Fuller Brush Man & Avon Lady Calling


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Biden introduces door-to-door vaccination effort
By David Marcus
July 6, 2021

Who in their right mind would take on that job of mildly harassing people that don’t want the vaccine to begin with? I’d think more often than not they get:
The door slammed in their face or Threatened .
Who in their right mind would take on that job of mildly harassing people that don’t want the vaccine to begin with

To anonymoose: Good question. I would answer Bill Gates and John Kerry for starters:

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM



Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004


United Nations population controls tell me that the last thing the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death want is to keep the elderly alive.

Coronavirus is a godsend to the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death. That is another hard truth. The objective has always been reducing worldwide population by billions. That has has been the New World Order’s game plan for more than a century. Coronavirus gave the population controls crowd a substantial weapon in the form of hypothermic needles.


The government can reduce the population substantially by adding a sterilizing drug to one-in-five vials of vaccines. The number goes thru the roof in the Third World if those countries get three-out-five adulterated vials.

Incidentally, Biden & Fauci came calling after the Fuller Brush Man & Avon Lady failed to make the sale:

Knock knock.

“Who’s there?”

“Tony and Joe.”

“Tony and Joe who?”

“We’re with the government and we’re here to help.”

“Get off my property! My father said those were the nine most terrifying words in the English language.”

“Come on, man! Open your damn front door.”

“OK. But first take off your masks so I can see who you are.”

“Mr. Reagan, we’re here to tell you where you can get your free COVID-19 vaccination.”

“No thanks, Joe. I know where to get a shot – at every corner drugstore and grocery. Even Dodger Stadium…”

“But our records show you haven’t been vaccinated yet. Why not?”

“That’s my private business, Tony.”

“But we have prizes and bribes – let me see my notes …. Yes, a free dinner, a free lottery ticket, a trip to Disneyland.”

“No thanks, Joe. I don’t want the vaccine. Now please remove your foot from my door so I can close it.”

“But health experts and big drug companies say everyone needs to get a jab.”

“That’s your problem, Tony.”

“And I promised that 70 percent of the country would be vaccinated by July 4th. You’ve got to do your part to help win our war on COVID.”

“Sorry, Joe. I’m not getting the vaccine.”

“What about your two granddaughters, ages 3 and 5. The NSA data says they haven’t been vaccinated. You realize they won’t be allowed in pre-school this fall unless they get their COVID shots, don’t you?”

“My granddaughters will be vaccinated over my dead body. Kids their age don’t get COVID and don’t need a vaccine. You guys need to start following the science.”

“What’s wrong with you, Mr. Reagan? Are you a Trump supporter? Some kind of insurrectionist? Where were you on Jan. 6, by the way?”

“I was here in L.A., Tony — in my basement, wearing a mask. Now excuse me, I’ve got an opinion column to do.”


If Joe Biden, Tony Fauci or any of their underlings really come snooping door-to-door to check our vaccine status and tell us where we can get the COVID vaccine, they’ll be wasting their time.

Every person on the planet by now knows where you can get a free COVID shot – everywhere.

There’s one simple reason millions of people have not gotten the vaccine yet – because they don’t want it and don’t want to be forced to get it.

There also are a lot of people who don’t need the vaccine because they’ve already had COVID and have natural antibodies.

Other people, including school kids, are at little risk because they are young and healthy and because they are not already very old, very sick or very fat.

A lot of people don’t trust the COVID vaccines for a bunch of understandable reasons.

They are new. They were developed quickly and they were barely tested.

The big drug companies that made them were given immunity from liability for their side-effects.

And because the government is now bribing people to get the vaccine, it puts the fear into many already suspicious people that there is something in that vaccine they don’t want in their bodies.

Meanwhile, with its snooping and vaccine-pushing policies it seems like the Biden administration is secretly trying to turn everyone into a libertarian.

Health and Human Services czar Xavier Becerra actually said the government “absolutely” has the right to know everyone’s vaccination status. That’s scary – and just more government control.

If you don’t get the vaccine, I’m fine with that.

You have nothing to fear if you are vaccinated and I’m not, and vice versa.

Live your life and be happy you’re protected – just don’t ask the government to push the vaccine on others who don’t need it or don’t want it for any reason.

And don’t tell Joe or Tony I was actually vaccinated months ago. But based on what I know today, I would “de-vaccinate.”

