"Georgia is out laboratory"


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Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

These guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They plan to rig the election machinery in such a way that it can only be won by republicans.

And they are shamelessly admitting to it.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration...
“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”
It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

It's dishonest and underhanded, but that seems to be the hallmark of GOP election tactics these days.
Lawyers close to Trump are already preparing for the former president to claim fraud in Georgia and challenge the results of the election — even in the event that he wins — just to prove a point about imaginary “fraud” in Democratic areas.


Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

These guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They plan to rig the election machinery in such a way that it can only be won by republicans.

And they are shamelessly admitting to it.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration...
“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”
It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

It's dishonest and underhanded, but that seems to be the hallmark of GOP election tactics these days.


You mean they are cutting off your Election Fraud schemes.

You Marxists view election fraud as your most sacred right.
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Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

These guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They plan to rig the election machinery in such a way that it can only be won by republicans.

And they are shamelessly admitting to it.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration...
“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”
It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

It's dishonest and underhanded, but that seems to be the hallmark of GOP election tactics these days.
You better vote early and often then. Get all those dead people to vote too. It might be too late for another world wide plandemic.
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Its probably 30-40 years too late to save Constitutional America....is was stolen from us as almost all of you fucks were fucking around and not paying attention.

Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

These guys aren't even trying to hide it anymore. They plan to rig the election machinery in such a way that it can only be won by republicans.

And they are shamelessly admitting to it.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration...
“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”
It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

It's dishonest and underhanded, but that seems to be the hallmark of GOP election tactics these days.
all they did was pass laws preventing the cheating that happened in 2020 from ever happening again......;why do you want cheating?......