Freedom and Liberty? Whose Freedom? Whose Liberty"?


New member
Let me get this entirely straight. ILA has the freedom to do whatever the hell he wants here and can't be taken off or even punished because it would be an infringement on his freedom and liberty to be as big a damn racist, sexist and homophobic scumbag as he wants to be, but the people who post here and aren't aren't racist, sexist, and homophobic scumbags and in fact are the victims of his slurs and taunts are put on automatic Ignore which is a direct impingement on their freedom and liberty of association. This is the most convoluted and fucked up response to his repeated slurs and violence against women that I can possibly imagine. The victims of his shit are punished by having their freedom taken away while he gets to contoniue to run around and post his ignorant racist and sexist shit! And you call this fair or equitable. Amazing. The people who run this board don't give a shit about freedom or liberty all they care about is protecting a fucking for right wing lunatic from interaction with those who would tell him that his shit stinks.

This is the worst kind of partisan Bullshit!
So you're so disguisted with ILA and his words that you want him banned, but when you can't read them, you're upset?

Uh huh, makes perfect sense. Let me guess, now you're going to create another account to get around forced ignore, thereby putting even more effort into being offended than it would take to just LET IT FUCKING GO. THEY ARE JUST WORDS YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER. If someone says something I don't like, you know what I do? No, you couldn't possibly know because the idea would NEVER creep its way into your head. I just ignore it, and if it's particularly bad, I ignore the person and move on with life. It's what I do in public, and it's what I do on the internet. Why the fuck can't you dumb fuckinig proles just leave it alone?
dantes you did not want to read ILA's posts anymore

Now you don't have too.

Consider it as ILA being banned on an individual level.

He hasn't been banned from the site, but he's been banned from your sight.

If you are going to campaign to have someone out of your view and then complain when they are out of your view, excuse me if I don't take you very seriously.

Forced ignore is exactly for situations such as these.

Take this as an opportunity to be free from the person that has bothered you so much.
dantes you did not want to read ILA's posts anymore

Now you don't have too.

Consider it as ILA being banned on an individual level.

He hasn't been banned from the site, but he's been banned from your sight.

If you are going to campaign to have someone out of your view and then complain when they are out of your view, excuse me if I don't take you very seriously. @

Forced ignore is exactly for situations such as these.

Take this as an opportunity to be free from the person that has bothered you so much.

Has it been enforced, yet?
Let me get this entirely straight. ILA has the freedom to do whatever the hell he wants here and can't be taken off or even punished because it would be an infringement on his freedom and liberty to be as big a damn racist, sexist and homophobic scumbag as he wants to be, but the people who post here and aren't aren't racist, sexist, and homophobic scumbags and in fact are the victims of his slurs and taunts are put on automatic Ignore which is a direct impingement on their freedom and liberty of association. This is the most convoluted and fucked up response to his repeated slurs and violence against women that I can possibly imagine. The victims of his shit are punished by having their freedom taken away while he gets to contoniue to run around and post his ignorant racist and sexist shit! And you call this fair or equitable. Amazing. The people who run this board don't give a shit about freedom or liberty all they care about is protecting a fucking for right wing lunatic from interaction with those who would tell him that his shit stinks.

This is the worst kind of partisan Bullshit!

See, that's where your thinking shows it's limitations.

ILA is not allowed to do what ever he wants - he's allowed to post as long as he doesn't violate the rules.
The ones who were banned, violated those rules and were justly consequence for their willful violation.

You want the mods to take away your right to be offended and ban what you don't want to read and yet, you already have that ability by using the ignore and thread ban feature (which you refuse to utilize).
Instead you CHOOSE to just bitch and moan about what you don't like.

Take some personal responsibility and help yourself, instead of expecting the mods (government) to take care of you.

You only want FREEDOM and LIBERTY, as long as you get to define what the meanings are.
Has it been enforced, yet?

about 6-7 users have been made to force-ignore ILA.

It's not a value judgement of a punishment, I don't know why an ILA despiser would view not being able to read ILA posts as a 'bad thing'

The more people forced to ignore ILA, the more limited his audience is, the less people quoting ILA and arguing with him (thus preventing people from seeing his posts even inadvertently via someone else quoting).

There just simply is no reason for certain members to persist in having a dialogue with ILA.
about 6-7 users have been made to force-ignore ILA.

It's not a value judgement of a punishment, I don't know why an ILA despiser would view not being able to read ILA posts as a 'bad thing'

The more people forced to ignore ILA, the more limited his audience is, the less people quoting ILA and arguing with him (thus preventing people from seeing his posts even inadvertently via someone else quoting).

There just simply is no reason for certain members to persist in having a dialogue with ILA.

Thanks, I didn't know it was implemented already, may be the reasons for his absence, it just isn't fun here for him anymore.
I tip my hat to the mods for this!
There just simply is no reason for certain members to persist in having a dialogue with ILA.

Well there it is in a nutshell.

Grind thinks he's qualified to make decisions for each and every one of us, because he knows BETTER than you or I do what is best for us.

ILA has free reign to spew his venom all over the board while the more rational, reasonable posters are subjected to forced 're-education" thanks to our benevolent OVERLORDS who presume to tell us what we should be thnking.
Well there it is in a nutshell.

Grind thinks he's qualified to make decisions for each and every one of us, because he knows BETTER than you or I do what is best for us.

ILA has free reign to spew his venom all over the board while the more rational, reasonable posters are subjected to forced 're-education" thanks to our benevolent OVERLORDS who presume to tell us what we should be thnking.

Whoa. If I didn't know better I'd think you were a republican based on your second paragraph.
Well there it is in a nutshell.

Grind thinks he's qualified to make decisions for each and every one of us, because he knows BETTER than you or I do what is best for us.

ILA has free reign to spew his venom all over the board while the more rational, reasonable posters are subjected to forced 're-education" thanks to our benevolent OVERLORDS who presume to tell us what we should be thnking.

So you are offended and pissed about ILA's posts. You are so offended you continually complain about it. Then Grind puts you under a forced ignore, and you whine about the lack of freedom to read something that offends you and pisses you off?

You need professional help.
So you are offended and pissed about ILA's posts. You are so offended you continually complain about it. Then Grind puts you under a forced ignore, and you whine about the lack of freedom to read something that offends you and pisses you off?

You need professional help.

Am I offended by ILA's posts?


Am I pissed?

Once in a while...many are actually so stupid they are hilarious.

Do I "continually complain" about them?

I don't think so.