Fuck consensus


Consensus is a joke. All of the worst things in human history were passed by "consensus". If anything comes out of nowhere and gets a unanimous or nearly unanimous vote in any parliament, it's wrong. It only gets that because the irrational justifications are so strong, and anyone who thinks logically while the mob is rolling over them is keeping quiet for fear of their own life.

So about consensus: never seek it. What comes out will either be a meaningless blob or a mindless law.
Thats retarded, watermark.

Consensus can develop organically or be forced politically. Consensus is not always wrong.
Not only does the sun orbit around US, according to you, but if we all agree with your assertion then you'll be wrong!

So I'll begin by agreeing - creating a consensus.
There's two different kinds of consensus. Logical and illogical. Planetary orbital theory was completely logical and it tooks a hundred years to defeat the illogical consensus against it. And look at the war - congress voted for it nearly unanimously. It was an illogical consensus.

The main difference between these things is that logical consensus always takes a while to build up while illogical consensus comes out immediately, and passes under the ground that if you don't vote for it you hate America, or you don't want to protect us.