fyi - regarding sirituality

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
from the OED

1. The quality or state of being spiritual; spiritual character; = SPIRITUALITY 3. Obs.
1377 LANGL. P. Pl. B. v. 148
ei speken of spiritualte
at eyther despiseth other, Til
ei be bothe beggers and by my spiritualte libben. a1420 Aunters of Arth. xx, These ar the gracius giftus of the Holi Gost, That enspires iche sprete... Off this spirituallte speke we no more. 1421 26 Pol. Poems xviii. 8 In brennyng contemplacion,
e hi
est lyf of spiritualte. ?a1500 Chester Pl. IX. 166 In tokening of thy dignitie and that office of Spiritualty, receave..deuoutly myne offring.
b. = HOLINESS n. 2. Obs.
1613-8 DANIEL Coll. Hist. Eng. Wks. V. 168 The King of France whom he had excommunicated.., shortly after so wrought, as his Spiritualty was surprized at Anagne.
c1380 WYCLIF Wks. (1880) 276 So
at alle clerkis lyue clenly on spiritualte, as crist & his apostlis deden. 1387 TREVISA Higden (Rolls) VII. 335 Kyng William..rulede bo
e temperalte and spiritualte [L. secularia et ecclesiastica] at his owne wille. c1400 MANDEVILLE (Roxb.) iii. 10 He es
are lorde bathe of temperaltee and of spiritualtee. 1700 [see TEMPORALTY 1]. 1709 STRYPE Ann. Ref. I. xxv. 245 Keeper of the spiritualty of the city and diocese of Bristol.
b. pl. = SPIRITUALITY 2b. Now Hist.
c1380 WYCLIF Wks. (1830) 369 Si
ai han now
e more part of
e temporal lordeschips, and wi
e spiritualtees and
e greete mouable tresouris of
e rewme. 1531-2 Act 23 Hen. VIII, c. 20 §2 Bysshopes..shall..entyerly have and enjoye all the spiritualties and maner. 1570 Act 13 Eliz. c. 12 §1 The Bysshop or Gardian of the Spyritualties of some one Diocesse where he hath..Ecclesiastical Lyving. 1607 COWELL Interpr. s.v. Gardeyn, The guardeyn of the spiritualties, may be either Guardeyn in lawe,..or guardian by delegation. 1726 AYLIFFE Parergon 125 Of Common Right, the Dean and Chapter are Guardians of the Spiritualties, during the Vacancy of a Bishoprick. 1763 BURN Eccles. Law (1767) I. 202 Spiritualties of bishopricks in the time of vacation. 1835 TOMLINS Law Dict. s.v. Guardian. 1912 Eng. Hist. Rev. Oct. 768 A complete list of the..temporalties and spiritualties belonging to a parish church.
3. The body of spiritual or ecclesiastical persons; the spiritual estate of the realm; the clergy; = SPIRITUALITY 1.
c1400 Destr. Troy 3100 Ho tentit not in Tempull to no tall prayers,..Ne speche of no spiritualtie, with speciall ne other. c1450 LOVELICH Grail xlviii. 218 Axeth hem..what maner of men that they welen be, Owther wedded men, owther speritwalte. 1482 CAXTON Polychronicon VIII. xi. 405 As for the temporalytees beynge in the handes of the spirituelte. 1529 MORE Dyaloge III. Wks. 225/1 So dare I boldly say that the spiritualtie of in learning and honest liuing well able to matche..the spiritualtie of anye nacion christen. 1579 FENTON Guicciard. III. (1599) 143 The diuision being no lesse amongst the spiritualtie then the layetie. 1641 MILTON Ch. Discip. II. 86 The boistrous and contradictional hand of a temporall, earthly and corporeal Spiritualty. 1699 BURNET 39 Art. xxxvii. 384 The Synods..were for the greatest part mixed Assemblies in which the Temporalty and the Spiritualty sate together. 1849 W. FITZGERALD tr. Whitaker's Disput. 248 He says all, not merely the learned, or the bishops, or the spiritualty. 1856 FROUDE Hist. Eng. (1858) I. iii. 248 The spiritualty defended themselves by prescription and usage. 1878 STUBBS Const. Hist. III. xix. 290 We may regard the spiritualty of England, the clergy or clerical estate, as a body completely organised.
b. A body or set of ecclesiastics or clergy. Obs.
1513 Life Hen. V (1911) 184 And all the saide spiritualtie, singinge the offices accustomed in like case, conueyed the saide corps [etc.]. 1545 JOYE Exp. Dan. V. I v, Then the kynge cried commanding his spiritualtye, his wyse men, enchaunters, be brought unto him. 1624 BEDELL Lett. iii. 68 We learne that no earthly power, no Magistrate is a spirituall man, vnlesse hee bee one of the Popes spiritualtie. 1653 MILTON Hirelings Pref., A spiritualtie of men devoted to their temporal gain.
4. pl. Ecclesiastical ground or precincts. Obs.
1470-85 MALORY Arthur XVII. xxiii. 724 Bors lete bery hym by his syster and by Galahad in the spyrytueltees.
Can one be spiritual if they do not believe in the spirit?

Can one be spiritual if they do not believe in the Spirit?
Can one be spiritual if they do not believe in the spirit?

