FSU remembers Tom Petty


FSU (Florida State University) is the home of the Semenholes, in Tallahassee.

Tom was from Gainesville, home of the University of Florida (UF) Gaytors.

The two schools are bitter rivals.

Fun fact: Tom never went to college.
Petty on the Confederate flag: "It's like how a swastika looks to a Jewish person"

Yes, besides appreciating his music, Florida rednecks and Southerners more generally should pay attention to what their native son wrote about the Confederal Flag, and about fetishizing the Confederacy. According to Petty, the Confederate flag is akin to the Nazi flag and has no place in the public commons.

Tom Petty on Past Confederate Flag Use: 'It Was Downright Stupid'

Tom Petty: "[The confederate flag] shouldn't represent us in any way," Petty says. "It's like how a swastika looks to a Jewish person"

The Confederate flag was the wallpaper of the South when I was a kid growing up in Gainesville, Florida. I always knew it had to do with the Civil War, but the South had adopted it as its logo. I was pretty ignorant of what it actually meant. It was on a flagpole in front of the courthouse and I often saw it in Western movies. I just honestly didn't give it much thought, though I should have.

The Confederate flag was the wallpaper of the South when I was a kid growing up in Gainesville, Florida. I always knew it had to do with the Civil War, but the South had adopted it as its logo. I was pretty ignorant of what it actually meant. It was on a flagpole in front of the courthouse and I often saw it in Western movies. I just honestly didn't give it much thought, though I should have.

Lowering the flag from the statehouse grounds was the right decision. That flag shouldn't have any part in our government. It shouldn't represent us in any way. The war is over. You know, it's a bit ironic: It's the only time that I know of where we defeated a country in a war and then flew their flag. But Americans were on both sides of the issues. I'm sure some people still carry it to their graves.

That Southern pride gets transferred from generation to generation. I'm sure that a lot of people that applaud it don't mean it in a racial way. But again, I have to give them, as I do myself, a "stupid" mark. If you think a bit longer, there's bad connotations to this. They might have it at the football game or whatever, but they also have it at Klan rallies. If that's part of it in any way, it doesn't belong, in any way, representing the United States of America.

Again, people just need to think about how it looks to a black person. It's just awful. It's like how a swastika looks to a Jewish person. It just shouldn't be on flagpoles.

Beyond the flag issue, we're living in a time that I never thought we'd see. The way we're losing black men and citizens in general is horrific. What's going on in society is unforgivable. As a country, we should be more concerned with why the police are getting away with targeting black men and killing them for no reason. That's a bigger issue than the flag. Years from now, people will look back on today and say, "You mean we privatized the prisons so there's no profit unless the prison is full?" You'd think someone in kindergarten could figure out how stupid that is. We're creating so many of our own problems.*


Hilarious that liberals idolize entertainers as long as they appear to agree with their preconceived notions du jour.

Bias confirmation.