Future Shipped Overseas

Kamala Trump

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dieberlus said:
My father worked in a papermill all of his life, as did both his brothers.

The mills closed a few years back. They sold the machines to China, and a few of the workers from my day's former mill were paid to go to China and train the workers on these machines.

It isn't just the jobs that get shipped away when plants and mills close, it is the technology and machinery as well.

We have done this across the board with all types of industries. We have literally shipped away our independence, our ability to make things for ourselves. Billions of dollars worth of equipment is now gone from our country. How this is not considered a MAJOR national security crisis is beyond me...

While we borrow & spend 100 million dollars a DAY in Afghanistan, our county is losing its ability to provide for itself.

I don't know why I felt compelled to post this today, maybe it is because of the recent job loss report for September (273,000). This country is dying.

And, it breaks my heart (even if we do deserve a lot of the karma that we now reap).