Future of Republic once again lies in l'il ol' Iowa's hands


New member
Man, think how different American history would be if we had a rotating system of primary states, instead of always starting with Iowa & NH.

I realize that the Iowa winner isn't always the eventual winner, but there is no denying the influence of that 1st state on fundraising, momentum & the later primaries. This year in particular, an argument could be made that Edwards absolutely has to win there to have any chance at all, and that this is almost the case for Obama as well.

Let's face it: if Hillary wins Iowa, it's over. Obama needs to either win or come in 2nd behind Edwards because of the way expectations are now; a Hillary win would restore "inevitability" to her run.

So godspeed, you crazy hawkeye staters! Don't blow it....
A midwestern flyover state, with a 98% white population is simply the best place to have extrodinary influence over who we get as president, time after time, after time.
Personally, I would prefer that every state had the same day for its primary. I would also prefer that they all have actual primary votes instead of some using the caucus format. If I can't get my way on those, then my next preference would be as you suggest with the rotating first primary concept.
primary day should be all same for every state. Both primary and Election day should be national holidays.
primary day should be all same for every state. Both primary and Election day should be national holidays.

Agreed.... and to try to balance out the number of national holidays, eliminate Presidents day (there really aren't that many we should be celebrating anyway) and a future elimination to be determined later. (because I can't think of a second one right now)
Having a national primary would be a disaster, placing even more importance on money in the primary process.

No thanks.
Agreed.... and to try to balance out the number of national holidays, eliminate Presidents day (there really aren't that many we should be celebrating anyway) and a future elimination to be determined later. (because I can't think of a second one right now)

fuck that. we need more holidays and days off.. hell if we are going to pay higher taxes and have a more social society.. then i want the perks that the Europeans get as well.

No fucking way in hell im going to pay higher taxes and continue to work at my same productivity. Its not worth it.
Having a national primary would be a disaster, placing even more importance on money in the primary process.

No thanks.

The alternative sucks too. By the time you get to the last states, their results don't matter and have little influence on the process making voters completely disenfranchised (sp?) in the process. Money is always going to be important in campaigns and each state should be entitled to each of the candidates time equally.
fvck that. we need more holidays and days off.. *&&^ if we are going to pay higher taxes and have a more social society.. then i want the perks that the Europeans get as well.

No f(*&ing way in hell im going to pay higher taxes and continue to work at my same productivity. Its not worth it.

Amen. I will always support More vacation days!
fuck that. we need more holidays and days off.. hell if we are going to pay higher taxes and have a more social society.. then i want the perks that the Europeans get as well.

No fucking way in hell im going to pay higher taxes and continue to work at my same productivity. Its not worth it.


Chap, I've truly enjoyed watching your evolution from an IraqWar/Bush/Lieberman worshipper, to a beret-wearing, latte-sipping, vacation loving, live-for-life-not-for-work Frenchie.

Chap, I've truly enjoyed watching your evolution from an IraqWar/Bush/Lieberman worshipper, to a beret-wearing, latte-sipping, vacation loving, live-for-life-not-for-work Frenchie.

I have moderated in some of my views like privatizing Social Security because anyone that went further then geometry could crunch the numbers to see it was a scam plan. I am ALWAYS open to listen to ideas... but dont come telling me we need some fucking umbrella national health care and offer ZERO details for me to investigate and expect me to support that candidate.

In terms of the Iraq war i have always been against it.. but i dont look at it as a Singular deciding issue like others do. From my point of view none of the candidates will leave iraq. We are building permanent bases there and the dems are voting for it. thats the writing on the wall.

For the most part I have always been a Fiscal conservative and Social Liberal.

Chap, I've truly enjoyed watching your evolution from an IraqWar/Bush/Lieberman worshipper, to a beret-wearing, latte-sipping, vacation loving, live-for-life-not-for-work Frenchie.
Is that what you got from that? I got that it is human nature to work less if you are not going to keep what you earn.
I have moderated in some of my views like privatizing Social Security because anyone that went further then geometry could crunch the numbers to see it was a scam plan. I am ALWAYS open to listen to ideas... but dont come telling me we need some fucking umbrella national health care and offer ZERO details for me to investigate and expect me to support that candidate.

In terms of the Iraq war i have always been against it.. but i dont look at it as a Singular deciding issue like others do. From my point of view none of the candidates will leave iraq. We are building permanent bases there and the dems are voting for it. thats the writing on the wall.

For the most part I have always been a Fiscal conservative and Social Liberal.

Chap, I'm up for a national mandate for four weeks of vacation. Like most of western europe has. Although, I'm sure caveats and qualifiers for small business and the self employed could be worked in.
I agree with you. I think it would be cool to have like a lottery type system where each presidential election cycle it's different so you get to spend equal time in the states. Of course have the same primary states but just do a lottery. New Hampshire though seems to be more about politics while Iowa seems to be more about who goes to more events and things like that. But yeah who died and made Iowa and New Hampshire the holy one's? Try some other people for once!
I definitley agree there! If you can't have a national election day at least have the polls stay open an hour later then they usually do. I think here they close at either 8 or 9pm. What if you're in line all day or you have work and can't get off till later in the evening but want to vote? Does anyone know why they have primary voting days on different days instead of the same day? Wouldn't it be easier to have it on the same day? I also don't like how primary season starts so early. I can understand why but I got tired of watching the "debates" quickly.

primary day should be all same for every state. Both primary and Election day should be national holidays.

I agree with you. I think it would be cool to have like a lottery type system where each presidential election cycle it's different so you get to spend equal time in the states. Of course have the same primary states but just do a lottery. New Hampshire though seems to be more about politics while Iowa seems to be more about who goes to more events and things like that. But yeah who died and made Iowa and New Hampshire the holy one's? Try some other people for once!

sb82 wants free everything...or gambling(lottery) will make up the loses...for all her desires...what a joke this kid is!:readit: