George Washington


New member
Who here supports George Washington’s original intent for the meaning of the Constitution and his intended purpose for the federal government?
Washington was one of the more vocal proponents on the federalist side. In fact the very existence of the Constitutional Convention was largely due to Washington's political maneuverings, and he presided over the entire process as chairman. That is a well known.
And here is what he had to say in defense of a defined and strong constitution, and how it should be changed:

"If in the opinion of the people the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed....""

Gee, I believe that is quite clear.

And he had this to say in defense of individual liberty to bear arms:
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence ... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good"
Very clear what his thought were about the 2nd Amendment.

Let us just say that I agree with the majority of George Washington's positions with regard to the Constitution, and disagree with a small minority of them.
Washington was one of the more vocal proponents on the federalist side. In fact the very existence of the Constitutional Convention was largely due to Washington's political maneuverings, and he presided over the entire process as chairman. That is a well known.
And here is what he had to say in defense of a defined and strong constitution, and how it should be changed:

Gee, I believe that is quite clear.

And he had this to say in defense of individual liberty to bear arms:

Very clear what his thought were about the 2nd Amendment.

Let us just say that I agree with the majority of George Washington's positions with regard to the Constitution, and disagree with a small minority of them.

Care to tell us what the small minority of issues are?
Care to tell us what the small minority of issues are?
Washington wanted federal authority over intrastate, as well as interstate commerce. He wanted the federal government to have authority over election processes. And a few others of similar bent. It does not really matter because his side lost on most of the issues I disagreed with. (Guess that would have put me in the anti-federalist camp, had I lived back then....)

But the point is, which you seem to be trying to avoid, even one of the most staunch members, in fact many consider Washington to have been the primary leader of the federalist movement, his primary focus when it came to the Constitution was that it's intent and purpose was to limit government, and changes need to go through the established process. He even goes so far as to call any other methods, such as those you support under your "living document" philosophy as USURPATIONS of the Constitution - and warns us if we accept those methods of change, they can and will be used to destroy liberty.
Yep ol George rallied his biggest army to date, Against Americans to put down the whiskey rebellion. Ol Tax and spend George.
Washington wanted federal authority over intrastate, as well as interstate commerce. He wanted the federal government to have authority over election processes. And a few others of similar bent. It does not really matter because his side lost on most of the issues I disagreed with. (Guess that would have put me in the anti-federalist camp, had I lived back then....)

But the point is, which you seem to be trying to avoid, even one of the most staunch members, in fact many consider Washington to have been the primary leader of the federalist movement, his primary focus when it came to the Constitution was that it's intent and purpose was to limit government, and changes need to go through the established process. He even goes so far as to call any other methods, such as those you support under your "living document" philosophy as USURPATIONS of the Constitution - and warns us if we accept those methods of change, they can and will be used to destroy liberty.
GL Pwning... :thup: