GBS’ Utopia


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Let me begin with the old Socialist, George Bernard Shaw. (GBS wrote the play in 1905.) Move the the cursor to 143:40 for Socialisms/Communisms utopian view of company towns.

Some very old-timers may have been born and lived in a company town. If so, they will remember that everybody in those towns worked for the company. Employees were paid wages which were then confiscated by the company in various ways; workers shopped at the company store, lived in company housing, went to company doctors when they were sick or injured. Saving enough to get out from under the company was impossible if you wanted to keep your job. Freedom of choice was not available in any area. Every employee kept his mouth shut and his head down if he wanted his family to eat.

Communists/Socialists are using the coronavirus hoax to turn the United States into a company town with the government being the company. Those amongst us who think that the government creating jobs is a good thing had better take a good look at where Democrats are taking them. Hint: It ain’t Shaw’s paradise.

The similarities between an old-fashioned company town and the one that Socialists are establishing is a vicious return to the worst chapter in America’s past.

The government (THE COMPANY) controls everyone, pays wages directly or indirectly, and then confiscates a those wages in the form of taxes; particularly property taxes on a private residence. Workers are required to shop at the company store through money laws which is a vicious form of taxation. Money laws force individuals to spend money at the company store without calling those expenditures a tax.

NOTE: Money law and democracy go hand and glove glove when they came together in 1913.

Money law is the most effective method used to neuter individual Rights. Whenever democracy freaks pass a law, enforce a mandate, or do anything that forces Americans to spend money without calling it a tax is money law.

Basically, the income tax fulfilled the ancient dream of every priesthood that ever was. Americans have the last chance to induce their government priesthood to stick to prohibiting murder, theft, rape, child abuse, etc., and stop trying to legislate love with money laws.

Notice that the days of the overabundance of affordable food is slowly disappearing. Stalin demonstrated that reducing food supplies was essential to control. He starved millions to prove it. Democrats are going down the same road. The price of food is going up, while the supply is going down.

Two thousand dollar air bags in autos is an example of money law at the manufacturing level. Mandatory auto insurance in some states is an example at the state level.

Higher gasoline prices nationally because of environmental money laws is another example.

Unleaded gas remains one of the most successful environmental scams to date. Unleaded gas is environmental money law at its most corrosive.

Parenthetically, unleaded gas was never about clean air. It was always about platinum. The government prohibited foul air in order to enrich platinum suppliers and the auto industry. It is probably a little far-fetched, but the Clean Air Act always makes me think of God prohibiting farting in church to empower the preacher.

NOTE: The Los Angeles area had smog before the automobile was invented.

United nations parasites invented air pollution then told the public that the problem could be brought under control with unleaded gas. Has anyone asked if unleaded gas gave us cleaner air? Has anyone even talked about unleaded gas in decades? Of course not.

The monolith, or ceramic, inside a catalytic converter’s metal cover contains platinum. That platinum is put there when the converter is manufactured. The exhaust passing through a catalytic converter leaves traces of platinum which is then reclaimed after the converter has been replaced. Catalytic converters are accumulated in much the same way that used tires are accumulated before a truck picks them up for delivery to a reclamation facility. Used tires are recycled, while the platinum and metal cover used in converters is reclaimed.

Do not run out and pull the converter off your car and rush to the nearest jeweler demanding that he make you a platinum ring. The amount of platinum in each converter is minute, and it requires a complicated chemical process to reclaim it. However, if you add up the number of catalytic converters changed worldwide every year, the process is very profitable to platinum suppliers, the auto industry; and auto dealerships in particular.

Unleaded gas did teach Communists who flocked to the Environmental Movement an important lesson: Never create a problem that can be solved; hence, the global warming fraud.

Unleaded gas is money law legislation that requires abandoning common sense. It is those coal burning power plants who refuse to install efficient scrubbers that are primarily responsible for whatever levels of pollution some sections of the country experience. Instead of giving hundreds of billions of tax dollars to sharpshooters to develop pie-in-the-sky new energy sources a tiny fraction of that money spent installing efficient scrubbers in coal burning power plants will clean more air than catalytic converters ever will.

