Funny Business in Minnesota and How They Arrived at Count

red states rule

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Here is how Al may win the MN

The point I found the most telling about a Dem recount is

"25 precincts now have more ballots than voters "

nuff said

Funny Business in Minnesota
In which every dubious ruling seems to help Al Franken.


Under Minnesota law, election officials are required to make a duplicate ballot if the original is damaged during Election Night counting. Officials are supposed to mark these as "duplicate" and segregate the original ballots. But it appears some officials may have failed to mark ballots as duplicates, which are now being counted in addition to the originals. This helps explain why more than 25 precincts now have more ballots than voters who signed in to vote. By some estimates this double counting has yielded Mr. Franken an additional 80 to 100 votes.

This disenfranchises Minnesotans whose vote counted only once. And one Canvassing Board member, State Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, has acknowledged that "very likely there was a double counting." Yet the board insists that it lacks the authority to question local officials and it is merely adding the inflated numbers to the totals.

In other cases, the board has been flagrantly inconsistent. Last month, Mr. Franken's campaign charged that one Hennepin County (Minneapolis) precinct had "lost" 133 votes, since the hand recount showed fewer ballots than machine votes recorded on Election Night. Though there is no proof to this missing vote charge -- officials may have accidentally run the ballots through the machine twice on Election Night -- the Canvassing Board chose to go with the Election Night total, rather than the actual number of ballots in the recount. That decision gave Mr. Franken a gain of 46 votes.
really guys this whinning from the right is amusing and comical.
What a bunch of crying little nazi's they are.
And I thought Frankin would be the big whiner in Minn.

Just further proof that whiney children grow up to be republicans.
truly amazing the hypocrisy.

If this was coleman in the lead, every single lib here would be raving about stolen elections.

Really? The truly amazing hypocrisy that immediately comes to mind is this:

Coleman urges Franken to concede
Recount could cost $90,000

A slugfest for nearly two years, Minnesota's U.S. Senate race headed into a new round Wednesday as the campaigns girded for an automatic statewide recount to determine if Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's bare lead over Democratic challenger Al Franken would stand.

Coleman declared himself the winner of Tuesday's election but Franken said he would let the recount play out, hoping it would erase the incumbent's 475-vote lead out of nearly 2.9 million ballots. State officials said the recount wouldn't start until mid-November and would likely take weeks.

"Yesterday the voters spoke. We prevailed," Coleman said Wednesday at a news conference. He noted Franken could opt to waive the recount.

"It's up to him whether such a step is worth the tax dollars it will take to conduct," Coleman said, telling reporters he would "step back" if he were in Franken's position. Secretary of State Mark Ritchie said the recount would cost 3 cents per ballot, or almost $90,000. and local news/local_story_311092606.html
Coleman and frankin both pretty much suck and it is WI so I really don't care much. But the repugs are entertaining about it and Rush and the other far right pundits will hate it if Frankin keeps the seat.
Here is how Al may win the MN

The point I found the most telling about a Dem recount is

"25 precincts now have more ballots than voters "

nuff said

Funny Business in Minnesota
In which every dubious ruling seems to help Al Franken.


Under Minnesota law, election officials are required to make a duplicate ballot if the original is damaged during Election Night counting. Officials are supposed to mark these as "duplicate" and segregate the original ballots. But it appears some officials may have failed to mark ballots as duplicates, which are now being counted in addition to the originals. This helps explain why more than 25 precincts now have more ballots than voters who signed in to vote. By some estimates this double counting has yielded Mr. Franken an additional 80 to 100 votes.

This disenfranchises Minnesotans whose vote counted only once. And one Canvassing Board member, State Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, has acknowledged that "very likely there was a double counting." Yet the board insists that it lacks the authority to question local officials and it is merely adding the inflated numbers to the totals.

In other cases, the board has been flagrantly inconsistent. Last month, Mr. Franken's campaign charged that one Hennepin County (Minneapolis) precinct had "lost" 133 votes, since the hand recount showed fewer ballots than machine votes recorded on Election Night. Though there is no proof to this missing vote charge -- officials may have accidentally run the ballots through the machine twice on Election Night -- the Canvassing Board chose to go with the Election Night total, rather than the actual number of ballots in the recount. That decision gave Mr. Franken a gain of 46 votes.

Oh what nonsense. I've been waiting 8 years to say this but you're just a sore loserman.
Yeas, more ballots then voters? Double counted votes? Mere details. With liberals the only things that matters in winning, and more power

The ends justify the means

Typical right wing extremist nuttery. Anyone who disagrees with you is marginalized as a "liberal" when the fact is being a liberal is a very, very good thing. All sorts of great American have been liberals. George Washington, Sam Adams, Tom Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt.

While conservatives are pretty much a who's who's of the worst. James Buchannon, George Wallace, Warren G. Harding, George W. Bush and on and on.

What the hell is so great about being a reactionary conservative?
Yeas, more ballots then voters? Double counted votes? Mere details. With liberals the only things that matters in winning, and more power

The ends justify the means

Typical right wing extremist nuttery. Anyone who disagrees with you is marginalized as a "liberal" when the fact is being a liberal is a very, very good thing. All sorts of great American have been liberals. George Washington, Sam Adams, Tom Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt.

While conservatives are pretty much a who's who's of the worst. James Buchannon, George Wallace, Warren G. Harding, George W. Bush and on and on.

What the hell is so great about being a reactionary conservative?

Actually Motley, in one respect, RSR is right. The only thing that matters to the Democrats is winning no matter how it is done. Of course, the same goes for Republicans.

The ends do justify the means when it comes to politics.
