Gays In the NFL!


Looks like one of the last bastions of homophobia is coming down, Dorothy! TOUCHDOWN!

I giggled when that idiot on the 49ers came out with his homophobic comments before the Super Bowl. Another player for Seattle said last week he was convinced there weren't gays in the NFL. What's he going to do now?

Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo was released by Baltimore this offseason, and on the heels of comments earlier this week where he suggested that he was cut in part because of his outspoken stance on gay rights and equality issues, Ayanbadejo clarified himself to the Baltimore Sun on Friday. During an hour-long interview he made it clear that he harbors no resentment toward the Ravens, and respects them for the support they offered him throughout his career both on and off the field. But that's not all.

When the conversation turned to his work with gay rights and the question of when we might see an openly gay player in the NFL, Ayanbadejo had this to say:

"I think it will happen sooner than you think," Ayanbadejo said. "We're in talks with a handful of players who are considering it. There are up to four players being talked to right now and they're trying to be organized so they can come out on the same day together. It would make a major splash and take the pressure off one guy. It would be a monumental day if a handful or a few guys come out.

The 36-year old linebacker says he was misquoted in a report claiming his release was related to his stance on gay rights. He took to Twitter to defend his former team.
In other words, everyone prepare themselves for the most insane day of the NFL offseason in human history. A day to make the sports world explode, basically.

And it would be awesome.

The one reason to worry about an NFL player coming out as gay would be the inevitable avalanche of horrible jokes, hateful responses, and insane scrutiny, all directed at one human being. Nobody deserves that, and it would be ugly. But as Ayanbadejo says, "If they could share the backlash, it would be more positive."

In addition to muting the backlash toward any one player, four players coming out in four different cities -- AT THE SAME DAMN TIME -- would get all kinds of love and support, too, spreading the acceptance around the country, making this a more universal sign of progress in the NFL and the sports world, in general.

"It's cool. It's exciting," says Ayanbadejo of the possibility. "We're in talks with a few guys who are considering it. The NFL and organizations are already being proactive and open if a player does it and if something negative happens. We'll see what happens." Yes we will.
Is this why they wear pink for about a month every season?

The pink wearing ones are the queer ones .. right?

And here all this time we’ve been led to believe the pink was in support for the fight against breast cancer? Them fucking queers! You just can’t trust them!!! And they all wear pink in the NFL. What a “OUEER” game, huh?