Friggin Russia

Pickett is a Dem ?
We should have been working on this for 30 years.
But there was profit to be made.
Pickett is a Dem ?
We should have been working on this for 30 years.
But there was profit to be made.

So your response is.... we should have started sooner so why start now?

Side note... he did not say we shouldn't be tapping our oil/gas resources. He stated that those are not short term solutions. He knows that it will take 5-10 years at a minimum to get new sites on line. He also knows that we must invest in the infrastructure for alt energy production.
So your response is.... we should have started sooner so why start now?

Side note... he did not say we shouldn't be tapping our oil/gas resources. He stated that those are not short term solutions. He knows that it will take 5-10 years at a minimum to get new sites on line. He also knows that we must invest in the infrastructure for alt energy production.
Imagine if we had started on this about 7 years ago, when it became clear that foreign dependency was causing us problems...
I saw pickets commercial a few hours ago.

Yes we will drill, but it is not the answer.
the answer lies with reasonable consumption and largely with alternatives to oil.

And no the reserves will not drop the price of gas more than a few cents. And if we use em up and Iran blows up and the gulf straight is closed off as someone on here talked of ?

Damn nearsighted people.
Imagine if we had started on this about 7 years ago, when it became clear that foreign dependency was causing us problems...

Exactly. But no.... we had to listen to the bullshit line then that "it would take 10 years to bring on line so why do it?"

We have been hearing that line for decades as our dependency on foreign oil has grown from 20 to 40 to 70%.
Exactly. But no.... we had to listen to the bullshit line then that "it would take 10 years to bring on line so why do it?"

We have been hearing that line for decades as our dependency on foreign oil has grown from 20 to 40 to 70%.

Ohh all about more oil, not reducing our useage and developing alternatives ?

Such a narrow focus, broaden your vision.
Ohh all about more oil, not reducing our useage and developing alternatives ?

Such a narrow focus, broaden your vision.
Inane. Such narrow focus.

The two are separate things. I promote a heavy Manhattan Project style program to promote a new energy source that can be manufactured and sold in the US.

There is no reason not to have a program that reduces foreign dependency in the interim. A bridge. Had we begun this when it was very apparent foreign dependency was creating direct and observable issues, we'd be reaping some of the benefit already all while still working towards alternate energy.
Manufactured in China or taiwan I think. did you know that in Taiwan something like 35% of college kids pursue engineering ? We do MBA's over here. Cheaper labor overseas, etc.

We have gone too far to pull a miracle rabbit out of our hat. Even if we had the rabbit we would sell it to other countries for s few sheckles in a few pockets.
Ohh all about more oil, not reducing our useage and developing alternatives ?

Such a narrow focus, broaden your vision.

What the fuck are you rambling about now? Are you actually trying to create yet another pathetic strawman?

How many times do I have to say that we must develop all domestic fossil fuels that we can AND develop every alternative we can?

Are you really ignorant enough to pretend that I haven't stated just that?

Enough of your bullshit jollie.
Ahh in time you will understand.
And reflect on how smart that loony old fart on Justplainpolitics really was.
that in itself shows how much you have yet to learn.

Few are really mornons.
Even Bush is not a Moron. Dixie neither. Demented yes, but not a moron.

Don't kid yourself. I know far more on this particular issue than you, yet have to put up with your ignorant one liners about how much you know and blah blah blah. Either defend your idiotic position or do try to remain silent so that others can have an open discussion without your moronic strawman attempts.
Don't kid yourself. I know far more on this particular issue than you, yet have to put up with your ignorant one liners about how much you know and blah blah blah. Either defend your idiotic position or do try to remain silent so that others can have an open discussion without your moronic strawman attempts.

sure thing, I think I will go float around in the cement pond a bit and ponder on things. But not On this.
Like where to take the Grandchildren hiking Friday. Important stuff you know.
poor little guys are city kids, they need to learn the real world a bit better. And they love it too.