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Hi everyone! I'll call myself Tags. I've never posted to a politics board before. I've posted on Craigslist politics before, but it made me want to shoot myself in the face. It is just a fountain of endless propaganda for both liberals and conservatives.

A little about me:
I was born into a very liberal family. I became a soldier after 9/11 (I'm a reservist now, but I was active for several years). I am a Christian, but I believe in many paths to God and I feel religion has no place in politics.

Politically I don't consider myself liberal or conservative, however I have been called a "Marxist" and a "Right-wing nutjob." I would prefer no government, however I don't think people as a whole are ready for that, so I would prefer a government that provides for the basic needs of people, but stays out of the day to day lives of its citizens. I support maximizing freedoms, including gay marriage, abortion, and the legalization of marijuana. I oppose gun control beyond felony checks and I support a strong national defense and the death penalty. I distrust career politicians, since I feel that they are in the game solely for themselves and not for the people they 'represent', thus any of them will do whatever they feel is necessary to get reelected. Economically I believe a free market is capable of making a nation very prosperous, but I support progressive taxing.

Historically, I have never been satisfied with my voting. I am a fan of Clinton, thus I supported Gore until I realized he was not Clinton Jr. In 2004, I supported Bush, because I thought Kerry was a pompous ass, but just a year later I regretted that. In 2008, I was a McCain supporter until Palin came along, so I voted for Obama. I don't know what I'll do in 2012.

I hope to enjoy the board. Thanks!
Thanks y'all. I actually found this board while looking on google. After reading some posts I decided to try to become involved. I hope to become a steady poster, but I will probably start slow until I get the feel for everyone.
I've worked with quite a few units. Notable mentions: 1/25th ID in Iraq, 4/25th ID in Afghanistan, and 3/101st in Afghanistan. I've also served with the 82nd though.
I've worked with quite a few units. Notable mentions: 1/25th ID in Iraq, 4/25th ID in Afghanistan, and 3/101st in Afghanistan. I've also served with the 82nd though.
Fun times, when were you in Iraq? I was in the initial surge of 07 out in Anbar.
Hi everyone! I'll call myself Tags. I've never posted to a politics board before. I've posted on Craigslist politics before, but it made me want to shoot myself in the face. It is just a fountain of endless propaganda for both liberals and conservatives.

A little about me:
I was born into a very liberal family. I became a soldier after 9/11 (I'm a reservist now, but I was active for several years). I am a Christian, but I believe in many paths to God and I feel religion has no place in politics.

Politically I don't consider myself liberal or conservative, however I have been called a "Marxist" and a "Right-wing nutjob." I would prefer no government, however I don't think people as a whole are ready for that, so I would prefer a government that provides for the basic needs of people, but stays out of the day to day lives of its citizens. I support maximizing freedoms, including gay marriage, abortion, and the legalization of marijuana. I oppose gun control beyond felony checks and I support a strong national defense and the death penalty. I distrust career politicians, since I feel that they are in the game solely for themselves and not for the people they 'represent', thus any of them will do whatever they feel is necessary to get reelected. Economically I believe a free market is capable of making a nation very prosperous, but I support progressive taxing.

Historically, I have never been satisfied with my voting. I am a fan of Clinton, thus I supported Gore until I realized he was not Clinton Jr. In 2004, I supported Bush, because I thought Kerry was a pompous ass, but just a year later I regretted that. In 2008, I was a McCain supporter until Palin came along, so I voted for Obama. I don't know what I'll do in 2012.

I hope to enjoy the board. Thanks!

Welcome to JPP, Tags!

As I've told other newcomers we're like a family, just dysfunctional enough to keep it interesting. :D
Hi everyone! I'll call myself Tags. I've never posted to a politics board before. I've posted on Craigslist politics before, but it made me want to shoot myself in the face. It is just a fountain of endless propaganda for both liberals and conservatives.

A little about me:
I was born into a very liberal family. I became a soldier after 9/11 (I'm a reservist now, but I was active for several years). I am a Christian, but I believe in many paths to God and I feel religion has no place in politics.

Politically I don't consider myself liberal or conservative, however I have been called a "Marxist" and a "Right-wing nutjob." I would prefer no government, however I don't think people as a whole are ready for that, so I would prefer a government that provides for the basic needs of people, but stays out of the day to day lives of its citizens. I support maximizing freedoms, including gay marriage, abortion, and the legalization of marijuana. I oppose gun control beyond felony checks and I support a strong national defense and the death penalty. I distrust career politicians, since I feel that they are in the game solely for themselves and not for the people they 'represent', thus any of them will do whatever they feel is necessary to get reelected. Economically I believe a free market is capable of making a nation very prosperous, but I support progressive taxing.

Historically, I have never been satisfied with my voting. I am a fan of Clinton, thus I supported Gore until I realized he was not Clinton Jr. In 2004, I supported Bush, because I thought Kerry was a pompous ass, but just a year later I regretted that. In 2008, I was a McCain supporter until Palin came along, so I voted for Obama. I don't know what I'll do in 2012.

I hope to enjoy the board. Thanks!

welcome... first and foremost, thank you for your service. We appreciate it.
Thanks again for everyone's hospitality.

I was in Iraq from 2004-2005 in and around Mosul. Most of my work in Afghanistan was in 2009 and 2010 near the Pakistan border.
Thanks again for everyone's hospitality.

I was in Iraq from 2004-2005 in and around Mosul. Most of my work in Afghanistan was in 2009 and 2010 near the Pakistan border.
Fun. I tried to go to Afghan but I didn;t have enough time left and wouldn't re-enlist unless they made me a mini gun operator.