Gay adoption and Firemedic


I dare you to stop us GL
Should Gays be allowed to adopt? Bill Keller says no and most evangelical christians say no. Let's start a debate. I know Firemedic is against it so we got 1 on here who's against it. Why?

Firemedic, I found another chat forum that will challenge you more on your stances on gays and abortion. I'm signed up there already. It's a liberal christian chat forum so you need to make a better case against abortion there than you have here. Unlike this place, is a liberal dominated website. Just saying that a 2 second old fetus is technically life won't do you any good there. You had practice in a 50/50 forum like this, but now you actually have to do good and make more than 1 point. Make the thread there when you're ready.
If you guys want to do one on one debates why not challenge him in the war zone and get it set up for a one on one debate.
A portion of the site designed for one on one debates.

Go to the main page, scroll down just a bit and you will see the war zone. Read the rules a bit. If you get them to agree your name appears as Red to others, and you and he will have a thread only you and he can use to debate the chosen topic with any rules you two set up for moderation.
Ok, but I'd rather have an audience debating with me. Firemedic and I have already debated one on one over abortion on that website. This time I want there to be more than just the 2 of us. We've done that on a 50/50 site like this but now, I want it to be on a 90/10 website.
Who the fuck is Bill Keller and what the hell does he have to do with the price of fish and why in the world should we give two fucking cents about the opinions of hypocritical and immoral evengelicals?
I had a dream the other night. I dreamed I had passed away and gone to heaven. At the Pearly Gates St. Peter told me I was a rightous man and invited me into heaven and offered to tour me around.

So St. Pete took me for the grand tour and we visited most of heaven. After we had been walking for a very long time we stopped for a rest by a beautiful park bench next to a very tall wall. It was cool and shady next to the wall and I preceded to tell St. Pete of my amazement of heaven.

"St. Pete, this is marvelous! All races and cultures and religions of people are living side by side in heaven. The catholics are living next to the muslims, who are breaking bread with the Hindus and share their lives with the buddist who live next to the protestants and all are living in peace, love and harmony, this is incredible!"

St. Pete puts his finger next to his lips and goes "Shhhhh".

I said "I beg your pardon?"

and St. Pete says "Please, be very, very quiet, the evengelicals are on the other side of this wall and they think there here by themselves!"
Of course it's obvious that this is a any evengelical could get into heaven, yea like that's gonna happen.....NOT! LOL
Who's Bill Keller? Only the most evil evangelist since Jerry Falwell. He criticizes Ann Coulter for not being Christian enough. ANN COULTER!