Whenever a state governor makes noise about raising auto emission standards, look into the campaign contributions the governor got from auto dealerships. Being required to replace a converter after approximately fifty thousand miles of use, instead of seventy-five thousand miles, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year automobile owners have to shell out in that state. That is big-time money law in anybody’s ballpark.

If the American people say they accept gasoline taxes for the purpose of building and maintaining highways is okay. The problem is that gasoline taxes are mixed in with general tax revenues. The solution is a user tax. In short gasoline taxes should never be used for any other purpose. Our streets and highways would truly be paved with gold if gasoline taxes were only used to build and maintain roads, bridges, and tunnels.

Gasoline taxes collected for a specific purpose like highway construction benefitting everyone, not just the few, have nothing in common with money law.

NOTE: When the New Jersey Turnpike was first proposed the sales pitch said that collecting tolls would payoff construction costs in a few years —— then it would become a freeway. It has been 69 years since the N.J. Turnpike opened for business and it is still a toll road. Paying parasites toll money to maintain the turnpike costs a helluva more every year than it cost to build the damn thing. In short: Parasites found hog heaven when they combined toll fees with gasoline taxes.

Schools getting their piece of the pie from gasoline taxes would come to a screeching halt once you get government unions out of education. Every dollar you pay in gasoline taxes contributes to teaching Socialism in public schools —— which happens to be a violation of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . .

Nobody should pay for public schools when they have no kids in school. If ever a user tax is needed, parents, grandparents, etc. with kids in school should pay for teaching their little gumps the Three R’s.

Incidentally, Trump upgrading the ‘infrastructure’, i.e. public schools, is the latest tax ripoff. Trump’s scam is designed to give parasites TRILLIONS of tax dollars, and hundreds and thousands of permanent parasite jobs. The election in three months might have something to do with the NY bum’s generosity.

Then there is the matter of reincarnation to consider. I am not joking about this. The doctrine of the Separation of Church and State is being overturned by environmental screwballs. The EPA has done more for those Eastern religions whose devotees believe in reincarnation than all of the hustling priests did for their religions in centuries.

Nowadays, you cannot kill a dung-dwelling maggot because the EPA tells us that would upset nature’s balance. This is what environmental freakazoids are really driving at: Maggots might be their ancestors on a return visit. If that is not the state promoting a religion, I would like to hear a better example.

And let us not forget the “They create jobs” crowd. The joke there is that they create parasite jobs not productive work.

Nineteenth and early twentieth century European immigrants saw American as the promised land because they knew they could work for themselves and their loved ones, own their own homes, and so on. How did they come to believe that? Obviously, a worldwide desire for the form of government our Founders created spread faster than COVID-19. That same word of mouth grapevine tells contemporary immigrants to get to America any way they can get there and the government will take care of them. Many come for the sole purpose of landing a parasite government job. Just imagine what the attraction to a government job in America must be for people living in Third World sewers.

The only jobs that are ultimately created by Socialists are government jobs and money law jobs. The number of hours that moderate and low-income private sector workers must put in to make ends meet is inching up. The number of hours per year that a parasite ‘working’ for the government actually works is going down as more parasites are put on government payrolls to share the burden of producing nothing useful.

Mandatory health insurance dwarfs all of the other money laws combined. There is no limit to how high socialized medicine can go. No matter how high the per-day charge for a hospital room goes, insurance premiums will go up accordingly. The same is true of medical tests and everything else connected to healthcare. Mandatory health insurance is money law gone wild.

After Socialists/Communists solidify their police powers nobody in the private sector will have Rights and no complaints tolerated.

Private sector workers, blue and white collar, will be under the thumb of the government’s version of a company town. If kill-joys dare utter the phrase “Freedom of choice” they will be immediately arrested “1984 ” style; followed by a trial in a Kafkaesque court.

NOTE: It was technology (creature comforts if you prefer) throughout private sector industry that improved life materially for Americans. Even there, Socialism/Communism cannot be credited with the gains. To be fair Socialists did not try. Probably because it is easier to take credit by advancing economic absurdities than it is for Socialists to lay claim to creating an industry.

The government may prohibit, but it should never entitle under the guise of prohibition. Socialists mastered the technique of entitling the few in a collectivist society at the same time they prohibited individual liberties. When FDR said “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” he meant that lost liberty is nothing to fear. FDR Socialists have been eradicating the American Right to be let alone from the day they first began entitling the few at the expense of the many.

Had FDR installed some controls on greed the nation’s wealth would not be absorbed by greedy Democrats in government. They are the ones who are broke when they enter government and exit multimillionaires when they leave. In addition, the massive transfer of wealth going from private sector taxpayers to government employees at every level dwarfs whatever the supposed robber barons took.

Incidentally, robber barons in the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] and 20[SUP]th[/SUP] centuries helped build a nation. What did Socialists ever build except a welfare state populated by ‘victims’? Public trough Socialists still harp on the evils of corporate America’s greed at the same time they benefit from corporate profits more than anyone else.

Finally, 1938 was the worst year of the Great Depression —— after six years of FDR. It was American industry gearing up to supply European combatants who began WWII in 1936, and then Pearl Harbor in 1941, that brought this country out of the Great Depression. As usual, Socialists rewrite history by taking credit for the wealth others created —— this time rewriting economic history.
Nowadays, you cannot kill a dung-dwelling maggot because the EPA tells us that would upset nature’s balance. This is what environmental freakazoids are really driving at: Maggots might be their ancestors on a return visit. If that is not the state promoting a religion, I would like to hear a better example.

Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious belief that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration. Resurrection is a similar process hypothesized by some religions, that involves coming back to life in the same body.

Reincarnation is a central tenet of Indian religions, namely Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism,

I wonder if believers in reincarnation realize that abortion kills their ancestors who might be returning as human beings.


U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo.

Senate Democrats have made support for the Roe v. Wade abortion decision a litmus test for Supreme Court nominees.

Now, a Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee has set a new standard, declaring he will vote only for nominees who "have explicitly acknowledged" the 1973 Roe case was "wrongly decided," reports the Federalist.

"I don’t want private assurances from candidates. I don’t want to hear about their personal views, one way or another," Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., told the Washington Post.

"I'm not looking for forecasts about how they may vote in the future or predictions. I don’t want any of that. I want to see on the record, as part of their record, that they have acknowledged in some forum that Roe v. Wade, as a legal matter, is wrongly decided," he said.

Hawley said Roe is "central" to the current prevailing judicial philosophy.

"Roe is and was an unbridled act of judicial imperialism," he said. "It marks the point the modern Supreme Court said, ‘You know, we don’t have to follow the Constitution. We won’t even pretend to try.'"

The writer of the majority opinion in Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun, acknowledged that if the "personhood" of the fetus is established, the "case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."

Since then, as the Thomas More Society argued in a recent case, developments in science "establish fetuses as human persons and render Roe and its progeny obsolete."

That argument is the basis for a disputed Georgia law recognizing the humanity of the unborn by banning abortion when a heartbeat is detected.

Steve Jacobs, program director of Illinois Right to Life, said the Roe decision is "out of touch with the realities of today."

"Contemporary science renders its assumptions obsolete. An overwhelming majority of Americans do not want unrestricted abortion on demand," he said. "Unregulated abortion puts women at risk, and we believe that a disregard for women’s lives and safety contradicts all the progress that women have made in modern society, essentially devaluing the female sex."

A brief filed with the Supreme Court pointed out that 96% of biologists now acknowledge that human life begins at fertilization, and a fetus, biologically, is a human being.

Senator sets new life-and-death requirement for Supreme nominees
By WND Staff
Published July 27, 2020 at 12:35pm

Let me close with a bit of trivia about Major Barbara:

Wendy Hiller played Eliza Doolittle in her first movie. I think she was a much more convincing Eliza than was Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady.
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Let me begin with the old Socialist, George Bernard Shaw. (GBS wrote the play in 1905.) Move the the cursor to 143:40 for Socialisms/Communisms utopian view of company towns.

Some very old-timers may have been born and lived in a company town. If so, they will remember that everybody in those towns worked for the company. Employees were paid wages which were then confiscated by the company in various ways; workers shopped at the company store, lived in company housing, went to company doctors when they were sick or injured. Saving enough to get out from under the company was impossible if you wanted to keep your job. Freedom of choice was not available in any area. Every employee kept his mouth shut and his head down if he wanted his family to eat.

