George Clooney


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George Clooney just announce he thinks the Dems need to replace Joe Biden. OK George you just held a fundraiser for Dementia Joe. You didn't notice he was off then? This is EXACTLY why we should not be getting voting advice from actors. They are idiots too.
hey dipshit - his point was Clooney stayed silent until after the fact

he had a chance to show some integrity and come clean, but nope - like all you libtards, he just want power for his "side".
And I suppose you are saying, you DO NOT WANT POWER FOR YOUR SIDE?

Why do you say such obvious hypocritical things?

When you start a circular argument, all you are doing is spinning in a circle chasing your tail- like a desert rat, waiting for the bite of a snake! [Geeko Sportivo]
George Clooney just announce he thinks the Dems need to replace Joe Biden. OK George you just held a fundraiser for Dementia Joe. You didn't notice he was off then? This is EXACTLY why we should not be getting voting advice from actors. They are idiots too.
Especially Clooney. He needn't worry; AMERICA will replace Biden.
He knows dementia Joe won't win the race and NOW Clooney wants to jump ship .
No one knows the future.

And just because people think Biden is too old, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE JUMPING ANY SHIP!

The ship just happens to be an all out COMMON CAUSE- that includes Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike, to defeat DONALD TRUMP in November!

And no one on that ship is JUMPING SHIP!

And you better KNOW IT!

No one knows the future.

And just because people think Biden is too old, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE JUMPING ANY SHIP!

The ship just happens to be an all out COMMON CAUSE- that includes Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike, to defeat DONALD TRUMP in November!

And no one on that ship is JUMPING SHIP!

And you better KNOW IT!

Age isn't Biden's problem. Dementia is Biden's problem. Clooney jumped the ship.
No one knows the future.

And just because people think Biden is too old, DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE JUMPING ANY SHIP!

The ship just happens to be an all out COMMON CAUSE- that includes Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike, to defeat DONALD TRUMP in November!

And no one on that ship is JUMPING SHIP!

And you better KNOW IT!

What are you going to say when the Dems force Dementia Joe out?