Funny email sent to me

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... As you watch the flooding in the Midwest ? Have you noticed that there are no farmers running around with stolen plasma TVs or holding stolen liquor over their heads.

There's no looting or yelling

'Where's Bush?',
'Where's FEMA?,
Where's my check?', or
'Why isn't the Gov't out here saving me and my farm?'

Likewise, I've also noticed there are no reports of any other country
coming to help or sending aid.

Where are all of the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the floods?

Where is all the media asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved the problem? Asking where the FEMA trucks (and trailers) are?

Why isn't the Federal Government relocating Iowa people to free hotels in Chicago ?
When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines ?
Where are Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks?
Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes and big screen television sets?
When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a 'vanilla' Iowa , because that's the way God wants it?
Where are all of the gangs taking law into their own hands?
Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of cannibalism?
Where are the people (read liberals, progressives and other way out left wingers) declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people?
Where are the debit cards for Iowans?
How come in 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again?
we discussed this in a few threads. it is not that you are being ignored.
My thought was the difference between city and rural folks.
We did not hear much about the rual Katrina damage either.
we discussed this in a few threads. it is not that you are being ignored.
My thought was the difference between city and rural folks.
We did not hear much about the rual Katrina damage either.

Work has been a bit overwhelming lately, so I have been here less.

The lack of news about Katrina's damages outside of New Orleans isn't just about rural versus city folks. Biloxi was nailed, and it wasn't nearly as heavily reported.

I think many cities have a "welfare mindset" (for lack of a better word). New Orleans certainly qualifies. As much as I love New Orleans (in all her many variations), too many of the citizens have been living on the government teat for too long.
I do not think that govt dollars should be used to rebuild in any hurricane prone area below sea level.

We should not promote dumb behaviour.
Only a complete and total dumbass would compare flooding in Iowa to the thousands of death and billions in damage that Hurricane Katrina caused. Next time you losers come over here we'll strap you to the beach and you can experience firsthand how your idiotic comparison works.
Only a complete and total dumbass would compare flooding in Iowa to the thousands of death and billions in damage that Hurricane Katrina caused. Next time you losers come over here we'll strap you to the beach and you can experience firsthand how your idiotic comparison works.

Only a complete moron would think that this is a comparison of flooding and hurricane Katrina.

This is a comparison of the reaction and actions of PEOPLE to disastors.

This is a comparison of the media hype of two disastors.
Only a complete moron would think that this is a comparison of flooding and hurricane Katrina.

This is a comparison of the reaction and actions of PEOPLE to disastors.

This is a comparison of the media hype of two disastors.

No, Actually Water was right.

You cannot compare "people's reactions to disasters" without comparing the actual disasters.

A couple of people died in Iowa - as they do in any storm. It happens even here in NY every year. Someone gets stuck in their car and drowns, someone is hit by lightening, someone gets hit by a falling tree.

Over one thousand human beings died in New Orleans. The United States Military kept them from their homes, and they became homeless.

There is nothing funny about you or this email. It's racist. Anyone who finds it funny, is racist.

I actually have meetings all day today, and didn't need this to start off my morning. I am sorry I ever stopped in here at all today.

Go off on one of your rants - but you showed yourself for what you are here. Thanks for making me sick this morning, ass.
No, Actually Water was right.

You cannot compare "people's reactions to disasters" without comparing the actual disasters.

A couple of people died in Iowa - as they do in any storm. It happens even here in NY every year. Someone gets stuck in their car and drowns, someone is hit by lightening, someone gets hit by a falling tree.

Over one thousand human beings died in New Orleans. The United States Military kept them from their homes, and they became homeless.

There is nothing funny about you or this email. It's racist. Anyone who finds it funny, is racist.

I actually have meetings all day today, and didn't need this to start off my morning. I am sorry I ever stopped in here at all today.

Go off on one of your rants - but you showed yourself for what you are here. Thanks for making me sick this morning, ass.

It's racist? LOL now I've heard it all. A joke about Ray Nagen saying chocolate city?

My god, you need a life Darla
... As you watch the flooding in the Midwest ? Have you noticed that there are no farmers running around with stolen plasma TVs or holding stolen liquor over their heads.

There's no looting or yelling

I'm shocked and surprised that a republican would put up a racist post.

Iowa Men face slew of flood looting charges

Three Coralville men face more than 30 charges for allegedly burglarizing flooded homes on Edgewater Drive.

Looting on the Rise After Flood

CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA - As if flood victims don't have it bad enough, now there's more evidence of looting going on in Cedar Rapids.

Ohio Valley View Flood Victims Deal With Looters

Police Patrolling Streets Were Looters Are Taking People's Possessions
VALLEY VIEW, Ohio -- Valley View residents who have had to deal with severe flooding over the past week now have another problem on their hands. NewsChannel5 reported that police are now trying to stop looters who are trying to take advantage of flood victims.

Indiana Looters Steal Flood Victims' Scraps

COLUMBUS, Ind. -- Some people who were already victimized by raging floodwaters in their homes are falling victim to crime during the cleanup.
Columbus, Indian flood victims have many of their belongings in yards to dry out and sort through, but thieves have seen that as an opportunity, 6News' Ben Morriston reported.

Hey dumbass, rural crime is never reported to the same extent, as high density urban crime.

And you can't even compare the scope and nature of the Katrina disaster with these rural towns.
Racist? That is just stupid. The ONLY mention of any race was the comment about "vanilla", and if that is racist then wasn't Nagle's remark just as racist?

I was in much of Mississippi during the rebuilding after Katrina. The corporation that I work for had hundreds of crews on the ground in Louisianna and Mississippi before the rains had stopped. The ONLY place we had problems with crime was in Metairie LA. None of the crews in and around other cities had problems with their trucks being robbed.

I think its possible to compare reactions to disastors without comparing disastors. I also think its possible to discuss the horrible aftermath of Katrina, and what many of the people in New Orleans did, without being racist.

I am so terribly sorry if your checking my posts ruined your whole day. Perhaps if you didn't jump to such conclusions you wouldn't be sickened.
It has bothered me to see the racist label thrown at me so quickly. And not much way to defend against it.

If I say I have friends who are black it sounds like a joke.

But I have realized that the racism isn't mine but my accusers.

The original post I made has been corrected by Cypress. I hadn't seen those news stories. (my fault for lack of research)

But I am not against any minority. I am against the parasites, vultures and scavengers that live off the government without any effort at being self-sufficient.

That some see this as racism only means that when someone mentions people living off the government teat, they automatically think of a race, not of people. That is their shortcoming, not mine.
ohh about 25 years ago when working in Chicago I discovered that being a democrat meant being Black for most whites. It was pretty much a politics of races in Chicago.
Does he? Wouldn't he just tell me himself?

I'll go ask Chuy if he loves me tomorrow....

No, you have to understand. Jesus works in mysterious ways! He would never show himself to you because it would ruin the whole idea of faith. He would much rather tell you in an email. Just like an old fat guy who claims he's 6'2", 210 pounds of pure muscle, blue eyes, and a 12" salami.