Communists/Socialists are using the coronavirus hoax to turn the United States into a company town with the government being the company. Those amongst us who think that the government creating jobs is a good thing had better take a good look at where Democrats are taking them. Hint: It ain’t Shaw’s paradise.

The similarities between an old-fashioned company town and the one that Socialists are establishing is a vicious return to the worst chapter in America’s past.

The government (THE COMPANY) controls everyone, pays wages directly or indirectly, and then confiscates a those wages in the form of taxes; particularly property taxes on a private residence. Workers are required to shop at the company store through money laws which is a vicious form of taxation. Money laws force individuals to spend money at the company store without calling those expenditures a tax.

NOTE: Money law and democracy go hand and glove glove when they came together in 1913.

Money law is the most effective method used to neuter individual Rights. Whenever democracy freaks pass a law, enforce a mandate, or do anything that forces Americans to spend money without calling it a tax is money law.

Basically, the income tax fulfilled the ancient dream of every priesthood that ever was. Americans have the last chance to induce their government priesthood to stick to prohibiting murder, theft, rape, child abuse, etc., and stop trying to legislate love with money laws.

Notice that the days of the overabundance of affordable food is slowly disappearing. Stalin demonstrated that reducing food supplies was essential to control. He starved millions to prove it. Democrats are going down the same road. The price of food is going up, while the supply is going down.

Two thousand dollar air bags in autos is an example of money law at the manufacturing level. Mandatory auto insurance in some states is an example at the state level.

Higher gasoline prices nationally because of environmental money laws is another example.

Unleaded gas remains one of the most successful environmental scams to date. Unleaded gas is environmental money law at its most corrosive.

Parenthetically, unleaded gas was never about clean air. It was always about platinum. The government prohibited foul air in order to enrich platinum suppliers and the auto industry. It is probably a little far-fetched, but the Clean Air Act always makes me think of God prohibiting farting in church to empower the preacher.

NOTE: The Los Angeles area had smog before the automobile was invented.

United nations parasites invented air pollution then told the public that the problem could be brought under control with unleaded gas. Has anyone asked if unleaded gas gave us cleaner air? Has anyone even talked about unleaded gas in decades? Of course not.

The monolith, or ceramic, inside a catalytic converter’s metal cover contains platinum. That platinum is put there when the converter is manufactured. The exhaust passing through a catalytic converter leaves traces of platinum which is then reclaimed after the converter has been replaced. Catalytic converters are accumulated in much the same way that used tires are accumulated before a truck picks them up for delivery to a reclamation facility. Used tires are recycled, while the platinum and metal cover used in converters is reclaimed.

Do not run out and pull the converter off your car and rush to the nearest jeweler demanding that he make you a platinum ring. The amount of platinum in each converter is minute, and it requires a complicated chemical process to reclaim it. However, if you add up the number of catalytic converters changed worldwide every year, the process is very profitable to platinum suppliers, the auto industry; and auto dealerships in particular.

Unleaded gas did teach Communists who flocked to the Environmental Movement an important lesson: Never create a problem that can be solved; hence, the global warming fraud.

Unleaded gas is money law legislation that requires abandoning common sense. It is those coal burning power plants who refuse to install efficient scrubbers that are primarily responsible for whatever levels of pollution some sections of the country experience. Instead of giving hundreds of billions of tax dollars to sharpshooters to develop pie-in-the-sky new energy sources a tiny fraction of that money spent installing efficient scrubbers in coal burning power plants will clean more air than catalytic converters ever will.

Whenever a state governor makes noise about raising auto emission standards, look into the campaign contributions the governor got from auto dealerships. Being required to replace a converter after approximately fifty thousand miles of use, instead of seventy-five thousand miles, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars a year automobile owners have to shell out in that state. That is big-time money law in anybody’s ballpark.

If the American people say they accept gasoline taxes for the purpose of building and maintaining highways is okay. The problem is that gasoline taxes are mixed in with general tax revenues. The solution is a user tax. In short gasoline taxes should never be used for any other purpose. Our streets and highways would truly be paved with gold if gasoline taxes were only used to build and maintain roads, bridges, and tunnels.

