Gays & Lesbians Can be Killers, Too


"Cindy Sheehan, well known peace activist and political candidate, who had a son killed in the Bu$h Junta's invasion of Iraq, has written an article reflecting on the recent commencement of the process to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT), the 1993 policy signed by President Bill Clinton to discriminate against gays and lesbians in the American military and now repealed by Congress and President Obama this month.

In my view Sheehan is squarely on the mark as she points out there is no equivalency in acknowledging the civil rights of minorities as a useful mission of the military.

Any country's primary use of its military resources is about learning to kill effectively on command. From the lowest rookie recruit in the kitchen/laundry support services to the highest commander in combat to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the military's job is about destruction of lives and property without second thought or reflection beforehand when the boot meets the ground, the finger meets the trigger, where the eye focuses on the cross-hairs, at the last link in the chain of command.

All the face time that news commentators such as Rachel Maddow have given to the gays/lesbians on the news shows has distracted us from the job those kicked out were doing.

Concerning two of the most prominent faces in the DADT separations, Fahrenback was/wants to continue to be a F-15E Strike Eagle pilot. Choi is/wants to continue as a translator but also lead men in combat as an infantry platoon leader.

The removal of DADT is an improvement for those wishing to live in the military occupation, but I do not feel proud for myself..."

BTW, this was posted to bait "TaiChiLiberal"...I do not condone or support the author's POV.