GAO declares Bushs blocking of child health care illegal

He has vetoed attempts by congress to allow states to cover childern with healthcare a couple of times now.

The GAO has determined that the feds can not stop the states from healping childern get healthcare.

Its illegal to tell them they cant cover these kids with healthcare.

Now WTF would anyone not want these kids covered?

Here are a few questions that should be asked before you require the taxpayers to provide everything for others. Why are taxpayers responsible for the healthcare of other people? If you want to put your life under the responsibility of the government rather than yourself, who's fault is it when the government takes control of your entire life? If we taxpayers are responsible for everyone else, why can we not require mandatory drug testing as a health measure?

If you want the government to provide the money for healthcare, why not just eliminate the withheld from paychecks and allow people the financial ability to purchase their own health coverage instead of getting the government involved? Think about it, regardless of which political party is in control, when has the government ever been able to provide better than the individual has been able to provide for him or her self?
What do those silly questions have to do with Bush illegally forcing the states to cease and desist a program that their people want to impliment?