Joe & Tony's Door-to-Door Vaccine Drive
Michael Reagan
Posted: Jul 10, 2021 12:01 AM

The government can reduce the population substantially by adding a sterilizing drug to one-in-five vials of vaccines. The number goes thru the roof in the Third World if those countries get three-out-five adulterated vials.

Graphenea.com: “Graphene—What Is It? ...Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known… the strongest compound [ever] discovered… the best conductor of heat at room temperature… the best conductor of electricity known… potentially an eco-friendly, sustainable solution for an almost limitless number of applications. Since the discovery…of graphene, applications within different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in high-frequency electronics, bio, chemical and magnetic sensors, ultra-wide bandwidth photodetectors, and energy storage and generation.”

On May 28, I wrote and posted an article about toxic graphene-containing face masks. Since then, the subject of graphene has blown up across the Internet.

There are now claims that COVID test swabs and even vaccines contain the substance.

A group of Spanish researchers report they’ve analyzed a vial of COVID vaccine and found it’s virtually nothing but graphene oxide—-98-99%.

I’m reserving my opinion about that. If true, it would mean the vaccine criminals were asking for their crime to be discovered. They weren’t trying to hide the graphene in the vaccine; they were parading it for anyone to see.

I hope another independent research group analyzes another vial of COVID vaccine and reports their findings.

Meanwhile, we are suddenly living in a graphene world. The substance is everywhere. This reminds me of the massive introduction of GMO farming in the 1990s. The strategy is familiar in industry: flood the market with a new “miracle” product; when doubters start reporting on serious health risks and damage, claim they’re crazy, while preparing to combat law suits that will drag on for decades.

Actually, that’s been the strategy of the COVID vaccine makers;

Regardless of what Big Phama puts in vaccines

. . . they’re legally exempt from liability.

Graphene face masks dangerous; and we’re living in a graphene world
By Jon Rappoport
July 12, 2021

One county in Illinois already has posted instructions for those interrogators on how to act when they confront you, including for them to ignore "No soliciting" signs.

No mention, however, of whether they're supposed to ignore "No trespassing" directives.

'Ignore no soliciting signs. Use your script': COVID door-knockers get marching orders
By Bob Unruh
Published July 12, 2021 at 12:56pm


Knock knock.

“Who’s there?”​

Here are my instructions:

Answer the door.

Never invite them to come in.

Immediately ask —— What it is you want?

Never say hello, and never, never, never ask —— Can I help you?

Say this as soon as they begin their spiel —— NOT INTERESTED.

Close the door.

If they knock again call the police and tell them intruders are threatening you.

Incidentally, as soon as you answer a telephone call from hustlers say ——NOT INTERESTED —— and hang up.

Never engage in conversation with salesmen. Never answer a telephone hustler’s opening question —— HOW YOU ARE YOU TODAY?

p.s. Have you noticed that whenever you call a company, or a retail store’s ‘help line’, the people in Bangladesh who take your call are impossible to understand, while con artists of every stripe always speak perfect English?
The government can reduce the population substantially by adding a sterilizing drug to one-in-five vials of vaccines. The number goes thru the roof in the Third World if those countries get three-out-five adulterated vials.

Democrats will take Jack Rail’s tongue-in-cheek solution seriously:

Despite the virus scare (or perhaps because of it?), global warming alarmists still worry about and grieve over their pet cause. I’ve given the matter some serious thought and conclude that the only possible solution is population culling.

We need to cull 6.9 billion of the Earth’s 7.0 billion people and spread the survivors out over several habitable landmasses. That would be 100 million people spread out over the vast plains of the U.S. and Canada and Mexico, the huge Brazilian and Argentine and Uruguayan and Venezuelan llanos, the gargantuan Asian steppes, the endless African savannas, the entire continent of Australia, and the flatlands of Europe. Those 100 million humans would live maybe one person per 100 square miles.

That should take care of social distancing.

We would have to diversify the cull to ensure equitable slaughters culling by race, birth sex, self-identified gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, language group, handedness, height, weight, eye color, hair color, body mass type, number of fingers and toes, expected longevity, fingerprint type, toenail fungus vulnerability, etc. Also, a fair spread of mechanics, welders, professors, farmers, talk show hosts, hairdressers, soldier types, stockbrokers, particle physicists, accountants, thieves, murderers, con men, politicians, and the like.

Yes, I repeat myself, but we mustn’t discriminate.