Can one be spiritual if they do not believe in the Spirit?


i do not think that belief is relevant - it is a matter of what is within the self

a person may not have the words to describe what they are and still be spiritual

i do not think that belief is relevant - it is a matter of what is within the self

a person may not have the words to describe what they are and still be spiritual
It is relevant.

If all that is in oneself is a series of chemical reaction brought about by an indeterminately long chain of semi-related physical events, then where does a spirit come from?

Or does the modern definition of spirituality simply mean a deeper look into the biochemistry that results in what we "think" (which is actually nothing more than a series of biochemical events controlled by the laws of physics) we "feel" (again, controlled by the laws of physics.)

If, however, one were to accept that the self we are aware of goes beyond the physical laws of the universe, then one would admit the possibility of other things that may exist outside the physical laws of the universe.
There's no reason to imagine ourselves beyond the bounds of the physical universe but for the fact that our brains are not capable of comprehending the end of itself.
Can one be spiritual if they do not believe in the spirit?

Can one be spiritual if they do not believe in the Spirit?

One can indeed be spiritual without believing in anyones version of "God."

That's not spiritual, that's a belief in doctrine .. and myths and fairy-tales.

The story of Jesus is the story of Hercules.

Does one have to believe in Hercules to be spiritual?
Does one have to believe in Hercules to be spiritual?

got me, but wasn't he a god or son of a god or something ?

Whenever gods are involved spirituality follows ?
Does one have to believe in Hercules to be spiritual?

got me, but wasn't he a god or son of a god or something ?

Whenever gods are involved spirituality follows ?

Born the son of God to an earthly mortal woman, predestined by birth to sit at the throne, walked the earth doing godly things, went off to do the labors of his father, died and 3 days later arose to go off into the heavens to be with his father.

Story of Jesus?

That's the story of Hercules, told hundreds of years before Jesus.

In fact, you'll find the life of Jesus seems a composite of that of not only Hercules, but Krishna, Buddha, Horus, and Zoroaster .. all told before Jesus.

Christianity is a composite of other religions, most specifically Mithra which includes a December 25th virgin birth that was attended by shepards.

I have no problem with whatever one chooses to believe as long as it is not imposed upon anyone else.
I have no problem with whatever one chooses to believe as long as it is not imposed upon anyone else.

Same here, and as long as I am not forced to finiance it in part.

There are some fine christian folks out there, and there are some bastiges calling themselves christian too.

I have difficulty seeing how a follower of Christ could be a war monger.
I have no problem with whatever one chooses to believe as long as it is not imposed upon anyone else.

Same here, and as long as I am not forced to finiance it in part.

There are some fine christian folks out there, and there are some bastiges calling themselves christian too.

I have difficulty seeing how a follower of Christ could be a war monger.

The biblical God is a God of war.

It could be said that God is the greatest mass-murderer of all time .. given that he drowned virtually everything on earth irrespective of whether it was good or bad.

I used to ask how could any christian have slaves or condone slavery until I read Leviticus 25:44. It appears that God has no problems with slavery, nor did Jesus.

Then I discovered that the bible even adsvises on how to beat and have sex with your slave.
Myths passed by word of mouth before there was written language seem to develope a life of their own.

I really cant wait for a time when facts mean more than myth.
The biblical God is a God of war.

It could be said that God is the greatest mass-murderer of all time .. given that he drowned virtually everything on earth irrespective of whether it was good or bad.

I used to ask how could any christian have slaves or condone slavery until I read Leviticus 25:44. It appears that God has no problems with slavery, nor did Jesus.

Then I discovered that the bible even adsvises on how to beat and have sex with your slave.

Agreed, But christians are followers of Christ, not the war god of the Jooz.
Christ was a pacifist who only got heated up about the moneychangers in the temple, and that got him crucified a few days later.
Myths passed by word of mouth before there was written language seem to develope a life of their own.

I really cant wait for a time when facts mean more than myth.

It won't happen in our lifetimes....
Politics and power will ensure that.
Agreed, But christians are followers of Christ, not the war god of the Jooz.
Christ was a pacifist who only got heated up about the moneychangers in the temple, and that got him crucified a few days later.

All that is known of the life of Jesus is from birth to 12 years old and from age 30 to 33. He was missing for 18 years and all that has been chronicled of his adult life is 3 years.

What is also known about the historical Jesus is that he did not look like the Montana biker of Michelangelos painting, nor like the surf-dude of Mel Gibson's "Passion of Christ."

There are 3 versions of Jesus, the historical Jesus, the biblical Jesus, and the mythical Jesus .. and only the mythical one looks like a biker dude or have blue eyes and blond hair.

Throughout much of europe, this is the image of Jesus as a child with his mother, Mary ...

The Black Madonna is one of the most celebrated and cherished shrines in europe and within the Catholic church, and it conforms to the biblical description of Jesus .. but that would just never work here in America.
Not as "missing" as one might think if one is willing to look into texts that were rejected by Nicea.

The image looks more Indian than black there, BAC.

It should be noted that Jesus ran to Egypt when Herod was after the children born during that timeframe. If he didn't look like Egyptians it would be difficult to "hide".
Not as "missing" as one might think if one is willing to look into texts that were rejected by Nicea.

The image looks more Indian than black there, BAC.

It should be noted that Jesus ran to Egypt when Herod was after the children born during that timeframe. If he didn't look like Egyptians it would be difficult to "hide".

I wonder why they didn't call it the "Indian Madonna"?


Most christians have no idea what the Council of Nicea was or meant to Christianity.