Gavin Newsom signed AB1955 today which bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender

One of my family members (a good while ago already) fled California and returned back here to Wisconsin.

This sort of shit is precisely the reason why. Of course, there's all sorts of other reasons too, if one needs any other reasons.
I am sure glad that we are worried about less than 1 % of the population and there is something wrong with you as parents if you don't already know if your child identifies as trans or not.
Wait a minute, Musk is leaving because he doesn’t like State education laws? Like anyone in Musk’s family or even close friends would ever even consider sending any of their kids to a public school

Or is it that California doesn’t want Musk telling it what to do so

Again, as is usual the case with Musk, much to do about nothing
Space X has employees that send their kids to public schools.
