should they be free to own their own bodies?

Does government own your body? Should government own your body?

No; I don't want morons like you near me who think they can park their wrecks on their front lawns.

Don't like our rules; don't let the door hit your dumb ass on the way out.
Libertarian dumbfucks who don't vote or like rules are FREE to leave anytime they want. Who's keeping them here?

Liberal dumbfucks who don't like the idea of a Trump Presidency are also free to leave anytime they want. Who's keeping them here?
statist conservative badge blowers are the antithesis to american freedom. why do you hate freedom? do you hate the founders also? do you believe they should have surrendered to king george?
If you live in a low population area, your rights are much less likely to affect those of others, you have more freedom.

If you want to randomly shoot off your bazooka, and you are the only one around for miles... okay with me.

If you live in a city with thousands of people within a mile, you have less freedom.
The entire rub comes down to the point of where our freedoms prevent others the right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The Supreme Court has been laying out these issues since the inception.

We have rights that are absolute until balanced with the rights of others, and where that line exists is generally what the S. Ct. is deciding in Constitutional cases, and ultimately they are all Constitutional cases.

Roe v. Wade - A woman's right to freedom over her body v. the right of a fetus that is growing inside it.
Loving v. Virginia - A couples right to marry v. the governments right to regulate the structure of family.
Brown v. Board of Education - Individuals right to equal protection v. States right to segregate in a way they argued was best for its people.

Many landmark Supreme Court cases are decided based on where this line is drawn.

Then you're OK with 9 partisan ideological judges owning your body, right?
whn your rules are the exact opposite of what the framers intended and provided for, it's you who should leave.

He can't leave until they take off the straight-jacket and unlock the cell door and they won't do that until the doctors certify he's no danger to himself. Good luck with that!
Libertarian dumbfucks who don't vote or like rules are FREE to leave anytime they want. Who's keeping them here?

Liberal dumbfucks who don't like the idea of a Trump Presidency are also free to leave anytime they want. Who's keeping them here?

I knew The Donald was your guy!
Then you're OK with 9 partisan ideological judges owning your body, right?

no, and I never said that.

Id rather 9 judges, separated from politics, not answerable to the masses for job security, appointed by an elected president and approved by the Congress defining the rights, defining that line than just about any other system that has yet to be dreamed up.
If you live in a low population area, your rights are much less likely to affect those of others, you have more freedom.

If you want to randomly shoot off your bazooka, and you are the only one around for miles... okay with me.

If you live in a city with thousands of people within a mile, you have less freedom.

"RIGHTS" have no adverse affects on anybody ever because "RIGHTS" never violate anybody else's rights. Violations of other people's rights are NOT rights, they're violations of rights.