French P*ssies


Well-known member
French Marriage Laws

This is awesome! So if your wife asks you if she looks good in her jeans you're f'd because if you say no she looks big in them you are breaking the law by insulting her and if you lie and say yes you are breaking the law by lying to her.

Shouting at your wife may get you a criminal record in France

Married couples in France could end up with criminal records for insulting each other during arguments.

Under a new law, France is to become the first country in the world to ban ' psychological violence' within marriage.

The law would apply to cohabiting couples and to both men and women

It would cover men who shout at their wives and women who hurl abuse at their husbands - although it was not clear last night if nagging would be viewed as breaking the law.

The law is expected to cover every kind of insult including repeated rude remarks about a partner's appearance, false allegations of infidelity and threats of physical violence.

Police are being urged to issue a caution in the first instance, but repeat offenders could face a fine, a restraining order or even jail.

Critics said the measure was a gimmick produced in response to lobbying by feminists and would be impossible to implement.

But French premier Francois Fillon, who announced the law, said: 'The creation of this offence will allow us to deal with the most insidious situations - situations that leave no visible scars, but which leave victims torn up inside.'

Many believe the offence will be impossible to prove. Psychologist Anne Giraud said: 'Squabbling couples will allege all kinds of things about each other, but often it will be a case of one person's word against the other.'

Sociologist Pierre Bonnet said: 'The next step will be to make rudeness a criminal offence. The police and courts will be over-stretched trying to deal with numerous cases.'

A spokesman for Mr Fillon said the law was supported by the government, and was likely to be implemented within six months.
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But French premier Francois Fillon, who announced the law, said: 'The creation of this offence will allow us to deal with the most insidious situations - situations that leave no visible scars, but which leave victims torn up inside.'

I don't see why this is allegedly so lame. Psychological abuse can be as destructive as physical abuse. I don't think, in principle, this is a bad idea. Obviously, it doesn't sound like they are going to arrest people for minor slights or off-handed uncivil insults. According to your short snippet, it's intended for the most egregious of cases. There's a lot of women out there who get psychologically abused through verbal intimidation. Cawacko, haven't you ever known any women who were mentally abused via verbal intimidation by some knuckle-dragging scum bag? That sh*t can really f*ck up a person's head. There's a lot of that crap that goes on.
I had to get my little dig in at the French in the subject line. I don't disagree that some relationships have legitimate verbal abuse and that's unacceptable. Like one partner threatening to beat up the other is bullsh*t. Again unacceptable. I have no problem with those people facing punishment.

Like many laws I guess it comes down to how it is enforced. If they really only do go after those truly abusive folks then I would actually applaud it. But when they write it in the law insults and disagreements then that's what's crazy.

I'm real lucky. My parents are both still alive and healthy and have been married for 40 years and are still in love. But I've heard them call each other names during the rare times that they argue that under this law would qualify as a violation. That is what I'm mocking.
I don't see why this is allegedly so lame. Psychological abuse can be as destructive as physical abuse. I don't think, in principle, this is a bad idea. Obviously, it doesn't sound like they are going to arrest people for minor slights or off-handed uncivil insults. According to your short snippet, it's intended for the most egregious of cases. There's a lot of women out there who get psychologically abused through verbal intimidation. Cawacko, haven't you ever known any women who were mentally abused via verbal intimidation by some knuckle-dragging scum bag? That sh*t can really f*ck up a person's head. There's a lot of that crap that goes on.

LOL nice trolling. I wish Watermark were this good. :lolup:
I don't see why this is allegedly so lame. Psychological abuse can be as destructive as physical abuse. I don't think, in principle, this is a bad idea. Obviously, it doesn't sound like they are going to arrest people for minor slights or off-handed uncivil insults. According to your short snippet, it's intended for the most egregious of cases. There's a lot of women out there who get psychologically abused through verbal intimidation. Cawacko, haven't you ever known any women who were mentally abused via verbal intimidation by some knuckle-dragging scum bag? That sh*t can really f*ck up a person's head. There's a lot of that crap that goes on.

you couldn't post that in's insulting....
they may not be good war mongerers like the neocons but they make good wine and have the hottest woman.

they may not be good war mongerers like the neocons but they make good wine and have the hottest woman.


You cannot call yourself the Dude and claim the French have the hottest woman.

Damo, can you make this troll change his name? He's an embarrassment to term dude.
The dude loves the Pacific and the Atlantic.

The dude could see himself in a permanent Catalina vibe though Fla key's isn't far behind.
Looks like Soc is trying to have a throw down with you to see how has the hottest sig pic.

Sorry, but the Scarlett J was much hotter than the silicone chick
Looks like Soc is trying to have a throw down with you to see how has the hottest sig pic.

Sorry, but the Scarlett J was much hotter than the silicone chick

Knooooooooowwwwww!! Scarlett was a real sweety, but I have been corrupted by Keeley's special action features. :cool:

Knooooooooowwwwww!! Scarlett was a real sweety, but I have been corrupted by Keeley's special action features. :cool:


And special is exactly what they are!!!!

There's a lot to be said for the "natural" look, but there's also plenty to be said for "enhanced"...
I don't see why this is allegedly so lame. Psychological abuse can be as destructive as physical abuse. I don't think, in principle, this is a bad idea. Obviously, it doesn't sound like they are going to arrest people for minor slights or off-handed uncivil insults. According to your short snippet, it's intended for the most egregious of cases. There's a lot of women out there who get psychologically abused through verbal intimidation. Cawacko, haven't you ever known any women who were mentally abused via verbal intimidation by some knuckle-dragging scum bag? That sh*t can really f*ck up a person's head. There's a lot of that crap that goes on.

fuck you dirtbag, cocksucker, worthless piece of shit, no good for nuthin, slacker, asswipe who will never amount to shit, worthless loser

you really want to criminalize that? threats of violence are criminal, but words? why do you hate freedom? next, you'll laugh with glee at the wife who is sent to jail because she was pissed her husband slept with another woman and she called him all the names typed above


oh no, the french police are going to get to me
fuck you dirtbag, cocksucker, worthless piece of shit, no good for nuthin, slacker, asswipe who will never amount to shit, worthless loser

you really want to criminalize that? threats of violence are criminal, but words? why do you hate freedom? next, you'll laugh with glee at the wife who is sent to jail because she was pissed her husband slept with another woman and she called him all the names typed above


oh no, the french police are going to get to me

Just don't boo the French natl. anthem.

BTW, only virgins talk like that, Yurt
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