

Well-known member
The gender baiting and race baiting is lame. Bubba certainly was way over the line with comparing Obama's SC victory to Jesse Jackson.

The gender baiting is over the line too. Really, would Obama say that John Edwards has the "claws" out? I think, clearly, that line of rhetoric is reserved for a woman who is percieved as "b*tchy".

Is Obama Using Sexist Language?

February 16, 2008 11:30 AM

Earlier this month, speaking at Tulane University, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, said this about the attacks coming his way from Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY:

"You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out," Obama said.

The CLAWS come out? Really?

Then yesterday Obama told reporters who had asked about Clinton's latest attack ad, "I understand that Senator Clinton, periodically when she's feeling down, launches attacks as a way of trying to boost her appeal."

(for the record, I ended up voting for Obama in the primary)
Oh Noooees! He said "claws come out"! He shouldn't be able to say that! His NewSpeak lessons must be reapplied. His kids should have turned him in to Big Brother by now!
It's not the crime of the century damo.

But, I would certainly raise eyebrowns in many civilized, professional settings, if I reffered to a female peer at getting nasty, because she was "feeling down", and had her claws out.
Pretty innocuous stuff. "Feeling down?"

Clinton has made her gender as much an issue in this campaign as anyone. I have heard her or her surrogates say something to the effect of "The first woman THAT's change" more than a few times.
How is "feeling down" sexist?

"Feeling down" as an isolated phrase, is no big deal. Suggesting that a female peer is striking back because she's feeling down and the claws are coming out, is not something I would ever consider saying in a professional setting about a female peer. Obama is obviously not a raving sexist. Look at his wife. It's just a poor and inappropriate choice of words, IMO. It's kind of demeaning. He would never say that John Edwards had the claws out and was striking back, because John was feeling down.
"Feeling down" as an isolated phrase, is no big deal. Suggesting that a female peer is striking back because she's feeling down and the claws are coming out, is not something I would ever consider saying in a professional setting about a female peer. Obama is obviously not a raving sexist. Look at his wife. It's just a poor and inappropriate choice of words, IMO. It's kind of demeaning. He would never say that John Edwards had the claws out and was striking back, because John was feeling down.
I would. Of course you would then say I was attempting to "call him gay" because it appears that every statement must be checked for NewSpeak violations before they are uttered.
What the fuck Cypress?

Are you trying to break a new record for dishonesty?

Every guy has an M.O. for how he gets chicks. In my observation Cypress does it by being the touchy feeley sensitive guy who wears a Woman's Lib shirt when he goes out to impress the ladies.

That's not my style but to each their own and more power to him if it works.
Every guy has an M.O. for how he gets chicks. In my observation Cypress does it by being the touchy feeley sensitive guy who wears a Woman's Lib shirt when he goes out to impress the ladies.

That's not my style but to each their own and more power to him if it works.

Yeah I know the type.