Gasoline taxes collected for a specific purpose like highway construction benefitting everyone, not just the few, have nothing in common with money law.

NOTE: When the New Jersey Turnpike was first proposed the sales pitch said that collecting tolls would payoff construction costs in a few years —— then it would become a freeway. It has been 69 years since the N.J. Turnpike opened for business and it is still a toll road. Paying parasites toll money to maintain the turnpike costs a helluva more every year than it cost to build the damn thing. In short: Parasites found hog heaven when they combined toll fees with gasoline taxes.

Schools getting their piece of the pie from gasoline taxes would come to a screeching halt once you get government unions out of education. Every dollar you pay in gasoline taxes contributes to teaching Socialism in public schools —— which happens to be a violation of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . .

Nobody should pay for public schools when they have no kids in school. If ever a user tax is needed, parents, grandparents, etc. with kids in school should pay for teaching their little gumps the Three R’s.

Incidentally, Trump upgrading the ‘infrastructure’, i.e. public schools, is the latest tax ripoff. Trump’s scam is designed to give parasites TRILLIONS of tax dollars, and hundreds and thousands of permanent parasite jobs. The election in three months might have something to do with the NY bum’s generosity.

Then there is the matter of reincarnation to consider. I am not joking about this. The doctrine of the Separation of Church and State is being overturned by environmental screwballs. The EPA has done more for those Eastern religions whose devotees believe in reincarnation than all of the hustling priests did for their religions in centuries.

Nowadays, you cannot kill a dung-dwelling maggot because the EPA tells us that would upset nature’s balance. This is what environmental freakazoids are really driving at: Maggots might be their ancestors on a return visit. If that is not the state promoting a religion, I would like to hear a better example.

And let us not forget the “They create jobs” crowd. The joke there is that they create parasite jobs not productive work.

Nineteenth and early twentieth century European immigrants saw American as the promised land because they knew they could work for themselves and their loved ones, own their own homes, and so on. How did they come to believe that? Obviously, a worldwide desire for the form of government our Founders created spread faster than COVID-19. That same word of mouth grapevine tells contemporary immigrants to get to America any way they can get there and the government will take care of them. Many come for the sole purpose of landing a parasite government job. Just imagine what the attraction to a government job in America must be for people living in Third World sewers.

The only jobs that are ultimately created by Socialists are government jobs and money law jobs. The number of hours that moderate and low-income private sector workers must put in to make ends meet is inching up. The number of hours per year that a parasite ‘working’ for the government actually works is going down as more parasites are put on government payrolls to share the burden of producing nothing useful.

Mandatory health insurance dwarfs all of the other money laws combined. There is no limit to how high socialized medicine can go. No matter how high the per-day charge for a hospital room goes, insurance premiums will go up accordingly. The same is true of medical tests and everything else connected to healthcare. Mandatory health insurance is money law gone wild.

After Socialists/Communists solidify their police powers nobody in the private sector will have Rights and no complaints tolerated.

Private sector workers, blue and white collar, will be under the thumb of the government’s version of a company town. If kill-joys dare utter the phrase “Freedom of choice” they will be immediately arrested “1984 ” style; followed by a trial in a Kafkaesque court.

NOTE: It was technology (creature comforts if you prefer) throughout private sector industry that improved life materially for Americans. Even there, Socialism/Communism cannot be credited with the gains. To be fair Socialists did not try. Probably because it is easier to take credit by advancing economic absurdities than it is for Socialists to lay claim to creating an industry.

The government may prohibit, but it should never entitle under the guise of prohibition. Socialists mastered the technique of entitling the few in a collectivist society at the same time they prohibited individual liberties. When FDR said “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” he meant that lost liberty is nothing to fear. FDR Socialists have been eradicating the American Right to be let alone from the day they first began entitling the few at the expense of the many.

Had FDR installed some controls on greed the nation’s wealth would not be absorbed by greedy Democrats in government. They are the ones who are broke when they enter government and exit multimillionaires when they leave. In addition, the massive transfer of wealth going from private sector taxpayers to government employees at every level dwarfs whatever the supposed robber barons took.

