Fundie Docs Using VOODOO


Senior Member
This practice sure is screwed up. If this continues we won’t be able to go to a doctor without praying first. If prayer is so damn powerful why do we have doctors anyway? Why not just go to a minister for sickness care?

Ironically, given that 100,000 people are killed a year by the AMA, Bush should probably reconsider his fictionally-based war on a strategery and begin a war on sickness care in America. This is killing more people than any strategery any terroristssss could design.

Stupid Link That Takes Far Too Long; A One-Fingered Person Could Out Run This Antiquated Snail

Medical Practices Blend Health and Faith
Doctors, Patients Distance Themselves From Care They Consider Immora
Thank you for the link. If you just copy then paste the link into the post it will take no time at all... No need to make it look cool.
Why not answer my questions? Is it because you can't? Is is because you are secretly afraid that there is no bearded white-haired old man with a protractor up there in the clouds controlling all this shit? Is that why you can't answer my questions? Humm, toby? Fear is a powerful elixer, drink up!
I think that Christians going to a Doctor, especially an OBGYN who holds the same beliefs as they do isn't a terrible thing there Prakosh. If you want a regular one, go to a different clinic.
such blasphmy, you will burn in grinch hell for that one. :rolleyes:

Pops don't mess with me like that, next thing ya know I'll be warming over eggs while I'm in hell because I didn't know the easter bunny wasn't real either....:cof1:
mmmm, the easter bunny sure was tasty.
Don't take it too hard.....
Never could figure out how a bunny laid eggs, I guess the city kids did not know any better.
Back for just a minute.
Just to show yall how reasonable I am. My DR is running for state office as a hard core Bush style Republican. And I have not even changed Dr's :)
Now if I see a little uscitizen doll with pins in it I will run :O
Of course I am not stupid enough to talk politics with him either ;)