G.O.P. R.I.P. (How the G.O.P. lost it all)

Because the Republicans don't have a clear vision of the future. Because they (the Republicans) don't inspire hope or courage or any of the wonderful things that make America great. Because they're old and dying representions of the past.

Because despite all the sound and fury from Pat Robertson, Limbaugh, or Hannity, in the end it meant nothing.
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Because they were the party of the CEOs and not the party they claimed to be.

The current republican party leadership is only concerned with the CEO class in this country and used the vast majority of their voters.

If you vote republican and dont own or run a corporation you have been taken.
I think we're in the ironic position right now where the silent majority of Americans are liberal.

Think about it. Conservatives, by being loud and obnoxious, have pushed their extremist agenda on everyone over the past thirty years. Concealed carry is opposed by more Americans than support it, but it's passed in all but two states. Universal healthcare, on the other hand, is supported by 70% of the American public, and we are forced to believe that it's actually an extreme belief.

It's crazy how they've done this. This is one of the reasons I think that private financing needs to be banned except for small parties that have no other means of supporting themselves, and it all needs to be done by equitable public financing. The hundred million or so this would cost will be far more than made up for by having a congress indebted to no one but the American people. Right wing think tanks, lobbyists, PAC's, and their obsessive, rich fans who pour millions and millions into those machines have for far too long been able to drown out the majority of Americans who vehemently oppose them.
Search "concealed carry" with your browsers "find" function:


This specific poll has small majority (52%) supporting it, although that is likely poll noise since it's within the margin of error. The other poll I mentioned was(I think) from 1999 and had support at 47 for 48 opposed (with a more favorable question wording), but the statistics haven't changed much from then.

My main point was that there is nothing approaching a large consensus on this issue, but it's had a ridiculous amount of success that other issues that are supported by far greater numbers of people haven't had. Due to NRA's loud and obnoxious bullying.

Two thirds support universal government health insurance:

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And you dont think liberals are now being loud and obnoxious? The one thing that can ruin it for Obama and the Dem majority is loud obnoxious Elitist PC Libs .. the kind I see posting on Huffington Post. The kind that would love to see the death of republicans and Conservatives ...this way they can shove all their outlandish ideals down the throats of unsuspecting Americans. The kind that view Middle America as a bunch of trailor park idiots. The kind that wants the death of opposing views so theere is no national discussion..only implementation of Liberal Ideology.
And you dont think liberals are now being loud and obnoxious? The one thing that can ruin it for Obama and the Dem majority is loud obnoxious Elitist PC Libs .. the kind I see posting on Huffington Post. The kind that would love to see the death of republicans and Conservatives ...this way they can shove all their outlandish ideals down the throats of unsuspecting Americans. The kind that view Middle America as a bunch of trailor park idiots. The kind that wants the death of opposing views so theere is no national discussion..only implementation of Liberal Ideology.

I want a national discussion to show how idiotic conservatism/fascism truly is.

In America there is a liberal MAJORITY, and you simply can't change that. You want to shove a more moderate version of fascism on us. I say, fuck the fascism. Your "ZOMG THEYRE SO PC B/C THEY SAY WE CAN'T CALL BLACKS NIGGERS NO MORE!" and "ZOMG THEYRE ELITIST BECAUSE THEY WANT EDUCATION!" smears do not work anymore. Be prepared to be POWERLESS conservatives. And I will enjoy it.
I want a national discussion to show how idiotic conservatism/fascism truly is.

In America there is a liberal MAJORITY, and you simply can't change that. You want to shove a more moderate version of fascism on us. I say, fuck the fascism. Your "ZOMG THEYRE SO PC B/C THEY SAY WE CAN'T CALL BLACKS NIGGERS NO MORE!" and "ZOMG THEYRE ELITIST BECAUSE THEY WANT EDUCATION!" smears do not work anymore. Be prepared to be POWERLESS conservatives. And I will enjoy it.

No ... shoving a Universal Health Care System down peoples throats ...the kind of Health Care System that dictates what Doctors and Hospitals you can go to... just like the National School System is fascist of the 3rd kind. . Most far out liberal ideology is fascist.... so watch how you throw that word around.

As much as you would like to spread this fallacy around...., Conservatism does not = racism. What does = fascism... is dictating behavior.
No ... shoving a Universal Health Care System down peoples throats ...the kind of Health Care System that dictates what Doctors and Hospitals you can go to...



just like the National School System is fascist of the 3rd kind. . Most far out liberal ideology is fascist.... so watch how you throw that word around.

Nothing more fascist than a well educated populace. Why, if everyone were educated, how would we conservatives ever win another election? The population would be free and prosperous, and we can't tolerate that. If we keep on fucking everything up every thirty years, we can blame it on the liberals and be guaranteed our cushy seats in the house of representatives.