Incidentally, robber barons in the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] and 20[SUP]th[/SUP] centuries helped build a nation. What did Socialists ever build except a welfare state populated by ‘victims’? Public trough Socialists still harp on the evils of corporate America’s greed at the same time they benefit from corporate profits more than anyone else.

Finally, 1938 was the worst year of the Great Depression —— after six years of FDR. It was American industry gearing up to supply European combatants who began WWII in 1936, and then Pearl Harbor in 1941, that brought this country out of the Great Depression. As usual, Socialists rewrite history by taking credit for the wealth others created —— this time rewriting economic history.

Thank you for yet ANOTHER fine post, Flanders.
Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious belief that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration. Resurrection is a similar process hypothesized by some religions, that involves coming back to life in the same body.

Reincarnation is a central tenet of Indian religions, namely Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism,

I wonder if believers in reincarnation realize that abortion kills their their ancestors who might be returning as human beings.

Senate Democrats have made support for the Roe v. Wade abortion decision a litmus test for Supreme Court nominees.

Now, a Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee has set a new standard, declaring he will vote only for nominees who "have explicitly acknowledged" the 1973 Roe case was "wrongly decided," reports the Federalist.

"I don’t want private assurances from candidates. I don’t want to hear about their personal views, one way or another," Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., told the Washington Post.

"I'm not looking for forecasts about how they may vote in the future or predictions. I don’t want any of that. I want to see on the record, as part of their record, that they have acknowledged in some forum that Roe v. Wade, as a legal matter, is wrongly decided," he said.

Hawley said Roe is "central" to the current prevailing judicial philosophy.

"Roe is and was an unbridled act of judicial imperialism," he said. "It marks the point the modern Supreme Court said, ‘You know, we don’t have to follow the Constitution. We won’t even pretend to try.'"

The writer of the majority opinion in Roe, Justice Harry Blackmun, acknowledged that if the "personhood" of the fetus is established, the "case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."

Since then, as the Thomas More Society argued in a recent case, developments in science "establish fetuses as human persons and render Roe and its progeny obsolete."

That argument is the basis for a disputed Georgia law recognizing the humanity of the unborn by banning abortion when a heartbeat is detected.

Steve Jacobs, program director of Illinois Right to Life, said the Roe decision is "out of touch with the realities of today."

"Contemporary science renders its assumptions obsolete. An overwhelming majority of Americans do not want unrestricted abortion on demand," he said. "Unregulated abortion puts women at risk, and we believe that a disregard for women’s lives and safety contradicts all the progress that women have made in modern society, essentially devaluing the female sex."

A brief filed with the Supreme Court pointed out that 96% of biologists now acknowledge that human life begins at fertilization, and a fetus, biologically, is a human being.

Senator sets new life-and-death requirement for Supreme nominees
By WND Staff
Published July 27, 2020 at 12:35pm

Let me close with a bit of trivia about Major Barbara:

Wendy Hiller played Eliza Doolittle in her first movie. I think she was a much more convincing Eliza than was Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady.

ANOTHER fantastic post, Flanders. Thank you. Your intelligent and insightful threads and posts on this site are truly a breath of fresh air, compared to 99% of the crap posted by others. Remarkable.
ANOTHER fantastic post, Flanders. Thank you. Your intelligent and insightful threads and posts on this site are truly a breath of fresh air, compared to 99% of the crap posted by others. Remarkable.

To Steven VanderMolen: Better be careful. If the Democrat National Committee gets wind of you they might put out a contract on your life.

Incidentally, robber barons in the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] and 20[SUP]th[/SUP] centuries helped build a nation. What did Socialists ever build except a welfare state populated by ‘victims’? Public trough Socialists still harp on the evils of corporate America’s greed at the same time they benefit from corporate profits more than anyone else.

I wish Senator Hawley had not tied robber barons to big tech corporations that build nothing of value.

Watch the video at:

Josh Hawley Confronts Mark Zuckerberg with Evidence of Internal Facebook Censorship Tool
by Allum Bokhari
17 Nov 2020