Gaming the student vote in Va

It seems they made a new law for college students where if they registar to vote in Va they have to give up scholorships.

Naw---your not correct 100%. (who is?)

During the Dem primaries, many students were using the allowment from other states to alow voteing in another state primary. All the outside of the state voter had to do is simply tell them "I paln on moving here", and they were allowed to vote, and skew the results.

This law, most likely is in place to curb dem voting corruption.
Forcing students to use their parents address to vote on Nov 4th means they will not be able to vote where they live on Nov 4th.

It is a very obvious attempt to keep young people from voting.

There is NO evidence they are trying to vote twice or do anything untoward.

Its done to shut young people out of the process because they vote in large part for Dems.
Forcing students to use their parents address to vote on Nov 4th means they will not be able to vote where they live on Nov 4th.

It is a very obvious attempt to keep young people from voting.

There is NO evidence they are trying to vote twice or do anything untoward.

Its done to shut young people out of the process because they vote in large part for Dems.

May be I did not read it well enough--but it seems to me it lays out a avenue for voting in the area where you live (read the absent t- section), instead of jumping the border under false declaration that you are going to live there. I am pretty sure the law is to stop voter fraud--probably mostly on the Dem side. Super deligates?--talk about voter fraud!

There is actual proof that people jumped the border to vote in the primaries. They still don't live in the state they voted in.
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It seems they made a new law for college students where if they registar to vote in Va they have to give u
The scholarship part is confusing. They do not clarify it well. The rest is typical for college kids when they go away for school. It's not unique to Virginia nor is it some conspiracy to stop Dem voters. Not to mention the govenor is a Dem. Think he's trying to block the Dem vote?
There has never been any proof of vote fraud recorded due to these issues.

There will be students who can not vote because of this.

In effect this law scares students out of registaring to vote.

Your flimsy attempts to defend this bullshit and false claims of some wrongdoing is transparent.
Anyone was already registered or didn't want to lose their financial aid could use an absentee ballot like I do.
Anyone was already registered or didn't want to lose their financial aid could use an absentee ballot like I do.

How many are registaring to vote for the first time?

This will scare some off of voting and that is its whole purpose.
L Et me confeſſe that we two muſt be twaine,
Although our vndeuided loues are one:
So ſhall thoſe blots that do with me remaine,
Without thy helpe, by me be borne alone.
In our two loues there is but one reſpect,
Though in our liues a ſeperable ſpight,
Which though it alter not loues ſole effect,
Yet doth it ſteal ſweete houres from loues delight,
I may not euer-more acknowledge thee,
Leaſt my bewailed guilt ſhould do thee ſhame,
Nor thou with publike kindneſſe honour me,
Vnleſſe thou take that honour from thy name:
But doe not ſo,I loue thee in ſuch ſort,
As thou being mine,mine is thy good report
Looks straight forward to me. Students whose registered address is with their parents must change that if they want to vote in local (to their school) elections. Their are, of course, residency requirements - there always have been. If one wants to claim a state as their new home, they must change their driver license and car registration within 30 days. Otherwise that is not their legal residence. States have had these laws on the books for decades.

The financial aid portion is also not new. If a student changes their official residence, it also changes their status under federal and state financial aid laws. When a student changes their status from dependent to independent is has the possibility of changing the financial aid awarded under their previous status. More often than not changing from dependent status to independent status results in being eligible for additional financial aid. But which program the aid comes from often changes. Thus aid offered as a dependent on their parent could end up being withdrawn because it comes from a program earmarked to aid parents paying for their child's education. They usually get as much if not more aid, but from a different program, and changing from one program to the other - being a federal bureaucracy, takes time.

The only thing new is that students are, for unaccounted reasons, are wishing to register for local elections instead of keeping their residence status with their parents and voting absentee. The counties are simply advising the students that there are potential consequences - consequences that have been in place a long time - when changing their residency status.

Since a student is perfectly capable of registering to vote under their current residency status outside the state and then voting via absentee ballot, there is zero effect on their ability to vote. Any conspiracy claims are ridiculous.
Anyone was already registered or didn't want to lose their financial aid could use an absentee ballot like I do.

thats what I see--giving all the sutdents the ability to vote--in their home state or current residence.

Desh--if your point is valid, I am sure it will be fixed. Nobody will be denied the right to vote in this country for long. Voting is not quite as powerfull as counting the votes in a corrupt system, like ours. We can vote--but we can't count the votes.
Looks straight forward to me. Students whose registered address is with their parents must change that if they want to vote in local (to their school) elections. Their are, of course, residency requirements - there always have been. If one wants to claim a state as their new home, they must change their driver license and car registration within 30 days. Otherwise that is not their legal residence. States have had these laws on the books for decades.

The financial aid portion is also not new. If a student changes their official residence, it also changes their status under federal and state financial aid laws. When a student changes their status from dependent to independent is has the possibility of changing the financial aid awarded under their previous status. More often than not changing from dependent status to independent status results in being eligible for additional financial aid. But which program the aid comes from often changes. Thus aid offered as a dependent on their parent could end up being withdrawn because it comes from a program earmarked to aid parents paying for their child's education. They usually get as much if not more aid, but from a different program, and changing from one program to the other - being a federal bureaucracy, takes time.

The only thing new is that students are, for unaccounted reasons, are wishing to register for local elections instead of keeping their residence status with their parents and voting absentee. The counties are simply advising the students that there are potential consequences - consequences that have been in place a long time - when changing their residency status.

Since a student is perfectly capable of registering to vote under their current residency status outside the state and then voting via absentee ballot, there is zero effect on their ability to vote. Any conspiracy claims are ridiculous.

Now thats what I like--a guy who has some information to fill the substance void currently filled with baseless accusations.

No grey thought process here--just the best facts so far. No pome or emotional stirrings based on very little if any evidence or knowledge--just facts.

Great work man. Good looking out.
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Jahagirdar, "In 25 years of registering young voters around the country, none of the staff has ever heard of a single incident where a student has lost their tax status or their scholarship because of where they've registered to vote."

Where do you get these crack pot sources man? Now, I am not saying obsecure sources never have good information, but you sure find some very biased sources IMO.
Why shouldn't students be able to vote in their local election? Why should the surrounding populace be able to bully them because they can't vote?
Sujatha Jahagirdar, program director for the Student Public Interest Research Group's nonpartisan New Voters Project, said, "For a county registrar to issue what really are in our experience unsubstantiated warnings for a particular demographic is alarming. It's upsetting that this is coming up in Virginia. But it's even more upsetting that the ability of young people to vote is questioned in many other states too."
Why shouldn't students be able to vote in their local election? Why should the surrounding populace be able to bully them because they can't vote?

I need Desh to be more specific on how exactly his theory of corruption is laid out. I can't imagine any American not being able to vote when and where they are suppose to vote, but I am sure it has happend in the past.

Desh--explain this to me like I am a 4 year old. Then I can compare it to the article, and may be I can see your point. if you have a valid point, I really want to understand all the nuts and bolts about it. No blanket statements please. Beleive me--I want to understand your point throughly.
On November fourth these students will be in school. How do you sugest they get home to vote?

The republicans have been caught and punished for targeting voters to be kicked of the voting roles in the past. Its just more fear and loathing of voters by the party who sees democracy as a threat to their exsistance.