If that doesn’t cut the CO2 threat enough, we could cull all the cattle-type animals (cattle, deer, bison, etc.) whose whole purpose is to be dinner for other species. Those cutbacks alone would reduce the number of predators breathing and farting and belching and in other ways emitting the dreaded CO2 — cutting it off at the source, so to speak.

As a result of such culling, the few people left would have an idyllic existence. Clean air. Clean water. No automobiles because of no gasoline. No air conditioning because it’s uneconomical to produce with so few people. No heating because there’d be no coal mining. No airplanes because they produce CO2.

You wouldn’t be around to enjoy it, but neither would your mother-in-law. So there’s that.

We Have A Solution To Global Climate Change: A Reasonable Proposal
Jack Rail
July 16, 2021


The Culture of Death will not stop at three billion:

The government ordered killings that took place in the Soviet Union, in Nazi Germany, and in Communist China were incomprehensible to decent men and women before the murders happened. Would-be protectors whose minds and souls are diseased with Socialism’s totalitarianism will kill billions after their global ducks are all in a line. Killing two or three billion out of a population of seven or eight billion will hardly be missed.

Do not doubt global government will, and can, kill billions with modern technology.

The government can reduce the population substantially by adding a sterilizing drug to one-in-five vials of vaccines. The number goes thru the roof in the Third World if those countries get three-out-five adulterated vials.

The federal government does not have to go to Third World countries. Big Pharma can send “. . . three-out-of-five adulterated vials.” to black communities in this country.

In short: “ . . . the president’s net approval rating . . .” should tank a 100 points if Chivona Newsome wants to play it safe.

President Biden’s vaccine mandates for the private sector, healthcare workers, and federal employees are proving to be particularly unpopular for a key Democratic constituency: black voters.

According to a new Morning Consult survey, which was conducted Sept. 18-20, the president’s net approval rating among unvaccinated black voters tanked 17 points since a Sept. 6-8 survey, just before the mandates were announced.

Biden’s net approval rating—"the share who approve of his job performance minus the share who disapprove”—fell 12 percentage points among black voters during this same period.

The September erosion accounted for more than two-fifths of the decline in perceptions of Biden’s job performance to date among Black voters, providing a stark warning sign for Democrats ahead of next year’s midterms. While Black voters, who helped push Biden over the top against President Donald Trump in key states last year, are unlikely to abandon the Democratic Party en masse to back Republicans on the ballot next year, low turnout from the group could have dire consequences for Democrats in Congress, who already face an early enthusiasm gap.

Biden is still popular with most Black voters, with 71 percent of them approving of his job performance, including 37 percent who do so strongly. But since Sept. 8, the share who disapprove of Biden’s job performance has increased 7 points, to 24 percent, and 14 percent said they “strongly disapprove.”

The rise in negative views came almost entirely from unvaccinated Black voters: 38 percent of Black voters who say they have not received their vaccine disapprove of Biden’s job performance, up 11 points since before he announced the mandate, while 56 percent approve, down 6 points over that time frame. (Morning Consult)

The survey comes as Black Lives Matter is protesting New York City’s vaccine mandate, which requires patrons of most indoor establishments to show proof of vaccination. The requirement led to a fight at Carmine’s and then a protest earlier this week.

During the Monday protest, Chivona Newsome, a BLM co-founder, asked what will “stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?”

She then vowed the city would see “another uprising” over the vaccine mandate.

“We’re putting this city on notice, that your mandate will not be another racist social-distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat; that is a promise,” she said. “The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism.”

Black Americans are the least likely among all racial and ethnic demographics to have received a Covid-19 vaccine.

New Survey of Key Demographic Shows 'Stark Warning Sign' for Democrats Ahead of Midterms
Leah Barkoukis
Posted: Sep 23, 2021 7:00 AM

The federal government does not have to go to Third World countries. Big Pharma can send “. . . three-out-of-five adulterated vials.” to black communities in this country.

Unless there is a way to identify a black American who got hit with a blow dart the first time —— darts are worse than adulterated vials because the same black American can get hit numerous times:

Lee repeatedly talked about using “blow darts”—such as those used by the indigenous peoples of Africa and South America—to vaccinate Black Americans.

FDA Employee Caught on Tape Advocating for Nazi-Like Registry for Unvaccinated, and Shooting Blacks With COVID Blow Darts
By Debra Heine
September 22, 2021
