Gennifer Flowers puts tapes up for sale

Bill Clinton speaking in Portsmouth, Ohio February 26 2008:

"So Hillary says, in 2005, the United States Congress adopted the Bush-Cheney energy bill, which gave $27 billion in subsidies to nuclear, oil, and gas and coal. The only thing that was justified was clean coal, because countries are going to be using that. We have to figure out how to take the carbon dioxide out of it. The rest of it is waste. If you elect me, I'll repeal those subsidies. And put them into a strategic energy fund that will create American jobs for America's future with clean energy."
Let's go Texas! Vote for HillBillary!

Yep, it’s been on the net that some talk radio shows in Ohio are urging republicans to go out and vote for Hillary in the primary. They are making the quite reasonable case that a democratic party that is split up until the convention, is good for McCain.

Like I said, any little thing they can use to slap another crazy war monger into the white house. Republicans voting for Hillary, Nadar entering the race, and no doubt, as he did in 2004, accepting money from the republican party, polling to see how far they can go racially in the general…any little thing.

But Barack Obama will still be the next President of the United States. Sorry. Your concern about Democracy has been duly noted however, and you will receive a pin in the mail.
Yep, it’s been on the net that some talk radio shows in Ohio are urging republicans to go out and vote for Hillary in the primary. They are making the quite reasonable case that a democratic party that is split up until the convention, is good for McCain.

Like I said, any little thing they can use to slap another crazy war monger into the white house. Republicans voting for Hillary, Nadar entering the race, and no doubt, as he did in 2004, accepting money from the republican party, polling to see how far they can go racially in the general…any little thing.

But Barack Obama will still be the next President of the United States. Sorry. Your concern about Democracy has been duly noted however, and you will receive a pin in the mail.
Actually I didn't hear that, but it makes some sense. Not with Mitt rejoining the race though... maybe.
as a disclaimer i think he was trying to talk as Hillary... but its still very strange to listen to and read.

here is the vid:

I think it is very sneaky. :)

He puts the "so Hillary says" in front of it, so that no matter what he can fall back on it. But then he says the words "so if you elect me" which subliminally puts the focus on him and peoples perceptions of the economy etc.... from his Presidency and associates that with voting for Hitlary.

He must have done well in "sneaky bastard 101"