genocide holocaust hyperbole

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
how can the death of less than a 1000 people be called genocide or a holocaust except as hyperbole and propaganda

there are over 1,500,000 people in the part of gaza bordering israel - the number killed is less than .06% of gazans - this is genocide? this is a holocaust?

the people around the world protesting israels attack on gaza are mostly muslims

hamas has refused to stop firing explosive laden rockets into israel until israel stops bombing gaza

israel has refused to stop bombing gaza until hamas stops bombarding israel

everyone wants peace except those engaged in the fighting

what mess
how can the death of less than a 1000 people be called genocide or a holocaust except as hyperbole and propaganda

there are over 1,500,000 people in the part of gaza bordering israel - the number killed is less than .06% of gazans - this is genocide? this is a holocaust?

the people around the world protesting israels attack on gaza are mostly muslims

hamas has refused to stop firing explosive laden rockets into israel until israel stops bombing gaza

israel has refused to stop bombing gaza until hamas stops bombarding israel

everyone wants peace except those engaged in the fighting

what mess

Oh, that's in the same dimension where Hamas can "wipe Israel off the map".

Since you live there, I'm surprised you didn't know?
how can the death of less than a 1000 people be called genocide or a holocaust except as hyperbole and propaganda

there are over 1,500,000 people in the part of gaza bordering israel - the number killed is less than .06% of gazans - this is genocide? this is a holocaust?

the people around the world protesting israels attack on gaza are mostly muslims

hamas has refused to stop firing explosive laden rockets into israel until israel stops bombing gaza

israel has refused to stop bombing gaza until hamas stops bombarding israel

everyone wants peace except those engaged in the fighting

what mess

There are FAR more people around the world protesting against Israel than just muslims .. and it includes more than a few Jews.

The Israelis are mindlessly stupid to have engaged in this conflict which will only end badly for them.

The world is getting behind the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) stragtegy and should treat Israel just like South Africa .. AND should also boycott American made products.

In these times of rising unemployment and with the economy teetering on disaster, let's see how many Americans continue to believe the interests of Israel are more important than what is in the best interest of America.
how can the death of less than a 1000 people be called genocide or a holocaust except as hyperbole and propaganda

there are over 1,500,000 people in the part of gaza bordering israel - the number killed is less than .06% of gazans - this is genocide? this is a holocaust?

the people around the world protesting israels attack on gaza are mostly muslims

hamas has refused to stop firing explosive laden rockets into israel until israel stops bombing gaza

israel has refused to stop bombing gaza until hamas stops bombarding israel

everyone wants peace except those engaged in the fighting

what mess

It's to do with the attitude of the israelis and their seeming intent, checkpoints, Settlers only roads, etc.. it's like apartheid S. africa, but with bombs.