French right in commanding position as 'fed up' voters prepare to send Macron message in elections


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French right in commanding position as 'fed up' voters prepare to send Macron message in elections

FRANCE - Voting began on Sunday in the French parliamentary elections and the result could reflect an unprecedented move to the right in what could lead to the most conservative parliament since the country was liberated in WWII, experts say.

The reasons come down to unhappiness with immigration, a weak economy, a cost-of-living crisis and dissatisfaction with the current centrist government, especially among younger voters.

"Right now, France is seeing its biggest shift to the right," Matthew Tyrmand, adviser to conservative political candidates and parties across Europe told Fox News Digital. "This is democracy at work—the people are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore."....

Unfettered immigration, which totaled more than 320,000 last year plus undocumented migrants, has many French voters worried. "It’s more to do with instability and violence than about immigrants taking away jobs from the French," says Leo Barincou, a Paris-based senior economist for Oxford Economics. "You have crimes that made headlines that were immigrant-related; That’s what’s pushing the rejection of immigration." Some of those events included terrorist attacks, murders and assaults. Another factor swaying voters against more immigration is the cost imposed on taxpayers for social benefits," he told Fox News Digital....


Looks like the French are sick and tired of the Liberal Bull***t too.