Germany's importance as an economic player will decline significantly


New member
According to the OECD, Germany´s share of 4,8 % will drop to 2 until 2060.
Its due to the increasing average age, says the OECD, but as German I think it is due to the deindustrialisation In Germany.
According to the OECD, Germany´s share of 4,8 % will drop to 2 until 2060.
Its due to the increasing average age, says the OECD, but as German I think it is due to the deindustrialisation In Germany.

Deindustrialisation certainly isn't helping. I bought a particularly expensive tool from a German company. (there is no american version of this tool, only Japanese or German) The motor is clearly marked Czech Republic. Whether the Czech motor is good or not isn't the issue as much as that I chose to spend several hundred dollars more for the German version for the perceived better quality.