Game over, liberals


God Bless America
Obama must be shaking in his Armani shoes tonight.

Sarah Palin is an EXCELLENT running mate, and I have no doubt that she will make an equally wonderful Vice President.

I anxiously await the pleasure of mocking you liberals on election night. :D
Your candidate is down

In electoral vote polls:


And in the markets:

Meanwhile only a small (fanatical out-of-touch loonie) minority believes the Palin should ever be president:

LOL... the dates on those EC polls are July and early August.

It doesn't really matter though, Watermark. McCain is going to win, it's as simple as that. You'll see for yourself soon enough.
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Face it, Watermark. This election should have been handed to Obama on a silver platter. The fact that it's a close race means something is happening...
LOL... the dates on those EC polls are July and early August.

It doesn't really matter though, Watermark. McCain is going to win, it's as simple as that. You'll see for yourself soon enough.

The dates on the EC polls are the most most recent possible, mostly in swing states. If you clicked on Washington, Thor, like the moron you are, you may have discovered they don't do many polls in your state because the people there have sense and vote for the sane party.
Face it, Watermark. This election should have been handed to Obama on a silver platter. The fact that it's a close race means something is happening...

This is the only time in months that it has been a "close race" and it's going back to the way it was before... after like 10 or so days of a McCain surge.
Your ticket


Is a joke.
Pinheads sure are spending a lot of energy and time on "a joke" aren't they? I mean, shouldn't you guys be shaving your heads and handing out pamphlets at the airports, or making Obama worship dolls or something? Hell, at least, having drunken orgies in celebration of your certain victory, now that McCain has 'sealed the deal' and all!! But no... you are all typing your little fingers off here, trying everything you can to stifle any perception of momentum. It's hilarious to me, to be honest, you pinheads are so transparent!

Waterhead, had it even occurred to you, the poll numbers are all taken before Palin even spoke to the American people? When all they had heard from the moment she was nominated, was scuttlebutt about her family, personal attacks, and absolutely nothing positive from the mainstream liberal media or the Washington insiders? Does it occur to you, the numbers might just drastically change as Americans get to know Gov. Palin?

Let me tell you this, I am the "base" of the conservative republican party, I know others who are also the base, and I am hearing and feeling a groundswell of support for Palin already. The far right is energized, the middle right is energized, and McCain already had the moderate right.

Let's talk about the "undecided vote" for a moment as well. Before the Palin pick, I would have been considered a "likely to vote but undecided." I now support McCain with Palin on the ticket. Now I am sure there are some "likely to vote undecided's" who will settle on Obama because of Biden, maybe people who went to school with Biden or something... but I think a lot of them are going to be impressed with the idea of a fresh face in Washington, and a 'normal American' voice on the Hill. Just a hunch!

Now that we can get into full 'campaign mode' and hear the candidates stump speeches and listen to what they actually have to say to the voters on the issues, we will see even more of a shift toward the leadership in a McCain/Palin ticket, and a fundamental realization of who represents actual "change" in Washington. Obama and Biden will look like the status quot, yesterday's news, stale, out of touch hypocrites and elitist liberal politicians they are, and the poll numbers will continue to plummet. A lot of people think Biden is an absolute idiot, there is a reason he never could win the nomination of your party! Not to mention, his propensity to say the most utterly stupid shit! He is just as bad as Dubya, but he tends to make extremely bigoted remarks, alot! Especially when he get's flustered, and as the poll numbers continue to drop, watch and see! It will happen before this election is over, right before your very eyes.

By October, you will be hoping and praying to the god you don't believe in, on your knees with Micheal Moore, that some miraculous 'October Surprise' will emerge and revive your once glorious ascension of the Messiah Obama. You will be wondering, where did all these people come from, and why are the polls so drastically different now! Try to remember that Dixie told you, it is the Moral Majority in America, who generally don't have a reason to get 'energized' for an election.

Yes, there is indeed a reason for Pinheads typing away until their fingers bleed, trying to destroy Sarah Palin... they KNOW... they SENSE IT ...This is dangerous, and must be stopped! Let's hurry and gin up a bunch of dirt, make shit up if we must, distort facts, outright lie if we have to... but destroy her now! If we can just force McCain into dropping her, we win! ....I can just hear them in the liberal war room now!!

But guess what? McCain was a POW, he is hard to break. And his running mate? Hey... any woman who can have 5 kids AND a successful political career AND can fire an automatic weapon, is pretty damn tough in my book. I think this is our ticket, and you won't run her off. I think she showed tonight, she isn't afraid to tell it like it is, and does it in a way that typical Americans can relate to....but you KNOW this, that is why you are all trying so desperately to knock her down now.
The Pinheads are on the run!

This speech was their death knell, here is a full transcript, read it and weep pinheads!

I want to tell you all a story 'bout a Harper Valley widowed wife
Who had a teenage daughter who attended Harper Valley Junior High
Well her daughter came home one afternoon and didn't even stop to play
She said, "Mom, I got a note here from the Harper Valley P.T.A."

The note said, "Mrs. Johnson, you're wearing your dresses way too high
It's reported you've been drinking and a-runnin' 'round with men and going wild
And we don't believe you ought to be bringing up your little girl this way"
It was signed by the secretary, Harper Valley P.T.A.

Well, it happened that the P.T.A. was gonna meet that very afternoon
They were sure surprised when Mrs. Johnson wore her mini-skirt into the room
And as she walked up to the blackboard, I still recall the words she had to say
She said, "I'd like to address this meeting of the Harper Valley P.T.A."

Well, there's Bobby Taylor sittin' there and seven times he's asked me for a date
Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lot of ice whenever he's away
And Mr. Baker, can you tell us why your secretary had to leave this town?
And shouldn't widow Jones be told to keep her window shades all pulled completely down?

Well, Mr. Harper couldn't be here 'cause he stayed too long at Kelly's Bar again
And if you smell Shirley Thompson's breath, you'll find she's had a little nip of gin
Then you have the nerve to tell me you think that as a mother I'm not fit
Well, this is just a little Peyton Place and you're all Harper Valley hypocrites

No I wouldn't put you on because it really did, it happened just this way
The day my Mama socked it to the Harper Valley P.T.A.
The day my Mama socked it to the Harper Valley P.T.A.
Obama must be shaking in his Armani shoes tonight.

Sarah Palin is an EXCELLENT running mate, and I have no doubt that she will make an equally wonderful Vice President.

I anxiously await the pleasure of mocking you liberals on election night. :D

Yeah, Bush does not sound like a total moron when he has a teleprompter from which to read. Let's see if Palin can speak without one.
Face it, Watermark. This election should have been handed to Obama on a silver platter. The fact that it's a close race means something is happening...

NO! it means that nothing has happened. The stupid people that elected Bush in 2004 are still just as stupid.

(CNN) – Prominent Republican analysts Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy became the latest victims of an open microphone Wednesday, caught after a segment on MSNBC trashing John McCain's pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Noonan, a Wall Street Journal columnist and former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, and Murphy, a campaign strategist and onetime aide to John McCain, can both be heard expressing disbelief with the pick of Palin after they apparently thought they were in a commercial break.
Topspin, you are an idiot.

Do everyone a favor and FUCK OFF. :)


What's a matter little boy? Truth hurts? Hard being an irrational fanatic when you have to deal with big bad mean like Topper who actually know what the fuck their talking about some of the time.
obama is STILL going to win. At the end of the day truth and a positive messae will ALWAYS win out over those that never cease to lie and cheat to get their way. Obama brings something new to this country and we don't need more of the same republican failed policies for another 4-8 years.

Recession, War, how can anyone be so clueless and not want obama in to fix this mess?