From his OWN site, Obama wants to increase the size of the military by 100,000.


New member
It's like I've argued for awhile now, Dems will cut nothing, they are increasing spending even more than Repubs on domestic issues and the one issue (defence spending) where they traditionally make cuts, Obama is increasing spending.

"Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan
Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. "

So here's another question that should make you rethink Obama.
If he is REALLY looking to end the Iraq war, why the FUCK does he need to increase troops?
I would hedge a bet on he is not going to end the Iraq war because people will only ever blame Bush for that. Too many people out there have so much loathing for the failure of Repubs to cut spending that they are willing to overlook a rare senator like McCain who actually has been the best (not great) at voting to control spending in the senate and instead vote in a guy who wants to spend more everywhere and call it "change".
Obama will end the Iraq War; he won't have much choice. They're already talking about timelines & withdrawal. He'll really have no reason not to.
It's political posturing. Do you honestly think anyone expected McGovern to win after he announced that he'd cut military spending by a third?