As much as you would like to spread this fallacy around...., Conservatism does not = racism. What does = fascism... is dictating behavior.

IE conservatism.
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Ok Watermark... I have to admit your new face of Socialism fits well...how does the brown suit fit?

I'll tell you what, i think your brand of socialized medicine is a great idea! In fact i think the govt is much better at managing financial matters than my wife and I. How about giving the govt neary 80% of our income and let them handle the payment and procurement of our health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, retirement( oh wait they do that already?? its called social security!! How about it? Since you want all of us to be Socialists.... of the 3rd kind..., how about we let Government just handle everything? Since they do it so much better...and since it would be fare to all?

Why not watermark... you want a centralized Government to handle our Education needs, our health care needs, our retirement needs, they now have a piece of the banking industry, getting closer to the Auto Industry... why not guarantee Auto Insurance, Mortgages, everyone gets foodstamps. Yeah thats the ticket.... I'll just hand my paycheck over to Mother Government and she can take care of me better than I can take care of myself. Yeah...80 tax rate... they're getting pretty close to that in the UK... we will emulate them.
I pay close to 80% tax?

This has come as somewhat of a surprise.

Excuse me while i head off into town to shoot my accountant.
Ok Watermark... I have to admit your new face of Socialism fits well...how does the brown suit fit?

I'll tell you what, i think your brand of socialized medicine is a great idea! In fact i think the govt is much better at managing financial matters than my wife and I. How about giving the govt neary 80% of our income and let them handle the payment and procurement of our health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, retirement( oh wait they do that already?? its called social security!! How about it? Since you want all of us to be Socialists.... of the 3rd kind..., how about we let Government just handle everything? Since they do it so much better...and since it would be fare to all?

Why not watermark... you want a centralized Government to handle our Education needs, our health care needs, our retirement needs, they now have a piece of the banking industry, getting closer to the Auto Industry... why not guarantee Auto Insurance, Mortgages, everyone gets foodstamps. Yeah thats the ticket.... I'll just hand my paycheck over to Mother Government and she can take care of me better than I can take care of myself. Yeah...80 tax rate... they're getting pretty close to that in the UK... we will emulate them.

... ... ... ... .. . . ... .. ..... .... ... .. . ....

I've always tried to wonder if you were trying to spell out secret Morriss codes to me with all those ellipses.
Ok Watermark... I have to admit your new face of Socialism fits well...how does the brown suit fit?

I would think that the socialists, being the only party that actually voted against the enabling act in parliament while the conservatives voted for it, would be the biggest enemies of "brown shirts". Oh well, conservative revisionists are going to win in the end by being loud and obnoxious as always. Why do I even try.

I'll tell you what, i think your brand of socialized medicine is a great idea! In fact i think the govt is much better at managing financial matters than my wife and I.

I think you should be able to make all the decisions you're making now, they just shouldn't make you have to sell your home and the poor should be able to make them as well.

How about giving the govt neary 80% of our income

The nation in the world with the highest marginal income tax rate is Denmark. At 60%. Universal healthcare would not require an 80% tax and the 80% tax would never be applied to someone of your income if there were one, and it never has before. But as we know, conservatives always fight for the rich instead of the middle class.

and let them handle the payment and procurement of our health insurance, car insurance, life insurance, retirement( oh wait they do that already?? its called social security!! How about it? Since you want all of us to be Socialists.... of the 3rd kind...,

3rd kind?

how about we let Government just handle everything? Since they do it so much better...and since it would be fare to all?

I'm not a socialist. It's not like there's anything wrong with being a socialist; it's a perfectly respectable philosophy and I'd tell you if I were. I think that everyone should be able to reach their maximum potential. You conservatives believe in enshrining the proles to be proles for all time rather than educating them. You think only the rich should be able to live comfortably and send their children to college. You don't want to give the poor these choices, you want to control them, because you're a fascist.

Why not watermark... you want a centralized Government to handle our Education needs, our health care needs, our retirement needs, they now have a piece of the banking industry, getting closer to the Auto Industry... why not guarantee Auto Insurance, Mortgages, everyone gets foodstamps. Yeah thats the ticket.... I'll just hand my paycheck over to Mother Government and she can take care of me better than I can take care of myself. Yeah...80 tax rate... they're getting pretty close to that in the UK... we will emulate them.

Why not make a huge bunch of strawmen?

The top income tax rate in Britian is 40% right now, for the top 1% of earners. A person of your income level has NEVER had high tax rates on them. Making the middle class believe these rates have ever effected them is part of the conservative fear machine. You seem to believe the British tax rate is ultra-high for some reason, and growing when in actuality, it matches ours, and hasn't been raised, only lowered, since the 50's. They pay the same rate as us AND GET FREE HEALTHCARE.

You fucking retard.