Gays, Minorities and Liberals Didn't.....


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Gays, Minorities and Liberals Didn't Bring Down Wall Street: GOP White Males Did.

Submitted by mark karlin on Sun, 06/21/2009 - 1:34pm.


By Mark Karlin

The threat to the white male oligarchy of the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor had gotten so out of hand that if it weren't for the inspiring drama of the Green Revolution, I might have been aphyxiated by now with the hypocrisy of it all.

Here we have the white male Republicans of Wall Street cratering our economy, only to be bailed out by middle and working class taxpayers. The Wall Street river boat gamblers lost their bets and then we gave them hundreds of billions of dollars in welfare.

But to BuzzFlash's knowledge, it wasn't the "threat" of gays, minorities, liberals, and empowered women who committed economic treason; it was due to the reckless and greedy actions of full-fledged members of the white boys club.

Ann Coulter should have directed her book "treason" at the Wall Street white male Republicans, but that wouldn't have sold many books. You got to blame the woes of America on "liberals" and a "secular society" to get those desperately seeking a scapegoat to pony up for pages upon pages of demagoguery without any basis in fact.

And let's not forget our American version of the "Supreme Commander" (the new Shah) in Iran, the self-righteous fundamentalist right. They blame the "destruction" of American society on "promiscuous sex," homosexuality, and liberals. But the last time we checked, it was the God-fearing corporatist side of the GOP that drove the U.S. economy and foreign policy into the ground.

And when you get back to Wall Street, there's nothing to beat the casino playing that left us in ruins, followed by the ultimate government lavish dole, followed by hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses for failure -- or is it economic "treason"?

The "liberal" mores of Hollywood had nothing to do with what went down in the financial markets, but it would make a good movie.

In fact, it has made a good movie.

It was called "Wall Street," and it was filmed in the Reagan area, some 20 years before the blowback of financial treason brought our nation to its knees.

And it was Republican white males -- not gays, liberals, or powerful women --who achieved what Osama bin Laden could only dream about: crashing the American economy and weakening our nation to its core.